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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Arrow DIY CNC G-Code Plotter (VB.NET 2005)

    First, the code in the link, is not mine (I just found the cool link).

    The link takes you to the "CodeProject" site, shows you how to build your own g-code plotter, in VB.Net 2005 (Free from MS).

    The source may not be complete, for all your needs, but I'm sure the coder did at least 75% of the work already.

    This is by far the best in vb.net 2005 that I've found.


    I added a couple of basic things to the code that I downloaded, like a button for auto plot (similar to NcPlot), & RTB for the g-code.

    This code is great for learning.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 123.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Thanks Switcher, I just downloaded that viewer. That is cool! I'm going to check this out.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    The program is nice, kinda like ncplot, only we can change anything we want!

    If you do anything cool, with the code, post the exec.

    I added a timer/button for the viewer like the latest ncplot has. I'll post it soon.

    This would make a great start for an open source plotter.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    This is a free g-code plotter.


    This plotter is far from done, anyone that wants to modify the program is welcome to, just follw the link in post #1.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    neat program
    how does a guy go about modifying or even creating a program like this ,it always blows me away when i see some of the programs that guys whip up and post here , i d like to do this type of stuff but i ve got no idea where to start , is it as difficult as it looks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dertsap View Post
    neat program
    how does a guy go about modifying or even creating a program like this ,it always blows me away when i see some of the programs that guys whip up and post here , i d like to do this type of stuff but i ve got no idea where to start , is it as difficult as it looks


    Learning to program is kinda like writing your first g-code program for cnc, It'll put a smile on your face when it actually works like you want it to, or have you swearing at your pc monitor (like it stole your wallet!).

    Anyway, it's still a lot of fun.

    1) To start, you need to decide what language to use, I use "Visual Basic Express .Net 2005" it's free from Microsoft (ever heard that before in the same sentence?).

    2) Get all the help you can for free, it really helps to have DSL internet service, the "Visual Basic Express .Net 2005" is a large download, MS now has video that will take you thru building your first program, & I'll tell you video beats any book!
    You can find tons of websites on www.google.com that other programmers have posted free code samples, this is how I started (again working code samples are better than any book).

    So to start, this is what you'll need:

    1) A PC running "Windows XP" (I don't know about Vista)

    2) Download "Visual Basic Express .Net 2005" http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/vb/

    3) Look at the "Learning Tracks" (option) for VB.Net (Visual Basic .Net 2005) http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/ex.../learningpath/


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    On the "Learning Tracks" http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/ex.../learningpath/ I would only start with "Tier1 & 2", & anything that says "C#" just skip over, to much stuff will make things complicated to start out.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    A couple of good sites for VB.Net

    1) http://www.planetsourcecode.com/vb/d....asp?lngWId=10 (scroll to the bottom of the page)

    2) www.codeproject.com/vb/net (slow, but good content)


  9. #9
    thanks Switcher ,much appreciated

    this looks like it s going to be interesting , i followed the first lesson on windows apps and now ive got a button that has a message pop up , it seems fairly straight forward at this point of time ,i'm sure the confusion will start to set in as i get deeper into this stuff ,
    i think this is going to be some fun ,and some heavy learning to accomplish the types of programs i would like to create

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    It's indeed very interesting. I have seen it a while ago and at that time the author has developed his own version. I have seen that now it's available the C# source code too.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    I to have a VB.NET Question


    I built a machine with the intent of controlling it using the phidgets 4-motor controller, the problem is I don't know VB.NET and need to make stepper motor "0" the "X" axis and stepper motor "1" the "Y" axis.

    SO I suppose my question is how do I define each stepper a Axis? I only need two.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I'm sure this thread has everyone over at NCPlot sweating bullets.

    I'm all for 'open source' code. Its great if you want to take someones work and change it to fit your needs. It is also a good way to get software for ZERO cost. Open Office has cost Micro$oft millions in sales. This is good for the software users but very very bad for the software industry.
    Imagine if you will, there is a OPEN MACHINE SHOP where anyone can get machine work done for free. Get my point now? Where would the incentives be for you or anyone in the machining industry to improve their methods and spend the hundreds of thousands on machine tools? (or hire software engineers) Why would anyone pay you to do the work if they can get it done for free?
    Anyone that has read or posted in this thread that understands programming in .NET, C++, Java, PHP or any language also understands that its a lot of work! I do it because its fun for the same reason I make parts. I enjoy the work but, none the less, it IS work.

