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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > G-Code Programing > Combining peck drilling cycle with deep hole peck
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Combining peck drilling cycle with deep hole peck

    I am using EIA (G code) programming on Mazak mills and wanting to put a small peck in a deep hole (G83) drilling cycle. Ive found a couple of suggestions using different letters in the cycle but none seem to work on this machine. Any help is greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by adams4182 View Post
    I am using EIA (G code) programming on Mazak mills and wanting to put a small peck in a deep hole (G83) drilling cycle. Ive found a couple of suggestions using different letters in the cycle but none seem to work on this machine. Any help is greatly appreciated

    Which control ?
    Do you have some lines of nc-code (example).

    The Netherlands.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Controller is M Plus. G83 RZQF. Would like a small peck to break a chip before it makes a full retract out of hole

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    There is a risk that chips leave behind in the hole. Why don't you change Q.
    You can write the code for the Z-moves in a sub-program or macro.
    Whit the G73/G83 parameter N0.532 (Fanuc 0M), 5114/5115(Fanuc 21M) you can change some values but not what you want.

    The Netherlands.

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