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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    Wrote this for a customer today, thought it might be of use to others. I started with this macro from http://www.cncci.com/resources/tips/serial%20macro.htm written by Steve Wood. We had some different requirements, so all that is left of his original program are the programs for the numbers, those have been edited as well. The pdf is a full description of how to call the program, simple G65 call.

    The macro allows scaling of the numbers as well as changing the spacing, the option of leading zeros or not, and can cut any integer number up to the maximum allowed length of the variables on your machine. 8 digits on the Oi that I tested the program on.

    Anyways, use as you wish.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Thanks for the program should come in handy. Does anyone know of any similair macros for letters.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Here's one....

    Letter engraving macro

    I've never used it but I've heard it works well....
    It's just a part..... cutter still goes round and round....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Looking for OKUMA engraving macro

    Does anyone have a g-code program that will run in an OKUMA U-10M control to create and increment scalable numeric characters for serial numbers.

    Thank you.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Looking for OKUMA engraving macro


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    I am trying to make this XDigit Fanuc Serial Number macro work on my Fanuc Oi. The code runs like it does not know what the starting serial number is (Z goes down and right back up) and I can't figure out how to initialize the serial number. The code between the % signs is mine and below that is TomL21's macro:

    ( RPK )
    ( FANUC 0IMC WED. 02/03/2016 10:42AM)
    (TOOL T2 S7 D.25 C0. A90. H2.5)
    G90 G80 G40 G20 G17
    G00 G91 G28 Z0.
    (Machine Setup - 1 Engraving)
    (.25 V-TOOL)
    T02 M06
    N01 T02
    G90 G54 X-.0613 Y.0593 S1191 M03
    G43 H02 Z5.
    #500 = #500 + 1.
    G65 P8100 S#500 C0. X-.0613 Y.0593 Z0. D.005 U.1 H.175 F33.
    G91 G28 Z0. M6
    G90 X0
    G90 G53 Y0

    IF [#9 EQ #0] GOTO1

    IF [#7 NE #0] GOTO 5
    #7 = .005

    IF [#21 NE #0] GOTO 10
    #21 = .2

    IF [#11 NE #0] GOTO 15
    #11 = .25
    #140 = #11 / .25

    (DEFAULT Z IS 0)
    IF [#26 NE #0] GOTO 20
    #26 = 0

    #149 = .001

    IF [#19 EQ 0] GOTO 25
    #120 = FIX[[LN[#19] / 2.3026] + 1]
    IF [#3 NE #0] THEN #120 = #3
    IF [#120 NE #0] GOTO 30
    IF [#19 EQ 0] THEN #120 = 1.
    #121 = 1
    #122 = 1
    WHILE [#121 LE [#120-1]] DO 1
    #122 = FIX[[#122 * 10] + #149]
    #121 = FIX[[#121 + 1] + #149]
    END 1

    G0 G90
    Z[#26+0.5] (MOVE TO SAFE Z POINT)

    #102 = 0
    G0 G90 X[#24 + [#21*#102]] Y#25

    IF [#102 LE [#120-1]] GOTO 200
    G0 G91 G28 Z0
    #102 = FIX[[#102 + 1] + #149]

    #101 = FIX[[#19 / #122] + #149]
    #19 = #19 - FIX[[#101 * #122] + #149]
    #122 = FIX[[#122 / 10] + #149]

    G0 G90 Z[#26 + .05]
    IF[#101 EQ 0] GOTO 10
    IF[#101 EQ 1] GOTO 11
    IF[#101 EQ 2] GOTO 12
    IF[#101 EQ 3] GOTO 13
    IF[#101 EQ 4] GOTO 14
    IF[#101 EQ 5] GOTO 15
    IF[#101 EQ 6] GOTO 16
    IF[#101 EQ 7] GOTO 17
    IF[#101 EQ 8] GOTO 18
    IF[#101 EQ 9] GOTO 19

