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IndustryArena Forum > Events, Product Announcements Etc > Polls > Ask for a raise? Is your company do same to you
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Ask for a raise? Is your company do same to you

    Is it just me or every company I work for is the same? The boss promise you "You do good job and I will give you a raise in 6 months or in certain months.". Then months went by and I ask for a raise....... The reply is: Blah Blah Blah :argue: ..... wait few more months, and few months later I come back again Blah Blah Blahhhhhhhhh: argue: ..... wait few more months. I changed my job 3 times because of that, and you know the funny thing is; Then right after I gave them 2 weeks notice I will leave :bs: , the raise is there right away.

    Is it your company do the same to you? what is the fair tail story they give you "Oh we are kind of tigh on the budget"?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I once worked for a company and every year the letter came regarding the yearly bonus "due to the way various competitors have conducted their business...bla bleat NO BONUS" Vote with your feet is my way too

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CNCtoday View Post
    Is it just me or every company I work for is the same? The boss promise you "You do good job and I will give you a raise in 6 months or in certain months.". Then months went by and I ask for a raise....... The reply is: Blah Blah Blah :argue: ..... wait few more months, and few months later I come back again Blah Blah Blahhhhhhhhh: argue: ..... wait few more months. I changed my job 3 times because of that, and you know the funny thing is; Then right after I gave them 2 weeks notice I will leave :bs: , the raise is there right away.

    Is it your company do the same to you? what is the fair tail story they give you "Oh we are kind of tigh on the budget"?

    Sadly that scenario is all too familiar.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I've found the 2 most powerful words at work is "I Quit". As soon as the boss hears that even the sea can be parted, at a moments notice. I've grown tired of that over the last few years, and started my own gig. Now some days, I wish for the "good old days..."
    On all equipment there are 2 levers...
    Lever "A", and Lever F'in "B"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    The problem is by the time you decide to quit....your dedication to the company has pretty much vanished and the money just isn't worth it anymore.

    Shop owners need to get a clue.....yeah, like that will ever happen....you might try a different approach when you start a new job.....ask them to put down in writing what you need to accomplish to get a certain percentage raise.....I suspect most won't...which tells you alot about the organization.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by DSL PWR View Post
    I've found the 2 most powerful words at work is "I Quit". As soon as the boss hears that even the sea can be parted, at a moments notice. I've grown tired of that over the last few years, and started my own gig. Now some days, I wish for the "good old days..."
    looking in the mirror and saying screw you i quit !!! just wouldn t be as much fun :argue:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    The last time I asked for a raise I also said "I quit starting from tomorrow" (of course I had my resignation prepared in advance and sitting in my shirt pocket waiting to be pulled out if the right moment presented itself) in the same meeting. I had a month of unused vacation time which allowed me to look for another job and still get paid.

    I never had to worry about a raise since - I started my own company!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I own my company, I get to work as long as I want to.
    Regards Walt.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
    I own my company, I get to work as long as I want to.
    Regards Walt.
    And for as low a wage as you want to; negative sometimes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Geof View Post
    And for as low a wage as you want to; negative sometimes.
    That's the shop owner's fault. Owners are stupid for the most part, low-bidding things to the extent that they lose money. Until shop owners brighten up and start charging a fair price for parts, the employees aren't going to get their money either.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I sure am glad I was stupid enough to start a business
    some 20 odd years ago and provide a place for people
    to work that were not stupid enough to start a business.
    If I had it all to do again, I would do the same as I did.
    Some changes to be sure but for the most part stupid or
    not I would still own this business and provide jobs and
    good service to other owners of machine shops.
    Regards Walt..

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Yea Walt.!.!

    I had to leave the room after reading DOC's comment. Then come back.

    Through out the years I provided 15 to 23 jobs for skilled machinests, welders and fabricators..none of their paychecks bounced,and yes, I was GUILTY at times of "Low Bidding" to keep everyone working..Call me stupid ? Bet I got more cash in the bank than DOC,don't owe any body one cent, and I sleep real good, also enjoy retirement and still talk to about 90 % of my former employees. ( the company that bought me out, had to in writting, offer all of the present employees samo - samo with extended benifits )
    The only way a small business survives is integritey..to employees and customers alike..if your only goal is $$$, ( I erased what I really wanted to say ) instead I will be polite : Your WRONG !

    Adobe (old as dirt )

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Integrity doesent seem to be a requirement for owning a business anymore. I agree that it makes the difference between a great place to work and one that is not, but since moving to Southern California 10 years ago I could count the business owners with integrity I've met on one hand. And half of them are struggling and trying to figure out how to survive while competing with a bunch of scoundrel's.

