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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Fanuc > 6TB will only send will not recieve data correctly 99% of the time...
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    6TB will only send will not recieve data correctly 99% of the time...

    My company recently purchased a 6tb...We have set up all the parameters and done as much troubleshooting that I could find available. But our problem persists.

    We have no issues with the 6tb sending data to the pc, but when a program is attempted to be loaded we either get an error right away or an error half way through with a partial program or no error but still a partial program... we really need to get this up and running losing money. Its alarm 85 by the way

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    We finaly got one to load completely... Excitedly we went to load a second a got an error code this time 70 - memory area insuficient. So we deleted an old program ... tried to load again and now we are getting error 85 again what the heck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by steffeydn View Post
    My company recently purchased a 6tb...We have set up all the parameters and done as much troubleshooting that I could find available. But our problem persists.

    We have no issues with the 6tb sending data to the pc, but when a program is attempted to be loaded we either get an error right away or an error half way through with a partial program or no error but still a partial program... we really need to get this up and running losing money. Its alarm 85 by the way

    Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
    Error 85 is generated when the number of bits of input data, or setting of baud rate is incorrect.

    There are settings for Input Device and Output Device, hence the reason you may be able to communicate successfully in one direction only.

    Check the following parameters and set as required. On the series 6 control, there is a Parameter Write Enable switch on the main board that needs to be set to change the parameter settings. When you change the state of this switch the machine will error. This is normal, don't be alarmed.



    Parameter 311 = 4800 (as a starting point)
    Parameter 340 = 2 Input Device
    Parameter 341 = 2 Output Device

    Machine Control Set Page Settings
    I/O = 1
    ISO Format = 1

    Make sure the Comms setting on your PC are as follows:
    Handshaking Method = Xon Xoff
    Baud Rate = 4800
    Data Bits = 7
    Parity = Even
    Stop Bits = 2

    Cable Pin Out as follows. This will depend on whether the PC has a 9 or 25 pin serial port.

    Machine End-------------------------PC End
    DB25 Male Connector------DB9 Female---or---DB25 Female
    | bridged

    8 all bridged

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    was there with my programmer when he entered the parameters so I know those are correct. He also stated that the pc settings are as you described they should be. As well as making his own cable according to schematic. We are definitely going to use your input to confirm. I thank you very much for the quick response. Thank you very much.

    I do need as much information as I can get so keep it coming ...otherwise we are going to have to begin contemplating out sourcing monday. Thanks again everyone

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Please I need some more Ideas...Monday is fast approaching

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by steffeydn View Post
    Please I need some more Ideas...Monday is fast approaching
    What was the result using the settings and cable pin out I suggested, and what software are you using at the PC end?

    If you don't get comms with the set up I described, the problem will probably be with the settings of your PC's software. Try some other package were you can see for sure that the comms settings are correct.

    If the PC has two comm ports, you could try starting two instances of the software, connect your cable between the two ports, set one software app to send, the other to receive, and try sending a program from one application to the other. This will prove if there is a problem at the PC end, and at least rule that out one way or the other.



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