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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > CNC Machine Related Electronics > Anyone have experience with Bardac Spindle Drives?
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Anyone have experience with Bardac Spindle Drives?

    Hello all, i really couldn't find any more "appropriate" forum to post this, so i figured i would give it a shot here...

    I am in the final stages of a Cincinatti-Milacron 10HC-2500 horizontal mill retrofit, using a Bardac plx20/51 DC spindle drive. My spindle motor uses a tachogen for speed feedback, no encoder anywhere. I was running a test program the other day, and realized, it would be really handy to be able to have a "spindle at speed" line going into my pc so that I can wait for that before commanding motion into my part.

    So, was wondering if anybody had any ideas on if this was possible, and if so.. how? I'm starting to get a headache from delving into this manual, so any help would be great Thanks!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    well, in the event anyone is interested, or might need this info in the future.. by accessing the ramping flag (on the plx20/51, terminal 23), spindle @ speed can be determined. The ramping flag, by default goes high while the spindle is ramping up to speed, and low when the spindle is at speed. If an active high output is desired, change the DOP2 invert mode (pin 266) to INVERT.

    This all assumes the internal ramping function of the drive is being used.

    (info obtained from Bardac Tech Support).


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Most drives or VFD's allow the custom configuration of the outputs, it is very desirable especially for CNC to have up-to-speed and zero-speed outputs.
    Modern drives detect this, even without the external feedback.
    What system are you retro-fitting with?
    CNC, Mechatronics Integration and Custom Machine Design

    “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
    Albert E.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    the retrofit has been done using a Galil 1860 mcb with ICM 1900's. 3-axis Servodynamics 221 in-lb brushless servos & amps, a bardac plx 20/51 spindle drive. The entire package is being controlled using Camsoft Pro, vers 15.7. I had known there was an output for "@ speed", it had slipped my mind over the last 4 months of retrofit work, and as the shop is getting into a crunch time right now over other projects... I elected to see if others knew where it was located. Kicking myself in the tail right now, as it was of course an obvious answer, I was just looking right over it.

    It's been a long & frustrating process, i can tell you that. Not a single scrap of the original wiring/controls were left in the machine when it was turned over to me, and the old hydro/mechanical drawings were non-existant for the better part of the build. But, it's all a moot point now.. the machine runs at about 95% capacity right now, I just have more coding to write for finalizing things.


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