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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Can anyone tell me if these controllers DDCSV1.14 are a reasonable replacement for a Mach3 system. I understand they don't particularly like Mach3 code but instead run on Fanuc based code. There seems to be a lot of confusing information out there and not enough useful information from anyone who actually runs them as they are. Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    I run one every day. What do you want to know about it?


    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Can anyone tell me if these controllers DDCSV1.14 are a reasonable replacement for a Mach3 system.
    That depends on what you want, or need it to do. If it has all the features that you need, then yes, they are a good replacement.

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    I have an elderly friend(80+) that has trouble with his Chinese 6040 cnc router. Every time I go out to fix it it appears to be Mach3 problems, configs. Whether he is corrupting the settings knowingly or out of frustration I don't know. He claims to have not touched anything despite the mach3 version being changed at one time! The router is basically half way decent and I have the big brother to it from the same source, we have had them operating for 3 years now. I have had the occasional line of code missed in a run only to have it run the next run complete. He would like to ditch Mach3 and go offline controller, ie; the DDCSV1.14. I will consider it for a backup to my current system also. From what little information I have found they seem to be the most likely replacement. I'm familiar with the Fanuc system having run a large commercial mill some years ago, but he is not. We both run average programs which are not too sophisticated, although mine can be quite long. I do a little 3D work and we both run a 4th axis rotary tables from time to time. I'm hopeful that the offline controller will run our programs from the Mach3 files we have stored.I would like to be able to run these routers using all the features we have in Mach3.

    Q1 Firstly are they any good for day to day unsophisticated work?
    Q2 Will it run existing Mach3 coded files or do they need to be changed?
    Q3 Is there a size limit to the files it can accept?
    Q4 Are they relatively easy to wire and setup the parameters?
    Q5 Would we be better to persevere with Mach3, or should I say me persevere with it!

    Any help or pointers would be much appreciated in deciding what avenue to take.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Chopper, I will try to answer your questions as best I can.

    Q1 Firstly are they any good for day to day unsophisticated work?
    I use my machine almost daily for something. My control is on a cnc router and I use it to prep stock for edge gluing and for 3D sign making here lately.
    Q2 Will it run existing Mach3 coded files or do they need to be changed?
    I have never run Mach3 so I am not familiar with the nuances of the code. If you send me a sample program I will evaluate it and try to run it as is.

    Q3 Is there a size limit to the files it can accept?
    I'm sure someone can tell us exactly how large a program it will hold, but I'm not that guy. I can tell you I ran a program last week that had 1,097,036 lines. Yes that is over a million lines (see program snippet below). (I'll look around a little in the morning and see if I can get you a hard number on the memory.)

    Q4 Are they relatively easy to wire and setup the parameters?
    I'm not an electrical guy and I was able to do it. The instructions are sufficient to figure it out with many pictures to aid in the wiring. A few of the parameters were over my head, but through some thorough testing I was able to achieve a very nice running machine. I would be glad to help in any way I can.

    Q5 Would we be better to persevere with Mach3, or should I say me persevere with it!
    That one can only be answered by you.

    I shelved my whole project for 2 years due to the complexity and work arounds necessary to run the windows based software I originally purchased. It was designed to run effectively on Windows XP....and will technically run on 8.1 and 10, but I was never able to get a warm fuzzy about getting it running on the newer OS without Windows taking control and shutting everything down. I have no reservations about jumping off the PC ship and into a dedicated controller. None.

    Since I have never run Mach3 I cannot tell you what it has versus the DDCSV1.1. But I can tell you that you will not be able to use a touch probe for finding or inspecting a part. The system does not have any ability for it as it is delivered.

    You will not be able to view more than a single line of NC code at a time. The control is not currently programmed to support that.

    You will also not be able to hand edit the code at the control. There is no MDI function.

    This control does not have any tapping capability.

    I am a member on another forum that has a thread going about this controller. There is a member there that is spearheading an effort to completely re-write the control coding to allow more functions and improve the functionality. He has also spent time improving the code that is there and has released it as shareware. The completely re-write might take some time so I am not holding my breath, but as right now I have no reason to want more for my application.

    I personally don't miss the MDI function as much as I thought I would. I am a career CNC programmer so I usually make my changes in the cam system and re-post anyhow. I did however buy a $150 refurbished laptop from Newegg just to have in my shop to make any last minute edits. I also have a desktop application I wrote that will spit out code for simple facing and profiling code that I use to help with the edge prepping work I mentioned above.

    I will not say this controller is the end all....it surely is not. But it is a first step in breaking free from a PC controlled system though.

    Feel free to ask specific questions as you think of them and I will help in anyway I can.


    Edit: Very Important edit for the American crowd. It will not currently run in inch mode. It can read a G20 for inches, but it does not process the data correctly. There are a couple of guys who are cheating the controller by modifying the pulses per mm value to achieve movements in inches. That does seem to work, but it limits you to only being able to see 3 decimal places on the screen even though the control is processing out further.

