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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Fanuc ethernet embedded 21i-MB


    We have a big problems with a machine YCM with Fanuc 21i-MB because desn´t can comunicate with our machine. The serial Port doesn´t work and the PCMCIA port is it the same. We tried make DNC with ethernet embedded service...so... only we did setup on the machine but dont´know how read programs on the computed by DNC or something like this. I saw to LEKSVIL knows the solution...Please help me!!!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hi Roberto,

    I see from your plea for help that you are having problems with your RS-232 serial port. I know you may have heard this before but have you a correctly wired Plug going from your NC machine to your computer. If you have, are the parameters correctly set for your serial port. We shall take this one step at a time my friend.

    Well I've never seen it do that before!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Thanks... a lot

    First: Rs232 doesn´t work. One day some months ago was rain and the computer got wet (was connect with the machine). The Rs232 never work again... we tried with 2nd RS232 and the problems is the same....so we try with an other wire at the same.....We chek the parameter and we dont see nothing abnormal.
    Second: The PCMCIA is broken because the operator plug in on the wrong way and the pins disapeared. All bad!!!


    Now the machine doesn´t can work with big programs....please help us.


    PD: Sorry for my english...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Unhappy Oh Dear.

    Hi RoberChile,

    Sorry but I don't think you will have any luck without the help of FANUC. Firstly both comms are located on the main back board. When you said you tried the second RS232 port did you have your socket on the machine connected to the RS232-2 socket on the main board located bottom right next to the power supply, be very careful which socket you plug into.(Option must be turned on for second comms channel.)

    Secondly the PCMCIA socket next to the LCD screen will need to be replaced. this also plugs into the main board. All parts are ex stock. So your local FANUC office should supply with ease.

    I'm sorry I can not help you any more on the RS232 or PCMCIA issue but if you can follow the instructions I gave to TURNER with regards in finding if you have a MAC address then you are one step closer to setting up your ethernet. Keep Smiling my friend.

    PS your English is just fine.



    Well I've never seen it do that before!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    My friend:

    Thanks...I was reading the quote by Turner so..now i have conection betwn machine and my laptop if i do ping 192.xx.xx.xx in both direction it work.... so ican not read the programs on the laptop. i read in paper two ways:
    1.- put parameter 0020 in 9 and i dont know what follow maybe try to read and punch like RS232 i dont know...
    2.- Using a ftp server i dont know if the server is the machine like Data Server (i saw with fanuc 15i) or the server is the computer if use the computer like server i need one software works like ftp server....????
    Some body have experience with this...



    PD: Thanks Leksvil for your help...In Chile doesnt have Fanuc suppliers ...the most near is in Argentina...I wrote an email to quotation. So dont get reply.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    You're half way there !


    Great, you can ping both ways. Next yo will need some FTP software. I use CIMCO FTP, but any FTP software will do. First you will need to creat a folder on your laptop. lets say C:\ FANUC\. Note that programs will have just their program numbers as file names. Secondly you will have to set the file path on the FANUC control. remember where you set the IP address on the controller. The second page allows you to set path and password. So set path to C:\FANUC\ and the password to FANUC. The next bit is a bit long winded so it would help if you could have a look in your operation manual from FANUC if you do not have one I will be happy to write you a proceedure. The chapter for ethernet will explain how to transfer your programs between your NC and laptop.



    PS Sorry for the delays but its meyham in our house, Kids are going crazy waiting for Santa.
    Well I've never seen it do that before!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Thanks a lot....dont worry for a time you must spend any time for your replys no problems. the import is dont lost the hope. Tomorrow i going to try with ftp and going to write to you...
    See you

    PS: What mean "meyham". and ...Mery Chritsmas...Feliz Navidad


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Hi friend:

    Yersterday we tried with the cominnication everything is ok but the software like ftp serve didn´t works...Im going to try with CIMCO FTP but i dont know how i can get it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    How old is your machine? I believe the Fanuc control comes with a 2-year warranty. If it's not too late call Fanuc and get a service tech to come out and fix it.

    Good luck.


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