Why oh why won't Tormach make a nice CNC lathe? Not a flat bed...but a nice little 30* slant bed. Something that would have a 1.5" through bore and a high-speed spindle option. Think Wabeco 6000e high-speed...on steroids. Not a full-on production lathe...but more than just a retro-fit. Something in say a 12x36 size? Personally I have no desire for anything with up to 40" center to center...but maybe up to a 13" swing? The user could decide if they want to use gang tooling or a sweet little tool changer. It would still be a benchtop design...hopefully with a nice Tormach stand and an enclosure like the Wabeco. I have it kinda/sorta designed in my head, and some napkin sketches. It would be a pretty simple machine. A U shaped bed...a headstock assembly, and a 30* slant plate that bolts to the back to mount the x axis. A tailstock with pneumatic control would be nice and an air-operated chuck. I have already been working on a simple, elegant bar-feeder design that would work with most CNC'd workshop/hobby lathes. It's not brand-specific, but comes with adjustable legs to match the centerline of the lathe's bore. Sorry I don't have any CAD skills. I'll see if I can whip something up in Adobe to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.