    N10 (ZERO)
    G91 G0 X-[#140 * .0004] Y[#140 * .1076]
    G90 G1 Z[#26 - #7]
    G91 G1 X[#140 * .0176]
    G2 X[#140 * .0374] Y-[#140 * .0194] I-[#140 * .0021] J-[#140 * .05]
    X[#140 * .0164] Y-[#140 * .0417] I-[#140 * .0488] J-[#140 * .0432]
    G1 X-[#140 * .0009] Y-[#140 * .1012]
    G2 X-[#140 * .0157] Y-[#140 * .0372] I-[#140 * .0527] J[#140 * .0004]
    X-[#140 * .0372] Y-[#140 * .0157] I-[#140 * .0375] J[#140 * .0371]
    G1 X-[#140 * .0353]
    G2 X-[#140 * .0372] Y[#140 * .0157] I[#140 * .0004] J[#140 * .0528]
    X-[#140 * .0157] Y[#140 * .0372] I[#140 * .0371] J[#140 * .0376]
    G1 Y[#140 * .1059]
    G2 X[#140 * .0157] Y[#140 * .0389] I[#140 * .0585] J-[#140 * .001]
    X[#140 * .0372] Y[#140 * .0175] I[#140 * .0382] J-[#140 * .033]
    G1 X[#140 * .0177]
    G90 G0 Z[#26 + .05]
    GOTO 100

    N11 (ONE)
    G91 G0 X-[#140 * .0359] Y[#140 * .0719]
    G90 G1 Z[#26 - #7]
    G91 X[#140 * .0357] Y[#140 * .0361]
    Y-[#140 * .2156]
    X-[#140 * .0357]
    X[#140 * .0718]
    G90 G0 Z[#26 + .05]
    GOTO 100

    N12 (TWO)
    G91 G0 X-[#140 * .071] Y[#140 * .0531]
    G90 G1 Z[#26 - #7]
    G91 G2 X[#140 * .0157] Y[#140 * .0375] I[#140 * .0535] J-[#140 * .0004]
    X[#140 * .0377] Y[#140 * .0159] I[#140 * .0379] J-[#140 * .0371]
    G1 X[#140 * .0352]
    G2 X[#140 * .0375] Y-[#140 * .0159] I-[#140 * .0005] J-[#140 * .0531]
    X[#140 * .0159] Y-[#140 * .0375] I-[#140 * .0373] J-[#140 * .038]
    X-[#140 * .0164] Y-[#140 * .0383] I-[#140 * .0527] J-[#140 * .0001]
    G1 X-[#140 * .1256] Y-[#140 * .1213]
    X[#140 * .142]
    G90 G0 Z[#26 + .05]
    GOTO 100

    N13 (THREE)
    G91 G0 X-[#140 * .0605] Y[#140 * .0917]
    G90 G1 Z[#26 - #7]
    G91 G2 X[#140 * .0362] Y[#140 * .0159] I[#140 * .0366] J-[#140 * .0341]
    G1 X[#140 * .034]
    G2 X[#140 * .0357] Y-[#140 * .0159] I-[#140 * .0006] J-[#140 * .0494]
    X[#140 * .0151] Y-[#140 * .0379] I-[#140 * .04] J-[#140 * .0379]
    X-[#140 * .0151] Y-[#140 * .0379] I-[#140 * .0552]
    X-[#140 * .0357] Y-[#140 * .0159] I-[#140 * .0363] J[#140 * .0335]
    X[#140 * .0357] Y-[#140 * .0159] I-[#140 * .0006] J-[#140 * .0494]
    X[#140 * .0151] Y-[#140 * .0379] I-[#140 * .04] J-[#140 * .0379]
    X-[#140 * .0151] Y-[#140 * .0374] I-[#140 * .0546] J[#140 * .0002]
    X-[#140 * .0357] Y-[#140 * .0159] I-[#140 * .0363] J[#140 * .0335]
    G1 X-[#140 * .034]
    G2 X-[#140 * .0362] Y[#140 * .0154] I[#140 * .0002] J[#140 * .0505]
    G90 G0 Z[#26 + .05]
    GOTO 100

