Hi Guys,

I am looking to purchase or build a CNC mill that would be used primarily for cutting up to 6mm aluminium plate. I currently have a Chinese 6040 mill which can do it but is over its limits, made obvious by broken couplers, burnt out stepper, etc.

I have cut "softer" aluminium sheets using a 3mm end mill with some success but it is very slow. Ideally I would like a machine with a bed around 600mm * 400mm and Z travel of at least 150mm, capable of machining at least 6mm marine grade aluminium in 2.5D. I suspect flood cooling would be required, and would need a collet size of at least 6mm, preferably larger.

Can anyone suggest a machine to purchase, or specs for a purpose built machine such as stepper sizes, ballscrew sizes, spindle power, etc. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated before I totally trash my 6040. Cheers.