    I re-wrote all of my post processors to output metric g-code even through I design and program in inches. I'm just weird like that.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Thanks for the info Rob. I have been reading the other forum but it got a little boring my not being interested in that side of programming. My friend basically runs 2.5D code and I don't think he has ever done any 3D work. I think the major problem is his age as he doesn't appear to be aware of what he is doing with Mach3 config files. It appears to me as if he hits the brick wall then starts changing things to see if he can get it going with scant regard for the actions he has taken. Typical of the older generation when the computer gets the best of them!
    Q1 What are the file extensions that the DDCSV will run?
    Q2 How easy would it be to change parameters "accidentally" when something goes wrong. As I said I think this is the problem with his Mach3 currently!
    I'm trying to get something pretty much bulletproof for him. It is not so important for me as I haven't had many problems with Mach3 and I have a backup set of components ready to assemble a controller if I need too. I think as long as he can cut basic shapes and lines that it would do what he needs.
    So far he has destroyed 2 XP computers, a bob and now has bought another router, he has meantime shoot yet another XP and can not get the new router switched on. I strongly think operator error. I tend to visit him weekly and re-config his system and Mach3 to get him running again. Despite what he thinks his original router and controller work fine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Doug, your friend is a blessed man to have you in his life.

    I can relate to the scenario that you described about how he seems to blindly make adjustments to the config file. I feel like that at times since I do not have a computer science background. The younger generations seem to be more "in tune" with the inner working of computers and software so they have a leg up on guys like me and certainly your friend. Who by the way is my hero for taking on such an endeavor at such an advanced point in his life.

    Q1 What are the file extensions that the DDCSV will run?
    I personally use the ".nc" file extension. Let me know what file extension you normally run and I will change a program and see if it works.

    Q2 How easy would it be to change parameters "accidentally" when something goes wrong. As I said I think this is the problem with his Mach3 currently!

    The parameters themselves seem to be very stable in my case. That being said, you have to access the parameters page to adjust the Diameter compensation value ("D") as well as the height compensation value ("H"). The arrow buttons are used to scroll through the parameters and the "H" and "D" comps are at the end of the parameter pages. If the operator scrolls to the left first he lands on those parameter without accessing the rest of the parameters...which will minimize the exposure to the rest of the parameters. In my case I do not do precision work that requires comp so I never really use the comps. Hopefully will not have to either.

    The parameters can be stored outside of the controller and re input at anytime by inserting a thumb drive with the parameter present. The parameters can be permanently stored on his thumb drives so the parameters will be reinstalled at every boot up.

    Here is a snippet of code that shows a typical g-code program header that works very well with this control. As in anything FANUC, the basic codes can be placed in many locations and still work fine.

    G49 G80 G17 G90 G0 G94 G40 G98
    T1 M6
    S5 M3
    G0 G90 G54 X-127.000 Y-57.150
    G43 Z25.000 H1

    How does he normally generate his code? Cam system or hand writing?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Hi Rob,
    My friend Syd had a model part making business before he retired and still turns out product in reduced numbers. Syd has 20 years on me and like me he is self taught. With very similar interest it is no wonder the cnc has bought us together, we help each other out when we can.
    I worked as a designer and builder of scientific apparatus for our government where I setup the cnc cadcam facility some 30 plus years ago. At that time we had the only 4 axis simultaneous machining facility in this country. I used to make soap dies, prototype hip replacement joints, retro HUD display and instrument panels for the nations fighter jet planes (not responsible for them subsequently crashing!) and loads of equipment that never had a straight line, if I could help it. In the last 2 years a lot of the information has flooded back to me to the point I'm now dangerous with it!
    Syd uses flashcut to generate his code and sketchup to do his drawing, both free versions! The coding produced is fgc and if edited and saved in Mach3 it saves as a txt file. I don't believe he uses cutter compensation at all an he certainly doesn't hand write code.
    Q1 If memory serve correct the DDCSV reads txt files, is this correct?
    If it is he can run his code through the MACH3 and do a save as which will give him the txt file to run in the DDCSV.
    Q2 Does it run canned cycles like peck drilling?
    Q3 Can it run sub routines?
    I'm tending to think the DDCSV would be a good fit for Syd. I would like to get Syd's new router up and running as it has a lot of extra features the old one doesn't. He had thought he could mix and match the routers to get his old one going and sell off the new one, but they are cabled and plugged differently which stopped that idea. Strangely enough all 3 machine came from the same company who assemble and sell. I bought the heavy duty version and still have no idea what the bob is. It is not named and I have never seen anything like it advertised anywhere, which is why I invested in a secondary system that I need to finish assembling some time soon. Syd's uses the YOYO bob which I think is pretty aptly named! he is on his 3rd bob in 2 years.
    What sort of work do you do Rob?
    Cheers Doug

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Doug, I'm a Senior CNC Programmer in the aerospace industry. This is pretty much all I have done for the last 30+ years. I currently work for a company that makes flight control systems for the Dept. of Defense here in the US...ball screws, precision gear boxes and such.. I have also contract programmed for most all of those years as well. I turn 50 years old this year and have roughly 15 years to go until retirement. My plans for this CNC router are to come up with a handful of products that I can sell in my senior years to offset of living once I retire. Right now I am doing a bunch of dimensional signs for friends and neighbors.