    N14 (FOUR)
    G91 G0 X[#140 * .0353] Y-[#140 * .1059]
    G90 G1 Z[#26 - #7]
    G91 Y[#140 * .2117]
    X-[#140 * .1059] Y-[#140 * .1411]
    X[#140 * .1412]
    G90 G0 Z[#26 + .05]
    GOTO 100

    N15 (FIVE)
    G91 G0 X[#140 * .0714] Y[#140 * .1071]
    G90 G1 Z[#26 - #7]
    G91 X-[#140 * .1428]
    Y-[#140 * .0714]
    X[#140 * .0895]
    G2 X[#140 * .0374] Y-[#140 * .0159] I-[#140 * .0005] J-[#140 * .0531]
    X[#140 * .0159] Y-[#140 * .0374] I-[#140 * .0372] J-[#140 * .0379]
    G1 Y-[#140 * .0358]
    G2 X-[#140 * .0159] Y-[#140 * .0378] I-[#140 * .0537] J[#140 * .0003]
    X-[#140 * .0374] Y-[#140 * .0159] I-[#140 * .0379] J[#140 * .0372]
    G1 X-[#140 * .0357]
    G2 X-[#140 * .0379] Y[#140 * .0159] I[#140 * .0002] J[#140 * .0536]
    X-[#140 * .0159] Y[#140 * .0374] I[#140 * .0372] J[#140 * .0379]
    G90 G0 Z[#26 + .05]
    GOTO 100

    N16 (SIX)
    G91 G0 X[#140 * .0555] Y[#140 * .091]
    G90 G1 Z[#26 - #7]
    G91 G3 X-[#140 * .0379] Y[#140 * .0155] I-[#140 * .0376] J-[#140 * .038]
    G1 X-[#140 * .0352]
    G3 X-[#140 * .0377] Y-[#140 * .0159] I[#140 * .0002] J-[#140 * .053]
    X-[#140 * .0157] Y-[#140 * .0375] I[#140 * .0378] J-[#140 * .0379]
    G1 Y-[#140 * .1062]
    G3 X[#140 * .0157] Y-[#140 * .0377] I[#140 * .0533] J[#140 * .0001]
    X[#140 * .0377] Y-[#140 * .0157] I[#140 * .0378] J[#140 * .0376]
    G1 X[#140 * .0352]
    G3 X[#140 * .0375] Y[#140 * .0157] I-[#140 * .0004] J[#140 * .0535]
    X[#140 * .0159] Y[#140 * .0377] I-[#140 * .0371] J[#140 * .0379]
    G1 Y[#140 * .0352]
    G3 X-[#140 * .0159] Y[#140 * .0375] I-[#140 * .0531] J-[#140 * .0005]
    X-[#140 * .0375] Y[#140 * .0159] I-[#140 * .038] J-[#140 * .0372]
    G1 X-[#140 * .0352]
    G3 X-[#140 * .0377] Y-[#140 * .0159] I[#140 * .0002] J-[#140 * .053]
    X-[#140 * .0157] Y-[#140 * .0375] I[#140 * .0378] J-[#140 * .0379]
    G90 G0 Z[#26 + .05]
    GOTO 100

    N17 (SEVEN)
    G91 G0 X-[#140 * .0714] Y[#140 * .1071]
    G90 G1 Z[#26 - #7]
    G91 X[#140 * .1428]
    X-[#140 * .1071] Y-[#140 * .2142]
    G90 G0 Z[#26 + .05]
    GOTO 100

