First up I don’t yet have a copy of PathPilot but I’m interested in upgrading. One important factor for me would be full support of metric units. The PathPilot white paper states:

“All an operator has to do is run a G-code program written using G21 and the controller will remain in metric mode thereafter (at least until an inch program is executed). There is no need for a button to select metric or inch display.”

However, it doesn’t mention what actually changes to metric. The Tormach supplied Mach3 obeyed metric units in the G-Code and jogging steps were also in metric but tool length offsets remained in inches. So can anybody please answer the following questions for me?
1) Do Tool parameters (length offset/diameter) change to metric?
2) Do the jogging increments remain at 0.1000/0.0100/0.0010/0.0001 inches or do they change to a selection of metric increments?
3) Do the DRO resolutions remain at 4 decimal places (0.1 micron resolution doesn’t make much sense) or perhaps reduce to 3 decimal places? In a screenshot on this forum the DTG DROs look like they might have a problem displaying anything over 99.9999mm!