    Q1 If memory serve correct the DDCSV reads txt files, is this correct?
    As you already know most all modern cnc's run a some form of text file for programs. There are a handful of file name extensions, but most all can be opened in a text editor and "Saved-As" to pretty much anything. I have run programs as both ".nc" and ".txt" with no problems on this control.

    I looked at some sample Mach3 programs online today and will try to run them as is in my control later tonight or tomorrow morning.

    Q2 Does it run canned cycles like peck drilling?

    Yes this control will run all standard FANUC axial cycles with the exception of tapping.
    Q3 Can it run sub routines?
    Very good question. The documentation does not mention macros B capability, but I will try some in the morning along with the mach3 code and report back.

    Keep those questions coming.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Hi Rob, Nice job. I did some work for the USA armed services when employed by our government. Fittings for hovercraft. I got laid off when I got RSI in both hands 20 some years ago. Since then I have gone back to the watch and clock trade from which I retired last Xmas and am still working at it. I make sure that it is as and when I want and always high ticket work. I have an insatiable appetite from building things which keeps me poor, relatively, but not enough that I have to work. I had the fore sight to put aside everything I thought I could use and some for retirement, enough to stock a large model shop and all the equipment to use the stock.
    I have been playing with flashcut and discovered that it will put out nc files and the Mach3 runs them happily. I just spoke to Syd an hour ago and found out his router took a dive into the base( Z axis) when he switched it on, he is over it for sure. Sounds like his YOYO BOB might be next to be replaced. I can't help smiling at the name, are the Chinese taking the pi-- out of use or don't they know any better! I have a clean XP computer for my spare so will take it out and see what happens when I run his router. It will eliminate either the controller or the computer as the fault, then I can concentrate on getting him up and running in the meantime. Syd is ready to order so I need to make sure he buys the correct unit or he will end up with an alternative offline controller of dubious parentage. Fortunately the routers themselves have proven to be better than the average Chinese product. I have arranged for Syd to deliver his new router and computer so I can get it up and running for him. Means I can work at it when I want and have everything I need at hand. I suspect he will go ahead with the DDCSV unit and sacrifice the old controller for the parts.
    Cheers Doug

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Can the spindle speeds and axis feeds be adjusted from this unit during the program running?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    They can he controlled via the program and there are manual over rides that work during program operation.
    The down side is there is a single button that is used to scroll down through the manual override functions one at a time. There are up and down keys once the function is selected.


    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Thanks Rob.
    I got my friend Syd's router up and running and am working on his new 6040 which has all the bells an whistles, that don't work! Got his table running but as far as I can tell he was never given the probe or spindle config files which are all under Mach3 control. In fact he only got the router and no documentation or files. Something like we have your money, now we don't understand English! We both experience problems with Mach3 running on our XP's. Fortunately I'm able to keep working with only an occasional line of code missed while running a tested program. Run it again with no problems until next time. Syd is experiencing his Z axis creeping periodically which as far as I can tell is a computer based problem. Open and close Mach3 3 or 4 times and it goes away, turn your back and it's back. I have 90% of the gear to go with the DDCSV unit as I was building up a quality controller, slowly. It is likely I will jump ship to offline control in the next day or two, easier than finding a Xp or win7 computer that will run Mach3 problem free, and probably cheaper in the long run. Cheers Doug

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    Finally ordered the DDCSV1.1 4 axis unit with hand wheel and panic button. There is a youtube clip for the wiring uploaded in the last 3 days which should make it an easy wire job. While my Mach3 still operates as does my friends I'm over all the niggley problems. It has to be great to push the go button and walk away not having to watch it continually in case the errors creeping in. I have loaded 3 computers with the same Mach3 disc and each opens up differently, on XPS3. As I have to build a new setup with the DDCSV1.1 I will keep the Mach3 controller setup ready to work when I need to run sub programs. Thanks for the help Rob.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    Re: DDCSV1.1 offline controller

    I have a question before buying DDCSV1.1

    Does the controller support mathematical expression and parameters ? i want to use this controller sometimes to mill PCBs which require auto probing the surface. the way to achieve this is to use G31 (Straight Probing) then store Z value in a variable and later use this variable to compensate Z height

    G0 Z0.0787G1 X-1.9077 Y-0.0085 F40
    G31 Z-0.0625 F5


    G01 Z[#500+-0.0070] F10.00

    #2002 gives the Z value in MACH3. i don't know if we can do something like this in DDCSV

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