    N18 (EIGHT)
    G91 G0 X0. Y[#140 * .1061]
    G90 G1 Z[#26 - #7]
    G91 X[#140 * .0176]
    G2 X[#140 * .0373] Y-[#140 * .016] I-[#140 * .0004] J-[#140 * .0525]
    X[#140 * .0157] Y-[#140 * .0374] I-[#140 * .0378] J-[#140 * .0378]
    X-[#140 * .0157] Y-[#140 * .0372] I-[#140 * .0528] J[#140 * .0004]
    X-[#140 * .0373] Y-[#140 * .0157] I-[#140 * .0376] J[#140 * .0371]
    G1 X-[#140 * .0352]
    G3 X-[#140 * .0373] Y-[#140 * .0164] I[#140 * .0005] J-[#140 * .0519]
    X-[#140 * .0157] Y-[#140 * .0383] I[#140 * .0398] J-[#140 * .0386]
    X[#140 * .0159] Y-[#140 * .0361] I[#140 * .05] J[#140 * .0004]
    X[#140 * .0375] Y-[#140 * .0151] I[#140 * .0377] J[#140 * .0395]
    G1 X[#140 * .0348]
    G3 X[#140 * .0373] Y[#140 * .0151] I-[#140 * .0001] J[#140 * .0539]
    X[#140 * .0157] Y[#140 * .0361] I-[#140 * .0346] J[#140 * .0365]
    X-[#140 * .016] Y[#140 * .0383] I-[#140 * .0551] J-[#140 * .0004]
    X-[#140 * .037] Y[#140 * .0164] I-[#140 * .0378] J-[#140 * .0356]
    G1 X-[#140 * .0352]
    G2 X-[#140 * .0373] Y[#140 * .0157] I[#140 * .0003] J[#140 * .0528]
    X-[#140 * .0157] Y[#140 * .0372] I[#140 * .0371] J[#140 * .0376]
    X[#140 * .0157] Y[#140 * .0374] I[#140 * .0535] J-[#140 * .0004]
    X[#140 * .0373] Y[#140 * .016] I[#140 * .0377] J-[#140 * .0365]
    G1 X[#140 * .0176]
    G90 G0 Z[#26 + .05]
    GOTO 100

    N19 (NINE)
    G91 G0 X-[#140 * .0555] Y-[#140 * .091]
    G90 G1 Z[#26 - #7]
    G91 G3 X[#140 * .0379] Y-[#140 * .0155] I[#140 * .0376] J[#140 * .038]
    G1 X[#140 * .0352]
    G3 X[#140 * .0375] Y[#140 * .0157] I-[#140 * .0004] J[#140 * .0535]
    X[#140 * .0159] Y[#140 * .0377] I-[#140 * .0371] J[#140 * .0379]
    G1 Y[#140 * .1062]
    G3 X-[#140 * .0159] Y[#140 * .0375] I-[#140 * .0532] J-[#140 * .0005]
    X-[#140 * .0375] Y[#140 * .0159] I-[#140 * .038] J-[#140 * .0372]
    G1 X-[#140 * .0352]
    G3 X-[#140 * .0377] Y-[#140 * .0159] I[#140 * .0002] J-[#140 * .053]
    X-[#140 * .0157] Y-[#140 * .0375] I[#140 * .0378] J-[#140 * .0379]
    G1 Y-[#140 * .0352]
    G3 X[#140 * .0157] Y-[#140 * .0377] I[#140 * .0533] J[#140 * .0001]
    X[#140 * .0377] Y-[#140 * .0157] I[#140 * .0378] J[#140 * .0376]
    G1 X[#140 * .0352]
    G3 X[#140 * .0375] Y[#140 * .0157] I-[#140 * .0004] J[#140 * .0535]
    X[#140 * .0159] Y[#140 * .0377] I-[#140 * .0371] J[#140 * .0379]
    G90 G0 Z[#26 + .05]
    GOTO 100

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    What does the second line do:
    T02 M06
    N01 T02

