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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > LinuxCNC (formerly EMC2) > [Emc-users] EMC2 on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron LTS - official announcement
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    [Emc-users] EMC2 on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron LTS - official announcement

    Strait from the emc2 mailing list. (thanks to all the developers for all their hard work)

    As most of you probably know, the latest version of Ubuntu has been released
    a couple weeks ago: Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron.

    As it is another LTS release (3 year support on the Desktop version - which
    we use), we consider that it's important to have emc2 packages (along with
    the needed infrastructure: patched kernel, rtai, etc) for it.
    Consiquently we have built packages, a repository for them, and a LiveCD for
    easy testing and install.
    (this procedure took a longer period of time, until the packages/LiveCD were
    free of issues, and I would like to thank all testers that helped during
    this tedious process).

    == note ==

    Before describing download and install procedures I would like to point out
    that at this point the packages have been tested by a large number of
    people, and only a couple problems have been reported so far (on some
    hardware where it doesn't work at all).
    However I do not encourage at this point to replace a working dapper install
    with the new hardy version, unless there is really good reason to do so.
    Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper Drake is still supported until 2009, and as long as it's
    supported we will be building emc2 packages for it.
    The cases where you should chose Hardy over Dapper are:
    * new hardware that doesn't work on dapper
    * you're doing a brand new install
    * you _really_ want to be on the bleeding edge (not encouraged)

    == Installing/testing procedures: ==

    1. starting with a LiveCD (provides means for testing only, or even install
    if wanted)

    Step 1: Download the iso from:
    (note: this URL might change in the future, reference
    http://www.linuxcnc.org/ for the latest download link, and for a description
    of known problems).

    Step 2: Check the MD5SUM (note: also mentioned at http://www.linuxcnc.org/,
    the latest one is: 91c5abb84386091e0ff056e9ebc40fdb)

    Step 3: burn the image

    Step 4: boot it on your PC (Note: the Hardy Heron LiveCD needs at least
    384MB RAM to boot in Live mode, or 256MB for installing, an existing swap
    partition on the harddrive will be picked up, so it might be possible to
    boot the Live version on systems with less memory).
    If you're happy with how it works/looks, install it on your machine.

    Step 5: report problems (&successes) encountered

    2. starting with an existing Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron install

    Step 1: Install Ubuntu 8.04

    Step 2: Once you have installed Ubuntu , get the install script from here:
    http://www.linuxcnc.org/hardy/emc2-install.sh , choose "Save to Disk" and
    click OK.

    Step 3: Now an emc2-install.sh icon will appear on your Desktop. Right-click
    that icon, select Properties. Go to the Permissions tab and check the box
    for Owner: Execute. Close the Properties window.

    Step 4: Now double-click the emc2-install.sh icon, and select "Run in
    Terminal". A terminal will appear and you will be asked for your password.

    Step 5: When the installation asks if you are sure you want to install the
    EMC2 packages, hit Enter to accept. Now just allow the install to finish.

    Step 6: When it is done, you must reboot (System > Log Out > Restart the
    Computer) - once you have rebooted you can run EMC2 by selecting it on the
    Applications > CNC menu.

    Step 7: If you aren't ready to set up a machine configuration, try the
    sim-AXIS configuration; it runs a "simulated machine" that requires no
    attached hardware.

    Step 8: If you experience problems with things that used to work on the
    default hardy, but don't after installing emc2, chances are you need one of
    the special modules. (you can install them with: sudo apt-get install

    == Reporting problems & getting help ==

    Reporting issues/problems/nags/ideas for improvements or anything else, can
    be done via email (on this list, or directly to me), via IRC (#emc-devel on
    irc.freenode.net) or via bug-reports at

    Thanks for your patience, and for all the help to make it another great

    Best regards,
    Alex Joni

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Thanks Alex, worked fine!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Is the Ubuntu 8.04 the 32 bit version? If so will these instructions work with the 64 bit version? Thanks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Samco (OP) and Alex are 2 separate people Not sure if Alex Joni even reads this forum.

    Quote Originally Posted by kanton View Post
    Is the Ubuntu 8.04 the 32 bit version?

    If so will these instructions work with the 64 bit version?
    Not sure. Realtime kernel for running a machine or just simulation? Maybe this helps a little?
    Anyone who says "It only goes together one way" has no imagination.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Thanks for your response.

    For a while I would only be doing simulation on a laptop. Given this would you recommend the 32 or 64 bit version?

    Also, my laptops don't have a parallel port. Is there any way to control a machine through a usb port or some other alternative?

    Thanks again!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by kanton View Post
    For a while I would only be doing simulation on a laptop. Given this would you recommend the 32 or 64 bit version?
    I have emc2 as a simulator on 32 bit 8.0.4 and have no knowledge of 64 bit systems. The instructions to compile are on the wiki

    Not difficult if you have some amount of linux experience. If you're new to linux consider it a learning experience

    Also, my laptops don't have a parallel port. Is there any way to control a machine through a usb port or some other alternative?
    Parallel port for simple systems. No usb that I'm aware of. Some of the fancier systems have cards of some sort. Vague enough for you? Someone will come along with a clearer answer.

    edit/ Forgot to mention laptops aren't recommended for realtime. Should be ok for simulation. Don't worry, sharper minds will come along soon
    Anyone who says "It only goes together one way" has no imagination.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Sorry for any confusion caused by my earlier responses. Some of it will make little sense without previous exposure to emc.

    The instructions provided in the original post assume the user wants to install the realtime kernel. For simulation purposes you will want to install the regular ubuntu version of hardy and keep the generic kernel. [edit] the cd available from linuxcnc.org plays no part in this, don't bother downloading [/edit]

    A 64bit install should be okay for simulation. This is what I gather from the mailing-list information already linked, not from personal experience. Go to the wiki link provided and scroll down to 5.5 for compile tips.

    Most likely you will be using parallel port and connecting by cable to the other devices. There are other ways involving cards plugged directly in the motherboard pci slots. I have no knowledge of these other than the fact they exist.
    Anyone who says "It only goes together one way" has no imagination.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    USB devices with EMC

    A time ago I was snooping around for various CNC constructions and so i seen
    somewhere that people are talking about RepRap machine with Arduino/EMC combo.
    Don`t have direct links, You just type arduino emc in search and whole new world

    If still interested of coupling machine trough USB check it out.


    then check forums, etc...

    Best regards to all

    last minute -- check this -- http://axis.unpy.net/01198594294

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