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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Tormach Personal CNC Mill > New Tormach 1100 series 3 vs. Old Tormach 1100 series 1 to purchase
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Smile New Tormach 1100 series 3 vs. Old Tormach 1100 series 1 to purchase

    I have been offered a used Tormach PCNC 1100 series 1 machine with the 4th axis, software, computer controller, TTS, machine stand, and a few extra goodies. I priced the upgrade to a Series 3 is in the neighborhood of 1600. Obviously I get no warranty on the old machine. I know this is a good but, I like to hear what others think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    My non-upgraded Series 1 is close to 6 years old and used almost daily. The only parts I've replaced were the drawbar and the coolant pump, both just from wear. I plan on doing the upgrade to the Series 3, but hopefully first putting that money into the Tormach CNC lathe when released.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    How much are you saving with the old machine? My guess is, the old machine will be just fine. You can still call Tormach for help even though the warranty is out. So the worst case scenario is that you will have to buy an occasional part.

    Since almost all of the electronics are replaced when upgrading to Series 3, you should ask what the warranty is on the upgrade kit.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Series 1 vs new

    Based on your other posts, you are not a newbie at machining. If that's so, you should be able to assess the machine. You will be able to get a history from the current owner (and my impression is that machinists are like gardeners...it's very rare to find a dishonest one). If the machine checks out, in spec and reasonable hours for age, I'd have no hesitation, and I would do the upgrade- at least to series II, probably all the way. I'd actually go for everything- but that's a cost/benefit question- though upgrading to III gets you essentially new 'everything that might fail' except the spindle/mechanicals. And you wind up with a set of backup spares to boot.

    My shop is full of used equipment (only bought the Tormach new). Good quality heavy iron wears like, well, iron. And, guarantee aside, Tormach treats owners alike- regardless of how you got it, they believe that it's their rep on the line.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    TXFred i'd be saving anywhere from a 3k to 6K in cost. Shipping to me is minimal.

    GLCarlson your right I"m not a newbie to machining, but I will be a newbie to CNC machining. I did get a cost to upgrade to series 3 from Tormach and it's 1600 to do it all. I've looked at the machine work, and the current owner is using as a backup machine only.

    The warranty isn't really necessary even on a new one is it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by inventor1227 View Post
    TXFred i'd be saving anywhere from a 3k to 6K in cost. Shipping to me is minimal.

    The warranty isn't really necessary even on a new one is it?
    That's a great deal. Go for it!

    The warranty is definitely necessary on a new machine. Tormach does a lot of QC work, but these are still Chinese machines. But since this machine is already up and running, it's likely that any initial problems have long since been sorted out.

    Heck, you can probably call Tormach and give them the machine number and get the entire service history.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I bough my 1100 used, and Tormach has treated me like gold, with nary a complaint. The money I saved? I just spent it on upgrades with Tormach anyway, with more to come. Power drawbar, more collets, chucks, toolchanger, etc. Oh, and the most important upgrade of all, a Tormach coffee cup!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I have upgraded my series I with the VFD and the 3 phase steppers. which I guess are the main two upgrade items. Both improve the functionality and are nice to have but neither are essential, although I'm not a heavy user.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    As long as the machine runs well I would say go for it. That is the path I went. I picked up a used Series 1 for a reasonable price and did all of the upgrades. I am quite happy with it.

    Use the money you save to buy a power drawbar with the foot switch. It is really worth it.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I've had my series II since July 2011, and it has run flawlessly since the first time I powered it up.

    I would say, go for it. Run it the way it is and if you later feel the need to upgrade, then do it. If not, don't.
    You can buy GOOD PARTS or you can buy CHEAP PARTS, but you can't buy GOOD CHEAP PARTS.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks for everyone's input. After hearing everyone's response and doing a lot of research on my own and talking to Tormach people a few times. I've decided to purchase the used Tormach 1100 series I machine. Thanks for everyone's comments.

    Now all I have to do is figure out how to get it out of the person's basement and haul it a few hundred miles and move it into my garage. Riggers just cost more money then buying my own Engine Hoist and Pallet Jack new. Anyone dealt with this issue before?:idea:

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    One of the members here disassembled it to move it. Probably a last resort but here is a link that discusses it.



  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Based on my experience, getting one down the stairs would be a little easier than getting it up. If you can anchor a winch at the top of the basement stairs somehow, that would be a big help. It might also be worth installing some sort of temporary ramp on the stairs.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by inventor1227 View Post
    Now all I have to do is figure out how to get it out of the person's basement and haul it a few hundred miles and move it into my garage. Riggers just cost more money then buying my own Engine Hoist and Pallet Jack new. Anyone dealt with this issue before?:idea:
    I moved one assembled on the stand across town in a hydraulic lift-gate box truck with a pallet jack and engine hoist. A low trailer would have worked a lot better, it was a major pain getting it safely in and out of the truck without tipping and/or squashing the neighbor.

    They are very top-heavy on the stand, so even though it's a pain, I strongly suggest removing it from the stand. That will also give you the opportunity to inspect the oil lines and clean where the sun don't shine.

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