    With that said...
    If you want to buy a fully functional back plotting app instead of hacking existing code or using partially functioning code, I have a very nice .net app for plotting G-Code called CodeChop.
    It does everything a CNC editor needs to do.
    Number Removal and renumbering lines with 0 padding if needed.
    Find / Replace.
    Expansion and compression of the text so its easier to read.
    Undockable edit window.
    Independent zoom window. Great for multiple monitor setups.
    It also understands Sub Program calls.
    It includes a RS232 com app. This Com Panel app searches for all com ports you have. It doesn't assume you only have com1 to com4. It can find any com port up to com255. It will save as many port configurations as you have hard drive space. Com Panel is FREE with the demo. You can run as many instances as you have com ports. It can be used with DNC but doesn't have all the features of a well written DNC app.
    There is also a point/arc filter included. This works well when there are no conjoined arcs. If there is, you must be careful with using it as the tangential connection where the arcs meet can throw the filtering algorithm for a loop and cause under/over shoot.

    What sets my app apart form most of the other back plotting programs is, It uses OpenGL for the graphics. It parses the G-code and converts it all in to code that OpenGL can plot. This allows to freely spin, pan and zoom the plot window in real time. If you modify the G-Code, you have to click the update button so the changes in the g-code are re-parsed.
    You can center mouse button click on the path and it will take you to that line of g-code that makes that move. This also works in reverse.
    There are a number of lockable buttons on the top menu bar such as, Auto centering the window on the selected line. This is very handy when single stepping the program.
    Lighting levels can be changed as well as the STL's color.

    Here's a couple of thumbnail images. Click to enlarge to actual size.

    There is a demo version to try out, just go Here and download it.

    As you can see in the above image, It can import ASCII and Binary STL files.

    There is more info about CodeChop Here.
    CodeChop may not run on all versions of OpenGL. It works great up to 3.1 but be cause of the use of gllist, may not function on the new 4.0 version of opengl. Try out the demo before buying to make sure it will do the job for you. (for some unknown reason, gllist has been deprecated in the last version of OpenGL and even some vendor versions of 3.1 There are no issues with nVidia 9800 and earlier cards)
    I'm after constant improvement in CodeChop and would appreciate any input. You can post any ideas at the support forums.

    Thanks for reading....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I should add something here.
    I read the code at the link Switcher posted and...
    This is pretty cool stuff. If this is completed, NCPlot, EditCNC, CodeChop and other G-Code editors will go the way of the dinosaur.

    Anyway, check out my demo and let me know what you think.
    I'd give it away and ask for donations but, having done this with a different app with hundreds of users and only one donation, I don't see that happening.

  14. #14
    seemed like a lot of work to find a demo download link , only to find out that i need to register on some forum in order to get a demo link so that i can try a demo , seen enough of those traps
    in that time i could have probably added some to Switchers program
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by dertsap View Post
    seemed like a lot of work to find a demo download link , only to find out that i need to register on some forum in order to get a demo link so that i can try a demo , seen enough of those traps
    in that time i could have probably added some to Switchers program
    You think I'm what? Ripping off email addresses? That's insulting and was uncalled for.
    One of your types in every crowd isn't there Do you whine like this at work? " .. I don't wanna set that up.. its to hard.. waa waa". Wipe your eyes and get on with it! Life is to freak'in short to spend it acting like a cry baby.

    More News...
    I decided to give CodeChop away. Not over the crying but, I want people to have a tool to make life easier. Not seeing the results from changing G-Code can be catastrophic!
    The arc filtering section works but, be damn careful with it and inspect the path very carefully. As I mentioned in my earlier post, It can fail badly on conjoined arcs.
    Please... If you use it, consider the work that I put in to this and make a donation. Even if it's 10 bucks. There are links at both sites to do this.
    If you want to post comments or ideas to improve this, use the support forums.
    Main CodeChop Page
    Support Forums

    I wont be back to this site so if you want to get info.. post at the support forums.

  16. #16
    you certainly didn't make it easy
    you stomped on Switchers thread at which he had once again been generous in sharing with the community some free open source software
    beginning your post by harping about open source then advertising in a visual basic forum is outright bs .

    you can take your software and shove it up your ass !

    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    This thread was four years old. The last post before mine that was related to back plotting was yours, also.. four years old.
    Did I mess up by posting something about my app? Maybe.
    Was I rude when I posted it? Not even.
    Did you make a rude comment? No doubt. Even more... accusing me.
    Did I make one back.. You betcha! You attacked my character!

    Say what you want... The fact remains....
    Your anger at life shines like the North Star.

  18. #18
    I don't recall attacking your character in any way , I simply made a comment about how difficult and frustrating it was to find a link , only to find out that I would have had to register onto a forum in order to get a demo , it does come across as a trap because I don't feel like joining a forum to test a software that I may have considered purchasing , its something that no one else does in order to get demos out to the market

    maybe sales isn't the right thing for you , because you'll here a lot worse than my simple little comments .
    how are you going to deal with those

    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Maybe your right.
    Its been a nasty few days and I guess Im to blame here.
    Lets just let this go, OK?

  20. #20
    fair enough
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

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