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IndustryArena Forum > Community Club House > Environmental / Alternate Energy > Recent History Of Global Climate Change
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Recent History Of Global Climate Change

    Shamelessly lifted from this excellent blog: http://palosverdesblog.blogspot.com/

    From a December NY Times front page article:

    (I can't determine whether any of this is paraphrased, because I will not subscribe to the NYT website in order to search archives.)

    QUZHOU, China — Foreign businesses have embraced an obscure United Nations-backed program as a favored approach to limiting global warming. But the early efforts have revealed some hidden problems.

    Under the program, businesses in wealthier nations pay to reduce pollution in poorer ones as a way of staying within their government limits for emitting climate-changing gases like carbon dioxide.

    Among their targets is a large rusting chemical factory here in China. Its emissions of just one waste gas contribute as much to global warming each year as the emissions from a million American cars, each driven 12,000 miles. Holy smokes!!

    Cleaning up this factory will require an incinerator that costs $5 million, far less than the cost of cleaning up so many cars, or other sources of pollution in Europe and Japan.

    Yet the foreign companies will pay roughly $500 million for the incinerator, 100 times what it cost. The high price is set in a European-based market in carbon dioxide emissions. Because the waste gas has a far more powerful effect on global warming than carbon dioxide emissions, the foreign businesses must pay a premium far beyond the cost of the actual cleanup.

    The huge profits of $495 million will be divided by the chemical factory’s owners, a Chinese government energy fund, and the consultants and bankers who put together the deal from a mansion in London.

    European and Japanese companies which are paying roughly $3 billion for credits this year, complain that it mostly enriches a few bankers, consultants and factory owners.

    As word of deals like this has spread, everyone involved in the nascent business is searching for other such potential jackpots in developing countries.

    There you have it. What more needs to be said?


  2. #2
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by NinerSevenTango View Post
    Shamelessly lifted from this excellent blog: http://palosverdesblog.blogspot.com/

    From a December NY Times front page article:

    (I can't determine whether any of this is paraphrased, because I will not subscribe to the NYT website in order to search archives.)

    There you have it. What more needs to be said?


    How many CNC machines will be needed to produce 500,000,000 of the self driving 15 kW water turbine generators (over 3 years) shown at http://www.unifiedtheory.org.uk.

    They each have 4 - 60 deep x 30 wide box section arms and 210 mm nozzle centres. Maybe its not CNC friendly. It is the only way to beat global warming very quickly though.

  3. #3
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by NinerSevenTango View Post
    Shamelessly lifted from this excellent blog: http://palosverdesblog.blogspot.com/

    From a December NY Times front page article:

    (I can't determine whether any of this is paraphrased, because I will not subscribe to the NYT website in order to search archives.)

    There you have it. What more needs to be said?


    How many CNC machines will be needed to produce 500,000,000 of the self driving 15 kW water turbine generators (over 3 years) shown at http://www.unifiedtheory.org.uk.

    They each have 4 - 60 deep x 30 wide box section arms and 210 mm nozzle centres. Maybe its not CNC friendly. It is the only way to beat global warming very quickly though.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails forum turbo.jpg  

  4. #4
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    Apr 2006

    It's the Money.....

    Billions lost in Kyoto carbon trade loophole
    By Fiona Harvey in London

    Published: February 7 2007 20:13 | Last updated: February 7 2007 20:13

    "Billions of dollars are being wasted in the international carbon trading system owing to a loophole in the Kyoto protocol, according to a study to be published on Thursday in the journal Nature.

    The Financial Times revealed last month that a few Chinese factories and carbon traders were making large profits by exploiting the regulations in the protocol surrounding a potent greenhouse gas, HFC-23.

    By installing cheap equipment, the companies could gain “carbon credits” which they could sell for hundreds of millions of dollars......"


    Ya know, 97T, this thread might make a good sideline for a discussion of the money incentives for pushing AGW?? Whaddya think?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by janus20 View Post
    How many CNC machines will be needed to produce 500,000,000 of the self driving 15 kW water turbine generators....?
    Answer: 1 Mazak Integrex

  6. #6
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    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by janus20 View Post
    How many CNC machines will be needed to produce 500,000,000 of the self driving 15 kW water turbine generators (over 3 years) shown at http://www.unifiedtheory.org.uk.

