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IndustryArena Forum > Mechanical Engineering > Mechanical Calculations/Engineering Design > Epoxy-Rice Machine Bases (was Polymer rice frame?)
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Epoxy-Rice Machine Bases (was Polymer rice frame?)

    Has anyone tried making an epoxy-rice machine base? I was going to experiment tonight. Would brown or white rice work better? I'm assuming it should be dry and not cooked beforehand.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Hi - Your concept is certainly interesting - probably not tried by many people yet.

    I will be honest, I really don't like eating rice in any form - except perhaps cooked in ways that completely cover its presence, but I am not sure that this is a great use of rice either. Perhaps you are thinking of rice hulls vs actual rice kernels ?

    I assume you are thinking rice as it would be lighter weight than gravel + epoxy. This would be true, but so would adding corn, and the corn kernels might be stronger and harder, while still providing more "give" than rock based materials.

    One of the key ways to make the epoxy blend materials have better physical properties is to have multiple sizes of aggregate. If you really wish to play with your food then a mixture of epoxy + rice + popcorn would be better.

    I would probably use wood shavings and sawdust before I used rice, but that is just me. Perhaps very dry beans.

    If you are in the US, just get some 1/4 x dust gravel from your local quarry, wash it with hardware store alcohol, and mix with epoxy. So much cheaper and so much more likely to succeed.

    Of course, we all like to play.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Well, i'm not sure what to expect, but given how abundant rice is, it's worth a test.

    Now, I also have popcorn kernels, so I may try those as well. I'll try them popped and unpopped.

    I'll see if I can get pictures up tonight.

    Quote Originally Posted by harryn View Post
    Hi - Your concept is certainly interesting - probably not tried by many people yet.

    I will be honest, I really don't like eating rice in any form - except perhaps cooked in ways that completely cover its presence, but I am not sure that this is a great use of rice either. Perhaps you are thinking of rice hulls vs actual rice kernels ?

    I assume you are thinking rice as it would be lighter weight than gravel + epoxy. This would be true, but so would adding corn, and the corn kernels might be stronger and harder, while still providing more "give" than rock based materials.

    One of the key ways to make the epoxy blend materials have better physical properties is to have multiple sizes of aggregate. If you really wish to play with your food then a mixture of epoxy + rice + popcorn would be better.

    I would probably use wood shavings and sawdust before I used rice, but that is just me. Perhaps very dry beans.

    If you are in the US, just get some 1/4 x dust gravel from your local quarry, wash it with hardware store alcohol, and mix with epoxy. So much cheaper and so much more likely to succeed.

    Of course, we all like to play.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Mom, can I have more rice please


    "If you really wish to play with your food then a mixture of epoxy + rice + popcorn would be better."

    You nearly got me fired, laughing at work.

    "Now, I also have popcorn kernels, so I may try those as well. I'll try them popped and unpopped.

    I'll see if I can get pictures up tonight."

    Will this be before, during, or after dinner? Or during the movie?

    With all the stuff coming out of China, I'm sure this has been done before, intentional or not.

    Waiting for the pics. What's for dessert?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I think if you can find starchy enough rice, you should be able to avoid the epoxy altogether: though unlike the epoxy granite thread, this would decidedly be drive-by engineering.

    Would love to see your references though


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ok, the sample is mixed - i'll pop it out of the mold in a few hours.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Here's the photos of the rice which was chosen and the sample after the pour - the epoxy seems to absorb into the rice, so I had difficulty in getting a flat surface on top.

    Can't wait to get it out of the mold!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails rice.jpg   rice2.jpg  

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I'm thinking about trying a combination of sticky rice, sushi rice, brown rice, and for that additional (small aggregate) stick to your ribs binder that ER needs... corn starch.
    I wouldn't use malted barley, this would be sacrilegious! Unless it's post wort and dried!
    And for that added sporty look; pepper (black, green, and red)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    If you are just trying to lighten up the epoxy, how about micro-balloons? I used that stuff all the time on R/C models to use epoxy as a filler without the weight. It's not exactly cheap, but it mixes well and works great. Google micro-balloons.


