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IndustryArena Forum > CAM Software > EdgeCam > Machine graphics in Code Wizard
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Machine graphics in Code Wizard

    Has anyone come across any reference info on creating a machine graphic in Code Wizard ( EC 2009 ) ? I have created the machine elements and "assembled" them in the design tree with all axis movements working as expected. When I compile/save and select the new code generator it often comes in with some elements displayed in the wrong positions. The tool is in the correct position even if the spindle graphic isn't, and if I go to the simulator, the tool paths are correct to the model but some machine elements are off dancing in left field while the tool is in contact with the part. I've tried adjusting where the axis origins are defined and also adjusted the origin of any element that isn't displaying correctly but something's still not right. I've tried to determine exactly where a newly defined axis or element is referencing itself to but that seems a bit ambiguous. I guess it's some point on the previously defined elements but doesn't always seem to be that way. I'm hoping there's a quick reference guide available. The machine I'm creating the model for is a DMG DMU50 eco , 5 axis mill. Currently I'm using the Siemens ShopMill for programming but am eager to get an EdgeCAM post working as well. The 4th & 5th are just positional axis, no full 5 axis simultaneous motion on the eco model. If someone has such a post or graphic model they'd be willing to share I'd appreciate that but I also understand if you aren't wanting to give it away. ( lots of time and effort )
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    edgecam for DMG machines

    Hello, I might be able to help. Can you send me the post you have?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Thanks for having a look. This is the test file I've started, just basic shapes which I'll replace with better models once the kinematics are worked out. I've notice 1 odd thing since my 1st post. It seems that every time I re-open the file in code wizard, the B-Axis origin has shifted to a position of X0, Y4.50000, Z9.0000 . I have to re-set it to be X0, Y0, Z0 to get the B-Axis table movement correct, but no matter how many times I compile & save it with the B-Axis origin at 0,0,0 when I re-open it the position has shifted back .
    The actual movement values (X-Y-Z-B) are not set as of yet. Those minor details are easily adjusted once the overall movement is proven and I replace disk & plate elements with the Part Modeler exports.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    what version do you use?

    is it 2009R1 or R2?
    Do you have access to 2010 R1 or better R2?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I use 2009 R2 although I don't see the relevance. 5 axis machines like this one were out long before EC 2009 and posts were created back then.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I looked at your post and for some reason the B axis is somehow linked to your B Axis Plate , I Changed the orign values on the B Axis plate and then The values for the B Axis stayed At 0,0,0

    I would make the diameterof the B axis Plate .001 and then redraw a new one in part modeler

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Thanks for the solution to that part. I've removed that plate graphic altogether for now and will replace it with a model. I still have the issue with the spindle not being inline with the tool axis when I run the simulator using this code generator. Did anything seem odd to you on that axis?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I've taken a look at the file you attached and have compared it to how I made my machine graphics for a 3axis machine.
    The big difference is that I have "machine zero" (the coordinate system thats not on the C-axis table in your file) in the centre of my spindle.

    My tools always match up to XY coordinates on that machine, I haven't figured out how to make the Z work flawlessly so it still requires a bit of tweaking though (project on hold for now on).

    So I think the problem here is that edgecam attaches your tools to the centre of the machine slightly above your table, and your spindle and movement axes are offset from this point but is also driven by this point. This would make the simulation look funny

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Mikel12 ; I see what you're talking about with the machine datum. I have both a 3 axis & 4 axis post for a vertical machine and the machine datum on these is also at the spindle centre-top position as you describe. The issue on the deckel style machines is that the Z Axis is mounted to the Y axis slide so isn't a fixed position relative to the base & tables. The Deckel DMC635 or 1035 also have Y & Z on the top slides and X like a traditional table axis fixed to the base. I'd expect those styles would have to overcome this as well.
    I'm going to test some other combination's. I'm not sure what relationship the machine datum actually has with the spindle since the tool itself does travel the correct programmed path in EC simulation, it's just the graphics for the X-Y & Z are off. Thanks for your input.
    btw, what is the issue you see with your Z axis not working flawlessly? I had to do a bit of tweaking to get my 4th axis post to simulate correctly so I may have gone through something similar.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The reason why the tool is not in the proper location is because at the top of the list for the machine setup tab the “machine” origin needs to be changed to x -13. Y-5. Z18. Your old origin is x0 y4. Z9. ,but when you change this you will also have to change the B axis origin to x 13. Y0 z-9., Then change the c axis to x13. Y-3. Z-9. .then the primary component location to location x13. Y-3. Z-11. The new origin for the x axis origin will be x15. Y0 Z0 ,the y axis origin will be x0 y9. Z0 . Z axis origin will be x0 y0 z-9. ,and then the new origin for the primary component location will be x 13. Y-3. Z-11. And also you might want to change the limits of the c axis maximum and minimum values to 99999999. And -999999999