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    I think you found a bug. Looks like starting with a single digit with a value of 1 causes it to drop out before you start. If you plan on going into multiple digits you could add a C with the number of digits you want the serial number to be. It will add the leading zeros for place holders.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    Quote Originally Posted by sinha_nsit View Post
    What does the second line do:
    T02 M06
    N01 T02
    N01 TO2 positions the next tool on the carousel after a tool change. This program is a one tool test program. N01 T02 also has the effect of positioning the next tool for the program restart, in this case the same tool. N01 is the line number.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    Quote Originally Posted by TomL21 View Post
    I think you found a bug. Looks like starting with a single digit with a value of 1 causes it to drop out before you start. If you plan on going into multiple digits you could add a C with the number of digits you want the serial number to be. It will add the leading zeros for place holders.
    TomL21: that was the ticket, it works most excellently! Thank you so much for posting this thread and your quick reply to my question.

    How can I know which number will engrave next, as when I start a new batch? How can I initialize or reset the next number to engrave to be the number I want?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    The way you have it set up #500 stores the last number engraved. That can be reset or set to anything at any time by you. and nothing binds you to that one variable. For two different parts you could use #500 on one and #501 on the other and it would always pick up where it left off with that part. Which numbers get engraved are completely up to you.

    You can set #500 in MDI or in the Macro settings page
    Set #500 = 0 to go back and start at 1
    Set #500 = 'your number' - 1 to start engraving at a specific number.

    Remember in the format you have it #500 will be the last number engraved, because it increments immediately before the number is cut.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2022

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    As of Sept 2022 the macro in the link in the 1st post still has a bug that prevents the digit "1" from being engraved when the numbers 10, 100, 1000 etc. are specified without a C value in the G65.
    eg. the "9" will enrave ok but 10 will engrave as just "0" insteadd of "10" and 100 will engrave as just "00" insteadd of "100"

    Thanks for posting this!
    It is still very helpfull.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    Quote Originally Posted by nbogert View Post
    As of Sept 2022 the macro in the link in the 1st post still has a bug that prevents the digit "1" from being engraved when the numbers 10, 100, 1000 etc. are specified without a C value in the G65.
    eg. the "9" will enrave ok but 10 will engrave as just "0" insteadd of "10" and 100 will engrave as just "00" insteadd of "100"

    Thanks for posting this!
    It is still very helpfull.
    I found another bug when 999 is put in it doesn't do do that number it goes to the next number up 999 will do 1000, 1999 will do 2000, 19999 will do 20000 and so on
    I am trying to figure out what it is doing wrong

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    figured it out , #149=.001 has to change to #149=.00001 or make it zero

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    Sorry to drag up a really old post but I'm trying to use this serial program on my older Fanuc control and when I read the program into the control (can't drip feed macro) it splits the program up and cuts the O8100 off before N200 and creates an additional O0200 program that includes everything below the N200 line.

    I've tried all kinds of things (like M99P40 and then N40 M2, etc) with no luck. It just keeps creating the O0200 file.

    Anyone have any tips on using this program with an older Fanuc?

  17. #17

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfRhoVSquared View Post
    Sorry to drag up a really old post but I'm trying to use this serial program on my older Fanuc control and when I read the program into the control (can't drip feed macro) it splits the program up and cuts the O8100 off before N200 and creates an additional O0200 program that includes everything below the N200 line.

    I've tried all kinds of things (like M99P40 and then N40 M2, etc) with no luck. It just keeps creating the O0200 file.

    Anyone have any tips on using this program with an older Fanuc?
    Hello, brother,
    Since M99 is considered the end of the program on old machines, when writing macro programs, it is generally avoided to place M99 in the middle.
    However, there is one method you can try: change M99 to M[99], and that should work.
    Good luck!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: Fanuc Serial Number Macro

    Quote Originally Posted by catisshirt123 View Post
    Hello, brother,
    Since M99 is considered the end of the program on old machines, when writing macro programs, it is generally avoided to place M99 in the middle.
    However, there is one method you can try: change M99 to M[99], and that should work.
    Good luck!
    Using an expression sounds like an interesting trick, I'll try it.

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