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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Gecko Drives > Escap P532 and a G540 (Al?)
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Escap P532 and a G540 (Al?)

    I have a Dyna Dm2400 and it requires 101000 steps per unit approximately. The steppers are old Portescap P532 258 0.7 14. http://www.dracon-eltron.com/Engels/...agnet/P532.pdf
    Right now I have them connected in series which according to the specs is 2.4A. That is what my current set resistor is set at (adjustable 1 on the Db9). They are working however I dont know if this is the best they can operate or not. The spec sheet also shows when in parallel the are 3A. Since the G540 is capable of 3.5A per axis, correct? Would it be better to wire them in parallel? Would they be faster at the cost of torque? Just to throw some other details in, the PS is a 24V @ 4.5A. This came with the machine and I will upgrade if necessary but would like to optimize with what I have also. Also arent the relay connections on a G540 switching the ground and not the positive connection?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Al, that was also a cry for help? I yelled Al lah! LOL

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    You will want to keep that wired in series because of the low inductance and (relatively) high current. You will also only be drawing 1.85A from that motor in series, not 2.4, so you may want to lower your current set resistor value or risk overheating your motor.

    You could get more high speed torque if you increased you voltage on the power supply as these motors are good up to 53VDC.

    Yes, the outputs are essentially a switch to ground, not positive.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Fastest1 View Post
    Al, that was also a cry for help? I yelled Al lah! LOL
    I am sorry I never use steppers so I am not the person to attempt this one.
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