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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    Question Explaination in Layman's terms

    I recently aquired 3 steppers, Astrosyn Miniangle steppers to be exact model # 34PM-C049 that are labeled as: 1.7V / ph and 4.7A / ph, 1.8 deg/step.
    So I'm guessing that if I increase the Voltage in say to 6v this will in turn lower the current needed per Phase .... ?? right ?
    The only specs I could find on them was through a cross-refference chart that put them at an output of 180 in oz.
    I've been going back and forth on what I want to use as a driver for these, I'm highly considering the stepperworld " Fet3 "unit with the upgraded power transistors, which will run me $152.00. My other thought was to go with a Gecko drive unit like the G201, but from what I've read, I will then need 3 of them ....which will cost in excess of $300.00 which I'm not opposed to spending, but what will they do that I cannot do with the FET3 ?

    Any experience with either unit, or helpful hints would be awesome!
    btw, if these are good steppers, I can get them all day long @$35 a piece, maybe less.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    OK..... did I break some sort of unspoken rule ?.. Nobody has even alittle tidbit of input on my dilemma ...jeez......
    Guess I'll just have to wait for everyone to get back to work on monday......lol.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    You broke no rule, just no one has a answer for you yet.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I use a fet3 from stepperworld. I'm very happy with it. I havent found anything it can't do. I use mach2 to control it and my motors run great.

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