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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Dynomotion/Kflop/Kanalog > Newbie with KmotionCNC on a Supermax mill, issues
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Newbie with KmotionCNC on a Supermax mill, issues

    Hi guys, wanted a CNC Mill for use in my shop that wouldn't break the bank, and was still a knee mill for all around use. Found a Supermax with KmotionCNC on it in CA, ended up buying it from super nice guy and he did an awesome job crating it and shipped it here to me in PA. Just got everything wired up and working. However, I can not get the axis' to turn green? I assume I need to possibly home them since the x axis motor was removed to ship, but do not how or where to start? Could someone walk me through the steps? I am not finding much in my search in the manual on the machine computer or online. This Supermax had an Anilam setup on it that was retro-fitted with this control. Hope someone can help me here. I am very familar with HAAS, Fanuc, and Bridgeport's control on the Discovery machines, but this one here is setup different that what I am used to. Thanks for any and all info.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Newbie with KmotionCNC on a Supermax mill, issues

    Hi TPfromCentralPA,

    Normally the INIT button in KMotionCNC should be configured to run a C Program to configure and enable all the Axes and cause the DROs to turn Green. Have you pushed that button?

    You can check what C program the INIT button is configured to run under KMotionCNC | Tool Setup | User Buttons.

    Did you get any information from the seller on what components are in the system and how the system is wired and configured?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Newbie with KmotionCNC on a Supermax mill, issues

    Yes, seller told me that button needs pushed first. Nothing seems to occur though?

    Have no info on how it is wired/setup.

    What do I need to see in the C-program to know if it is working properly?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Newbie with KmotionCNC on a Supermax mill, issues

    Tom, the limitInit button has under it as follows,

    Execute Prog Thread 1 Var 0 C File C:\KMotion412_old\C Programs\MyInit.c

    Been looking around on there a bit this AM, but I am half afraid to do anything. I know the mill worked very well before I ended up with it, and hate to mess up any parameters

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Newbie with KmotionCNC on a Supermax mill, issues

    Hi TPfromCentralPA,

    Version 4.12 of software is quite old. Post the C Program.

    Is that the directory you are running KMotionCNC from? Make a backup of that directory and any others you find.

    Run KMotion.exe, open the C Programs Screen, open that C Program, and push the save/compile/download/execute button.

    Check the Axis Screen for which Axes are enabled (would show green in KMotionCNC).

    Check the Console Screen for any messages.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Newbie with KmotionCNC on a Supermax mill, issues

    Got it!!!!! Was fooling around again this afternoon with it between other jobs and got to looking at the mill wondering if their was any limit switches on the axis' and if they were ok. Found the limit switch on the Z axis on the + side was maxed out. Moved the quill off the limit switch, hit the init button with the mouse.............Presto green lights!!!! Ran a quick program on a 4x4 block of wood I had laying around milling a circle in it and was impressed with smoothness of the machine for it being retro fitted for 3 axis CNC control. Hopefully I can learn the in's and out's of this system by using it. Thanks for all the help!

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