  10. #10
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    Apr 2007
    123cnc - Thanks for enjoying my dry jokes.

    I wasn't actually sure if mdierolf was just playing with us or not, so it took some fun to keep it light, but still somewhat technically correct.

    Now that I see the mix, we need Cameron to help us with the size ratios a bit. IIRC, there needs to be at least 2 sizes of agr in there, and the idea is that the small agr sort of fits into the tiny spaces around the large agr.

    If rice is to be the main ingredient, then I think it needs some very fine sand or perhaps ground up rice stuff to fill in the gaps around the rice grains.

    Perhaps if you dry roast the rice first, it will absorb less of the epoxy during cure. Yes, I like coffee, but this is actually a serious comment.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I've seen it all!! Come on dude what the heck are ya trying to do? If ya want it lighter, then use some crushed up styrofoam. Don't waste food , didn't your parents teach you any better?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Ahem, I hate to look technicaly superior, but I feel I must point out a basic flaw in your rice- epoxy frame... you are using non uniform "premium" rice. Everyone knows that for such a demanding task only Basmati rice will suffice. It comes only from the foothills of the Himalayas and is the singular choice for serious structural projects.

    A bit of Cumin or Safron adds a nice yellowy colour without compromising the integrity of the mixture and it smells nice too

    For anti-vibrational issues you may wish to consider using Nan Bread as a base. If making this yourself be sure to use strong, plain, unleavened flour. Shape into a pear type form and gently flatten on a flour coted surface. Heat treat under a grill untill the surface changes colour to dark brown and blister bubbles start appearing on the surface.

    Never use a 4 fluted end mill on any flour based substrate and be aware that using flood coolant on any flour/ rice component will result in failure of the structural integrity as reported by Dr. Fibble et al, 1990, "Machining Pizzas" shortly before his untimely demise caused by an apprentice loading a 12 inch peperoni onto the Myford lathe without defrosting it, the initial carbide cut snagged the pizza and launched it like a frisbee straight at the unfortunate doctor's head. A sad day indeed.
    I love deadlines- I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I can't help it, but darn this was a good one.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    How can something so serious be so funny!

    I guess that makes it “Seriously funny”…
    Deeds not words...
    VoltsAndBolts runs RC for the builder. http://www.voltsandboltsonline.com/ My Forum

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Personally I prefer chicken fried rice,at least for eating.When I cook rice,there is no need for epoxy binder,it sticks fine,although I can not claim its vibration damping.It shure feeels like a brick in my stomach.
    On corn,I would think it may pop with the heat of exotherm.Butter may be a good surfactant and air release agent.
    Seriousley,I have in the past used puffed wheat and or puffed rice and epoxy to fill large viods for backup on large molds.The material is noted as named E/W or E/R.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    This thread is a little confusing, and might just need ER as a result of E/R.

    But seriously, I'm getting a hankering for some peanut brittle, anybody else?

    I am still hoping for some popcorn pics. But I'm guessing it would be more absorbent then the rice? Would carmel corn or Cracker Jacks work better?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Hallo funny people,

    My two cents;

    i don`t thinks it will make it as machinebase, but have a better idea.
    At least on a higher level:

    How about, Getting the cannons back from Irak, make cannonballs of epoxy with cooked rice, aim east end shoot them to Africa.
    Hunger problem solved!!!!!

    by the way;
    Mailed the link for this thread to S. Palin. (will be a winner next week!!!)


    Kind regards to everybody,

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails meteorite[1].jpg  

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I think something on the order of a stale bagel would be much tougher.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    All joking aside, this sounds like a neat idea, though it may have problems with moisture at least on the external grains of rice.
    Myself I might use wood fibers mixed in to provide strength along with the rice, though, as a machine base you actually want some weight. You mmight want to use rocks instead of rice.

    I might try making some ingots with various materials and compare the weights, strength and vibration resistance. It'd be interesting.
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