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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Hypertherm Powermax G3 not so CNC ready?

    Talked with my Hypertherm dealers mechanic who I have know for some time and he had just replaced a powermax 1100 with a Powermax 1650 G3 on an older commercial table they had sold. Their Salesman had been assured that the Buny or innerlogic and Hypertherm boxes would all be Plug-and-Play. turns out the only thing ready to go was the foot print of the plasma box. Fiddled for a month to get the right info and the tech spent two days rewiring.

    He also told me the G3 he installed did not come with a divider board for voltage sensing and one had to be scavenged from the older machine, presummably supplied by the table company or innerlogic, wasn't sure.

    Thought I'd read here that all you needed to do with the tip voltage control was screw a wire down on a terminal inside the plasma box. The MP1000-THC
    has an accessory board that mounts near the plasma box and it has a transformer thereon:
    "Also included (not shown) is the Current Sense Transformer designed for plasma machines that do not have an Arc Good (XFR) active signal."

    Does this transformer provide the voltage divider neccessary to interface with the high tip voltage? Whats the story on this?

    My tech also mentioned different controllers were switching the torch on and off by either a solinoid or a signal. He was courious what I would be using. So am I! Any ideas on how the MP1000-THC

    hate to dig around in the box myself and void the warranty or hire these guys from a day or two to wire it for me. Any further info?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The MP1000-THC comes with a voltage divider and Remote Torch switch. Connect to and use with any of the Hypertherm 1000 series (1000, 1250, 1650) is simple and takes about 15 minutes to hook up.

    I run a Hypertherm 1000 G3 as our test machine (and production machine for the steel cuting business) with the MP1000-THC. There is even a hookup instruction on the support site (CandCNCSupport Yahoo Groups) in the Files section and it works for the 1650 too.

    There are only three sets of wires to hook up and the Hypertherm has either internal terminals or the optional rear panel connector. The Arc Xfer and Torch Switch wires come out of the rear connector. Tip volts comes from J15 and J16 (quick connect terminals) inside. Six wires and one jumper change on J19 and you are good to go.

    The Current Sense Transformer is a large (donut sized) coil that is used on the AC side to sense the unit current. It is provided for machines that do NOT have an accessable Arc Good (Arc Xfr in the Hyperetherm) signal.

    Once again three internal connections are all you need with the THC Sensor Card that comes with the MP1000-THC.

    No G3 comes with a divider sensor card.

    If you have the MP1000-THC it has everything you need but a screwdriver to make the correct connections.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Thanks much Tom, I'll be buying one soon.

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