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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Haas Machines > Haas Mills > tl-2 program integrity error and program data error alarm #'s 212 250 need help
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Question tl-2 program integrity error and program data error alarm #'s 212 250 need help

    hey all im new to the forum and i see there is a lot of knolage here. anyway to the point i have a haas tl-2 and i was running a normal program on it when all of the sudden i got these two alarms and they prompted me to save all prgrams to a disk and then delet all the prgrams off the tl-2 and then reload all the programs back on to the tl-2. so this brings me to were i am now i got all my prgrams off of my tl-2 via rs232 on to my laptop then i tried reloading them and had no sucksess so i hand wrote them on the tl-2 and tryed running the program i graphed it then ran it and it seemed to be ok so i wrote the other half of the prgram and graphed it and it seemed to be ok and i went to run it and it gave me a z over travel range alarm 318 witch is odd because i had just graphed it and it was ok now it is giving me the two alarms 212 and 250 witch ar the program integrity and data alarms when i select a program and at startup i dont know what to do and i dont want to get a haas tech if i dont have to becuse they are expensive

    thanks for all the help i will be waiting with baited breath for your replys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I have had those alarms a few times on different machines with floppy drives. You saved via RS232 so I assume you do not have a floppy drive?

    I did what the manual tells you, download everything to a floppy, Delete ALL and then reload everything.

    One time this did not work; I downloaded, deleted ALL and then reloaded but got the same alarm. I opened the text file that I got from the download and found some garbage characters. I can't remember what they where; something like $$$ and other characters that don't belong in a Gcode program. So I went through the file and tidied it up so there were no characters that did not belong and then it reloaded fine. Fortunately I only had about ten programs on the machine.

    Another time I had to turn the power off to the machine and then when it was powered up again I could do the reload.

    If you are doing the reload via RS232 there is one thing I have discovered and that is that you can successfully download programs with long comments between ( ). But if the comment is long enough it wraps onto a second line in the program the program will not load by RS232. I found that these long comments seem to get chopped off and then you are missing the closing ) so it alarms.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    you are corect about me not having a flopy drive and all the rest of what you said is great imput but it doesnt really help me write now because i dont have any unwanted characters and i dont have any coments in the programs i was tying to load from my computer and the are not even tranmiting from my computer at all it tells me the port is open but both the machine and the computer bolth say they are waiting for each other to send and recive so im still lost in the quarks of haas OS

    thanks agian for you imput i will add it to my arsenal

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    060511-1402 EST USA


    Fundamentally RS232 communication is very simple on a HAAS.

    First, your communication parameters must be set the same at both the CNC and computer. My preference for most customers is 7 data bits, EVEN parity, 1 stop bit, and XON/XOFF. Then at the CNC you will use pins 2, 3, and 7 for data. Short pin 4 to 5 but it is not necessary unless HAAS has done something different than usual on some machine. Fanuc may require 4 and 5 shorted. For Fanuc compatibility short pins 6, 8, and 20 together, but a separate shorting from 4 and 5. HAAS does not use 6, 8, and 20 internally, but only shorts them together at the 25 pin connector.

    For HAAS to receive all ALARMS must be cleared, then select PROGRAM LIST, hit the END key to get the cursor on ALL. Next press RECV RS232. The display will probably read WAITING.

    From your computer send the program.

    The program at you computer to be sent must start with a %. On the next line there should be a valid Onumber, such as O0145. On the following lines you must have a valid program. Some kinds of errors will cause HAAS to fault during loading with an error message, and unfortunately none of your program being loaded will appear in HAAS to allow troubleshooting. At the end of your program there must be another % .

    A very simple program to use for test might be

    (This is a test)

    This will either load or produce an error. I am not at a machine to test the result.

    After HAAS receives the first % the screen message changes from WAITING to LOADING. After the second % is received a message indicating this occurs, and the O# program you just loaded will appear in the program list.

    If HAAS never changes from WAITING to LOADING, then the first % was not received. In this case check your wiring and RS232 parameter settings.

    Please paragraph your comments by using 2 carriage returns (enter key) where appropriate.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    060511-1906 EST USA


    I have tested the short program of my previous post, and this loads without error. The HAAS end message is RS232 Done. This test was done on our 1993 VF-2.

    One of your error messages indicated a possible low battery. For reference our 93 VF-2 has never had the backup battery replaced.

    If you can not detect any response at HAAS when you send a program, then you need to determine if your PC is actually sending data.

    If you can get my small program to load, then you can add some more code and see if it still loads.

    Go to my web site www.beta-a2.com and then to the E232 Photo page for some troubleshooting information. Note: the schematic drawing is not for connection to a PC 9 pin connector. The changes for that are described in the text.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Data integrity error

    I had the same problem with my TRM 1
    Except the allarm the machine was working ok.
    Just the alarm evry time you change the active program.
    I do not have floppy too.
    So HAAS service man came and just
    uploded the software of the machine again via RS 232 with CIMCO.
    That's all

    Reards: MARTIN

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    060513-0627 EST USA


    Have you tried my short program? Does it load without error?

    If the short program loads without error, then have you added some more code to see it that loads ok, and if not what may cause the error?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    come to find out it was a problem in the machine and i had to have a haas tech come out and re-initialize the thing anyway thats all and it back up and running now

    thanks for all the help

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    060519-1423 EST USA


    What do you mean by reinitialize? Was this simply reloading the settings and parameters, or more than that?

    Have you backed up you settings and parameters? This you can do thru RS232. You can also save your offsets..


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    ya it seemed simple i think that is all he did he just told the machine to debug and and then told it what machine it was and then he reloaded my offsets if i could get a tutorial on how to do this my self it would have saved me 200 bucks. can i do this myself or do i need haas to do it ?

    thanks for the help

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    060519-1536 EST USA


    See if your instruction manual has something like this:

    Find Offsets Display. Near the bottom of my page it says " Offsets may be sent and received with the RS2323 port. Refer to the "Data Input/Output" section for a description of how to do this."

    Can I find Data Input/Output in the Index--- No.

    In my instruction book go to 3.16 Part Program Input/Output.
    Go down a ways, near bottom of next page in my manual, find paragraph
    "Parameters, settings, offsets, and macro variables pages may also be sent individually by selecting the "LIST PROG" mode, selecting the desired display screen, and pushing the SEND key ....."

    For example for settings you will get something like

    N000 V25352
    N001 V0
    N002 V0
    N003 V0
    N004 V1
    N005 V1
    N006 V0
    N007 V1
    N008 V0
    N009 V0
    N076 V1
    N077 V0

    For offsets

    N000 V25043
    N001 V-103730
    N002 V-105950
    N003 V-102000
    N004 V-100050
    N005 V-69250
    N006 V-98870
    N007 V-101780
    N008 V-104720
    N307 V0
    N308 V0

    Note if you have an appropriate receiving program you can send all these different pages to the same file, then sort them later if desired.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Try this. Look in your program files. If you have a program with an exclamation mark in front of it this is a bad program. In order to fix this you must go setting 23 and change it to off. then go back to programs and delete all of them. THIS WILL DELETE ALL OF THE PROGRAMS IN THE MACHINE!!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    So what causes the corrupt program in the 1st place? this has happened 2x to me;-/......when i copy to clip board & paste to another program & gibberish pops up....anyone else this problem with your haas?

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