    They are out there, but most businesses are not run by ethical caring employers that have the customer and employee in mind. The places I've worked have been large impersonal entities with board members and stock holders.

    I did work for two private employers over the last 10 years. One was an OK guy, almost a friend actually, untill I ripped a three inch hernia in my gut open and he wouldn't let me get it fixed on workmans comp (I'd been working for him for three years), so I quit and went to work for a competitor (that gave me insurance right off the bat) the next day. He showed up at a job sight a couple of weeks later and wanted to "beat me up". (He changed his mind when I smiled and picked up my hammer and said "great!".) We are still aquaintances, and see each other and are civil, but essentially what he did was completely wrong and he knew it.

    Ther other guy was OK and honest and probably not a bad guy, but he was drunk all day long and I couldn't deal with it.

    They are out there , but not the norm and are getting harder to find all the time.

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
    I own my company, I get to work as long as I want to.
    Regards Walt.
    Same here. A friend of mine in the same business once said. "I don't mind minimum wage, but I do hate not being able to earn that much"

    Karl "apple grower by day" Townsend

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    They just raised the minimum wage.
    Does that mean us stupid shop owners all get a raise.
    Lets see, about 11 weeks til Christmas, maybe the little
    woman will get sumpin in her sock.
    I've been waiting for a pay raise for a long time.
    If I wasn't so stupid, I could have figgered something out
    before the government went and caused me to get a raise.
    Regards. Walt.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Wow, you other shop owners are pretty sensitive!

    How do you react when you don't get a job? Do you cry to your mommy?

    I am a shop owner and I see what other shop owners do. I know what I'm saying when I call most of them stupid. I never called anyone here stupid so stop copping the attitude, ok?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Halfnutz: Sorry to hear of your problems with previous employers..Your statement about the boss not letting you get a hernia fixed on Wkms Comp?

    I was under the impression all employers are responsible to have Wkms Comp Insurance regardless ( some large companies "Self Insure" if they can prove they have the resources to pay ) If the accident happened at work, an employer is required to fill out a first report of accident and send you to the Workman Comps Insurance designated Clinic or Doctor immediatly !
    The employer can not refuse if the accident happened at work, if he had no Workmans Comp Ins, you should have called a shark ( Lawyer) and ended up owning the company
    I can not understand a legitimate machine shop not having Workmans Comp. Insurance...heck even the boss gets hurt some times.
    I did call friend that manages a machine shop in Southern Calif, and he did confirm that Wkms Comp is required in Calif, and their laws are similar to those in other states, if not tougher.

    Adobe (old as dirt )

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by DepthOfCut View Post
    Wow, you other shop owners are pretty sensitive!

    How do you react when you don't get a job? Do you cry to your mommy?

    I am a shop owner and I see what other shop owners do. I know what I'm saying when I call most of them stupid. I never called anyone here stupid so stop copping the attitude, ok?
    You know DOC when you quote someone and make a disparaging or insulting comment most people would come to the conclusion that the comment is aimed at the person you quoted. If it was not aimed at that person why quote them?

    But at least now I have another adjective to string onto all the others that have been thrown at me; this is the first time anyone has called me sensitive.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Geof View Post
    You know DOC when you quote someone and make a disparaging or insulting comment most people would come to the conclusion that the comment is aimed at the person you quoted. If it was not aimed at that person why quote them?

    But at least now I have another adjective to string onto all the others that have been thrown at me; this is the first time anyone has called me sensitive.
    Well since I'm new here I didn't know that you were another owner. I assume you are or you wouldn't have made the comments you made. Is there some way I should have known you were an owner? I took your comment to be made about owners, not by an owner.

    I was commenting on what you said. I do that lots of times on other message boards without "aiming" my comments toward the person that wrote them.

    Besides, aren't you now glad to know that you have a sensitive side?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Its Called Life

    Quit your whining and just do the job you were hired to do. When a employe ask for a raise "Cuase I aint had one in 6 months" Time is not the factor for increase in pay. What are you doing for me today that you were not able to do yesterday. I have never had trouble getting paid well. I do my job go the extra mile and help out anyone that has a question I can answer. If you happen to work for a company that is just plain cheap then shut up and quit. There are to many places out there that will treat you fair and pay you well. I have bneen in this bis for 30 years and that is what I know. In those thirty years the guys that whined the most about what they were getting paid were usaully the least productive

    Just my opinion, BLUESMAN
    I know I know opinions are like ......................................

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