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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Spindles / VFD > VFD ? Wiring to ESS/MB3 for Mach4 PWM use ...
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  1. #1

    Question VFD ? Wiring to ESS/MB3 for Mach4 PWM use ...

    Hi there,

    I'm on the road to make my cnc /ON, but i've to upgrade and cfg some inside stuff.
    This is a China-cncrouter

    For sure I've to determinate what is my VFD ? ... before/perhaps Ask Here for cfg for my Spindle.

    And because I don't have the update MB3's AO-AG ouput for the analog, perhaps you have some return on my wiring/Mach4 cfg ?
    At this time I've only and always a 10.4V on AO/AG output even if I decroisse the M3 Sxxxx gdi cmd, so I don't put AO / AG into the AI1 at this time !

    Goal :
    Have the full control of VFD/Spindle under Mach4 for Fwd and Rev if possible ... And for sure my cnc making some stuff on wood, brass, copper and aluminum
    Other Infos :

    Sources links :

    Thanks inadvance for any time on this,
    HK, from France

  2. #2

    Re: VFD ? Wiring to ESS/MB3 for Mach4 PWM use ...

    Seems OK for the Analog out, it was a ESS cfg

    PinsConfig : Port3-pin17 : Alias AO AnalogOuput then OutputSignals for the SpindleMotor PWM Enable to this PIN1 Mapping !

    So now, I've to Cfg my VDF to run with my spindle and the Bob ...

    I don't update this thread with a "SolutionOK" because I've to make the wiring and VDF cfg.
    I gonna go to the VDF/Spindle subForum for having a start point

    I'll be back


  3. #3

    Cool Re: VFD ? Wiring to ESS/MB3 for Mach4 PWM use ...

    OK all wiring and configuration ok for having under mach4 :

    M3 S2000 => u 600 on the vdf screen
    M3S10000 => u 24200
    Juste I could not have less 600 rpm but

    M3 and M4 are ok,
    but I have to reverse the wiring on the NO1Bob to X5 on the vdf for having the good cw and ccw.
    Thinking on the manual it said X4 is Fwd by factory, but really not.

    I took this attach manual for the YL serie my board is like the 600 one

    So next => made things with this machine

    I don't find any Resolution or edit Titile : NO MORE NEED HELP for this


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