Hello, I have a 3 (bridgeport style) mill with a 3 axis Anilam Crusader Series M controller.

It had worked well in the past, the only trouble I had was screen problems (no start-up beep) either which was always capable of being corrected by re-seating the boards.

Recently I powered up with no DC power at all. After troubleshooting...

I got the power back up by replacing a capacitor in the -24V circuit on the 8 bit cpu board (green tab). This was shorted to ground and took down the whole power supply immediately after power-on.

Anyway, now I get power and leds to come on, but no start-up beep and nothing but static on the screen. I think the problem is not the screen, but rather one of the cpu boards.

I am willing to buy a cpu board if someone can help me figure out which one is not working (green tab or orange tab)--at least one LED is lit on each board. I would also appreciate any advice on troubleshooting this further. Useful input would include what the LED's mean, or a method of troubleshooting the boards further.

Additionally, if nothing can be done with this system, I am interested in purchasing a new cnc controller that is capable of interfacing with the existing anilam servo drives.