    Try this and see if it works for you

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Hello rider23 and thanks for your input. I'd been re-configuring the datums and axis origins on several versions. I have managed to get the graphics displaying in the correct positions up until I perform a C-Axis index. With the values you suggested, I get the same results, the tool moving way off of the machine after a C index. The tool graphic will then come back to the workpiece and machine in the correct area on the part, but the spindle graphic is off screen again. Once I index back to the "Top" cpl, the graphics are once again correct. Did these values work for you when actually loaded the post in EC and ran the simulation or did you just manipulate the graphics within the code wizard?
    I'm re-working the origin values to get the machine datum directly above the C-Axis in X & Y to see what effect that has. I'm surprised there isn't a diagram somewhere that indicates where each axis is referencing itself to. From my test versions, I can manipulate the machine datum + the X,Y,Z & B origins in almost any fashion and have those motions act correctly. I have several samples of 3 axis posts from various sources and it seems the machine base origin can be anywhere such as the centre front of the machine base at floor level, or the centre of the spindle with Z fully up and the table centered on the machine, or the bottom left of the work table with X, Y & Z all at their zero positions (like when homing a HAAS for eg). This tells me that the relationship between each origins is more important than the machine origin but I'm sure there is a preferred method to follow. I'll keep plodding on.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    if you are using the simulator on the edgecam machining drop down menu the tool will always leave the spindle no mater what the post. if you are using the simulator that opens up a new window and shows only the machine and stock then the tool will stay in the spindle and the part will rotate, if that isnt happening you have to goto to the edgecam machine side of the program , goto to the feature pull down tab and right click your stock and make sure that it is set as a rotary axies, then lauch the simulator that opens up in a new window and right click on the screen and check the option stock movement

    when i run your post in the simulator the tool is in the proper location when it loads but as soon as i press the play button it moves out of the spindle instantly but stays the same distance from the spindle for simulation, i dont know why that is or how to fix it.

    When ever i make a new machine post i always keep the machine origin numbers 0,0,0 because this is the location of when the tool is inserted, and always modify the position of the custom graphics as needed for the axis .

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Yes the issue I'm trying to solve is when running the simulator which opens in a separate window. By adjusting the machine datum and the axis origins, I've been able to get the spindle & tool to stay in the correct positions for any operations / cycles done on the "Top" CPL (G54 in my case). If I do a move to toolchange and change tools the graphics are still correct, but as soon as I index either B or C axis, the tool graphic moves out of the spindle into mid-air but is still correctly aligned with the Z Axis. The cycle proceeds with the tool going to the correct position on the part, but the head will be off the machine. In trying to resolve this it looks to me as though the rotary moves are no longer in absolute relative to the spindle so the more I index, the farther away the spindle graphic goes. A B Axis index moves the spindle graphic Left or Right on the X axis, a C Axis index moves the spindle graphic forward or backward in the Y axis. If I end with an index back to home in my G54 cpl , the tool graphic will be back at my machine datum 0,0,0 where it started, but the spindle/head graphic is somewhere off in space. I've tried all manor of variations within EC for the index commands and adjusted Machine Parameters in the code wizard for things like CPL vs. Machine Co-Ordinates and other settings as well, but without success so far.
    I hope to get this graphic to work and will share my findings/solutions should I get one. Thanks again for all who have offered their help.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    rider23, I forgot to mention this to you. In your last reply you indicate a rightclick in the simulation window and select "stock movement". I did of coarse set the Feature "Stock" in EC to a rotary axis ( 2nd for this type of machine ), but in the simulator window, the Stock Movement option is ghosted out. I've never been aware of that option before so I'm not sure why it's unavailable. The stock does move correctly in my simulation. To "play" with as I'm working this issue, I've modeled an 8 sided block with 8 tapered faces to an octagonal top (think 1/2 a soccer ball) ,each face having 1 - 8 holes, so I can tell if the index movement is correct. The stock movement is showing correct so I'm not sure what effect the stock movement would have if I could select it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    check out these posts and see if they help


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    I had actually downloaded a couple of these files about a year ago when I was tweaking a 4th axis HAAS post. I'm not able to gain a whole lot of insight into the relationships of the various machine elements because they were likely drawn in another program and brought into Code Wizard through a "paste model" so the datums of most items & axis are 0,0,0.
    I'm thinking that the problem I'm dealing with is something to do with the Component Location not remaining in the same plane as the Machine CPL once an index has occurred. In a 4th axis rotary table example, the component location may rotate about the X or Y axis, (A or B) but still is in the same location relative to the machine datum. In my example, it is not. I may be way off on this, but it's a thought worth pursuing.
    If anyone has a trunnion style 5 axis post, I'd be interested to hear how the component location on the 5th axis table is configured.
    On the plus side, I have loaded a couple of very basic nc files to see what errors show up and find that the index moves were correct so the nc side of the post is very close, it's just the simulation that doesn't display correctly.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Red face need help for edgecam 5 axis programming


    i have recently joined new company they using edgecam software on dmu 60 5 axis machine.
    before i have been use nx6 software so now i am geting trouble to make programming on edgecam software and also it very hard to get help from internet also

    please anybody can help me out for edgecam 5 axis programming or can help to get tutorial for this.

    i can pay whatever u what

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    i have recently joined new company they using edgecam software on dmu 60 5 axis machine.
    before i have been use nx6 software so now i am geting trouble to make programming on edgecam software and also it very hard to get help from internet also

    please anybody can help me out for edgecam 5 axis programming or can help to get tutorial for this.

    i can pay whatever u what

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: Machine graphics in Code Wizard

    Hi! I have recently started edgecam and want to make machine define graphic file can anyone help me in making mahine graphics?

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