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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Feeds and Speeds

    I kinda new to job shops where everything is based on speed of production. There looking for a average rate of between $45 and $65 and hour per Haas. I got 2 years of MasterCam programming building mostly welding fixtures. Then was layed off with most of the tool room. Now I've been working with Gibbs for the milling stuff for almost a year now and they just bought Feature cam for the Lathes. I'm finding it a ***** to run production at speed where they make that kinda of per hour. Its mostly hit and miss and i follow the tooling feeds the recommend. We mostly us SGS Z Carbs ,V carbs, Seco Turbo mills , OSG Drills. Anyone got a magic bullet . Need some help. I know how to make things right and of good Quality now i got to make the machines earn there keep.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by tac8357 View Post
    I kinda new to job shops where everything is based on speed of production. There looking for a average rate of between $45 and $65 and hour per Haas. I got 2 years of MasterCam programming building mostly welding fixtures. Then was layed off with most of the tool room. Now I've been working with Gibbs for the milling stuff for almost a year now and they just bought Feature cam for the Lathes. I'm finding it a ***** to run production at speed where they make that kinda of per hour. Its mostly hit and miss and i follow the tooling feeds the recommend. We mostly us SGS Z Carbs ,V carbs, Seco Turbo mills , OSG Drills. Anyone got a magic bullet . Need some help. I know how to make things right and of good Quality now i got to make the machines earn there keep.
    Well you can use the recommended speeds and feeds, and then adjust up a little at a time until you break the tool, or sacrifice tool life then back off a little. Look closely at your programs to see if you can eliminate any rapid moves that you don't need. You may find several to ten of seconds in uneeded rapid moves. 2 seconds doesn't seem like a whole lot, but on a 2000pc run it adds up to over an hour of saved time. Use a fixture that allows you to run multiple parts whenever you can, here is why. If you have a ten tool program, then to make six parts you need to perform a tool change 60 times. Run them in groups of six and you can have each tool perform its op on all six parts then change to the next tool. The result, 6 parts done with only 10 tool changes, saving you 50 tool changes. On our machine we can be chip to chip in 3 sec, this saves 2.5 minutes for every 6 parts made. On a 600 part run you will save just over 4 hours just changing tools! Hope this is of some help.

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