    Answer: NONE


  7. #7
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    Nov 2006

    The name of the game in politics is turning power into money, and using that money to perpetuate power.

    It's been the aim since day one. The sums are huge. The insiders are only just beginning to enrich themselves at the expense of the productive.

    All the better if they can get the rabble to blabber incessantly about how they should be impoverished for the good of the world. Why shouldn't the elites be able to vacation in nice places without it being all crowded with middle class people?


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by NinerSevenTango View Post
    The name of the game in politics is turning power into money, and using that money to perpetuate power....

    All the better if they can get the rabble to blabber incessantly about how they should be impoverished for the good of the world....

    I'm starting to wonder if Iraq is to republicans as global warming is to democrats....We're being led into a war we cannot win, and with false and/or incomplete intel. Each with powerful monetary incentives in the heart of the machine.

  9. #9
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    Apr 2005
    Globel warming ? we proubly cant make a signifecent change but could spend a lot of our tax dolars trying. Iraq let's do somthing we havent done since 1945 finish it. Ie. B52,B1B, B2 would make a nice parking lot. Where's curtis Lemay and harry truman when we need them . Kevin

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by fizzissist View Post
    I'm starting to wonder if Iraq is to republicans as global warming is to democrats....We're being led into a war we cannot win, and with false and/or incomplete intel. Each with powerful monetary incentives in the heart of the machine.
    It seems that way:


    The difference is that the Democrats (think they) are morally superior.

  11. #11
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    Nov 2006
    I believe the Republicans think they are morally superior as well.

    In fact, the moral questions that the Republicans gloss over are arguably more dangerous than those of the Democrats. Considering that it is the lethal and coercive powers of the state and their misuse that seems to preoccupy them, nanny socialism might be considered mild by comparison.

    The ratchet effect guarantees that the advances in government power that each side accomplishes will be used to full advantage by the other side when their turn comes. Neither side seems interested in repealing the bad laws of previous administrations. The arguing goes on ad nauseum, but the progress is always in the same direction, inexorable as a rising tide.


  12. #12
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    126Deg in Chicago This Summer

    With the recent projection by NASA (National Alarm and Surprise Association) that summertime temps are going to be in the 132deg range according to the models, I thought it might be fun to share this one with ya!

    "The chart plots the number of record high temperatures by year for all 50 states. There is a 10-year trendline to help smooth out the data. It clearly shows that, for the U.S., the last 10 years were really no hotter than average (600 data points in 120 years = 5 per year) in creating record high temperatures. It might be worthwhile to take a look at other land masses in this way."

    You might note that Roger Pielke has some input!

  13. #13
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    Speaking of Roger....

    Oh boy, is this maybe a BIG zinger for the AGW crew?? Tell me what you think!

    Bad Paint Job = Rising Surface Temperatures?

    "...In a nutshell, nobody seems to have experimentally investigated this issue I raised. Last year I posted an essay on the subject of paint and weather stations shelters at www.globalwarmingindex.com but the idea I've had goes back to the early 1990's, and I haven't experimentally investigated it either. It seems that weather stations shelters known as Stevenson Screens (the white chicken coop like boxes on stilts housing thermometers outdoors) were originally painted with whitewash, which is a lime based paint, and reflective of infra-red radiation, but its no longer available, and newer paints have been used that much different IR characteristics. ..."


    Interesting to note the photo of the Stevenson Screen in Monterey...next to a parking lot....and the responses.

    The number of monitoring stations has also been reduced.

  14. #14
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    BOTH the Republicans and Democrats want to use the lethal and coercive powers of the state. There is no difference in my mind between arresting someone without a warrant and holding them indefinitely and forcing others to pay for something they find morally repugnant, such as abortion. Politicians, as a class, all, in the end, seem to value power over others more than the welfare of the country.

    Once again, I am astonished that this country was so fortunate to have men like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Payne, and all the other founding fathers around to write the constitution. Now if we can only hold on to it!!

  15. #15
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    Mar 2006

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