I seem to have some problems getting the nema 23 servo motor cnc kit from keling to run. I have wirred everything up and have connected the #5 and #7 so the Gecko 320 servodrives so it should reset if problems should happen. But when doing so, it keeps resetting every 2 seconds and the red light "FAULT" keeps it doing so all the time. I use a C10 breakout board with 2 and 3 for X 4 and 5 for Y and 6 and 7 for Z.
I am using the jumper on the C10 for 5vdc and have the COMMEN output on the Geckos to go to COM port on the Breakoutboard. Wirred up like the manual: http://cnc4pc.com/Tech_Docs/C10R8_WD1.pdf


I have tried to switch over the PHASE A and B. Then it just keeps brumming all the time. I dont think thats right.
I have also tuned the Geckos DAMP and GAIN to 10oclock on the LIMIT all the way around CCW. Then the light turns out. But when i turn the LIMIT just a mm CW, the light turns on and the motors starts going (bump-----bump----bump) all the time. It never settels down. I heard that the geckos was defekt if my only option for turning out the Fault light was to turn the LIMIT all the way back CCW.

Does anyone have a suggestion to what to do next?

Best... Kim