I don't know, I'm not implying people are running high volume production shops on exclusively 240V, never said that. This is taking things way off topic here. Unless you're wealthy and can sling money around to buy a Tormach just for fun, I think it's safe to say most people out there buying these are trying to make a little money with them, or STARTING a shop, maybe even while still holding their full time job.

Point is plenty of people out there are making money (starting out small) with Tormachs and I'm just curious why spend $20k or more when you can get a 240V single phase Haas that has almost 4X the spindle power, more accuracy, faster rapids, better tool holding, among other things for the same price or not much more. I know that the machines are used, and maybe that's the sole reason.

Again, not bashing Tormach at all, they certainly make sense if you just want a bare bones machine with no enclosure or ATC, which I myself may end up doing. I am simply trying to get some feedbacl from others who have gone down this road to see if there indeed was any feeling of "Shoot, if I only payed a little more ..."