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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I can do that and not have to type. No point in carrying on any further.

    Yall have a good one, (;-) TP

  2. #2


    your best bet would be to talk directly with the company . They offer no support for their products in these forums . I don't think there are many people using the software , and there probably won't be until it's fully functional as a cnc control software .
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    I think Terry is more interested in getting a dialog going between users.

    I don't think there are many people using the software , and there probably won't be until it's fully functional as a cnc control software .
    Then Mach3, Mach 4, and Linux CNC should be on that "fully functional" list of yours as well.

    I just finished running a Job on my knee mill. UCCNC controlling a UC-300. Six tool changes on each part via my carousel style ATC including a rigid tapping cycle. UCCNC and the UC-300 handling the ATC control via macro. Zero problems. So for some of us it is fully functional.

  4. #4


    Fair enough , they all have their quirks . The difference for me is that the other 3 softwares will run my programs . I already use the uc-100's on my mills and I'd most certainly have been using the uc software otherwise . I've addressed my concerns before and I don't plan to go any further with it in the forums , especially since that didn't go so well the last time !
    I'm glad that it's working out for you , and it sounds like it'll do everything that you need . I've seen Terry's posts in the effort of getting some good support going within the forums and hopefully those efforts work out . It does seem to be a very small user group at this point . I think that a lot of concerns or questions should go direct to the company because thats where the support is . But , like most things , a good strong user support usually promotes progress and evolution . Hopefully Dubble is paying attention to this and eventually evolves his software and support to suite all of the users . Maybe one day he'll reconsider supporting his software thru the forums , it'll only benefit him and his users
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    Having used the software in three of my machines my advice to you would be t try and find a work around on your G18 G19 problems for now. The motion is soooooo smooth compared to Mach. My cam program outputs in line segments. I can convert to Arcs before posting. In Mach on a large file it would be mandatory. With UCCNC I really can't tell the difference between arcs or line segments. It slows up in the corners regardless of what it is. Now if your code is all done by hand then that's obviously out of the question.

    By cranking my acceleration way down and my feed rate way up the finish and accuracy on my patterns has gone way up. No more gantry chop in tight corners.

    Food for thought.

  6. #6


    My cam software has the option of arc or line segments . Hand coding is something that I'll do on the fly if I want to do something quickly .
    The problem that I face is that I have hundreds of proven production programs that I can't afford to modify , be it time wise or the possibility of a scrap program . I put a lot of time and effort into my programs . Plus short line segments show up on the aluminum parts , the surface just doesn't get smooth enough vs using a proper arc movement , and this I've seen time and time again . Smoother motion in some portions of my programs would be a plus but overall I've planned them out well to keep things somewhat lean .
    After my last discussion (argument) with him - I'm not feeling optimistic that things will change , and I've got other possible plans that I'll play with when I have a mill free for a few days
    Anyhow , I don't want to hijack or come across as knocking what other guys are enjoying . I'll wait and see what happens .
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I think IF the group works to prove that IT can provide usefully info WITHOUT causing a firestorm of arguments. THEN UCcnc may return to monitor the Site and it would benifit BOTH teh users and UCcnc. As it is no one in their right mind would come back to the normal WEB trolls that don't have a real CLUE as to what their are talking about. Heck they just learned that new word last weeknow they are an expert on something they have never EVERY used in real life. I see that every day now on the WEB.

    The web has turned into an Alternate reality show where one can lead their entire LIFE from their imagination. SAD, SO SAD.

    They has been decent traffic and views but NO ONE wants to discuss anything they want or need or just observed using UCcnc. HOW could that possible help UCcnc in any way?

    So basically IF you want UCcnc to return you have to prove that your information is actually USEFULL to them. There is really NO REASON to start up a full blown argument here . Just state your case on move on.

    As to CNC software developement EVERYONE thinks that because you are starting with the full source code of the original EMC(NIST) code that you should have ALL the functions already. What you have to realize it that source code is FULL of bugs that can cause a lot of problems trying to track down. A wise person would start with the source then strip out ALL but the basic functions THEN when that part is pretty much bug proof start adding back in features one at a time MAKING SURE that Each section you add is BUG free. It can be a long process to do correctly and it just takes TIME.

    Now in the meanwhile if the users( or potential users) helped create a LIST of feature requests and functions needed it CAN be very usefull as to modeling the ORDER that other functions are added back in. Otherwise the order would be what UCcnc decided was best for THEM and their current customer base. IF your majority customer base is ROUTER then creating a rigid tapping routine would be foolish when there are OTHER router needs ahead of it. BUT they did take the time to show and prove that THEY can do it and it work correctly. To ME that proves they know what they are doing. UNLIKE other controllers that just promise anything you want to hear and then never deliver the goods or even FIX known CORE problems.

    I will take the UCcnc approach every time. AND NO I do not have any $$$ stake in Uccnc. I just find their approach refreshing. IF I run into a problem I simply ask an Emailed question and they in return ANSWER the question as best they can. Normally from that answer I can formulate a work around until THEY have a chance to address the original problem.

    So far THAT has been working VERY WELL here.

    Just a thought, (;-) TP

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by vmax549 View Post
    I think IF the group works to prove that IT can provide usefully info WITHOUT causing a firestorm of arguments. THEN UCcnc may return to monitor the Site and it would benifit BOTH teh users and UCcnc. As it is no one in their right mind would come back to the normal WEB trolls that don't have a real CLUE as to what their are talking about. Heck they just learned that new word last weeknow they are an expert on something they have never EVERY used in real life. I see that every day now on the WEB.

    They has been decent traffic and views but NO ONE wants to discuss anything they want or need or just observed using UCcnc. HOW could that possible help UCcnc in any way?

    So basically IF you want UCcnc to return you have to prove that your information is actually USEFULL to them. There is really NO REASON to start up a full blown argument here . Just state your case on move on .

    Just a thought, (;-) TP
    Are you suggesting that I'm trolling , don't know what I am talking about , and that my info wasn't useful ! The argument hat I got into with him was over the lack of basic g code and their importance . I've been working in the metal industry for a long time and for someone to tell me that some basic g codes are no longer needed is no different than stating g code is dead . Could my suggestions have helped the software and it's users ? damned right it could have !!
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    NO I was not refering to you specifically, BUT your ego is primed and ready to argue a MOOT point in a way that is counterproductive. I would guess that LESS than 1% of all DIY users even know what a G18/19 does. Much less even use it.

    I' ve been at this a long time as well over 40 years. If I were still making a living with CNC I would NOT be using a DIY controller approach. I too have to STAND BACK and put it all back into perspective. I try to help operators DIY and commercial make a cool hobby or make a living.

    Working together as a GROUP you an I CAN make a difference to the finished product of UCcnc. BUT you have to remember you and I do NOT have the final say. I do not have the first penny invested in UCcnc and the real bottum line is the COMPany HAS to turn a profit so that MAY mean it goes in directions to serve the majority not the minority of the user base.

    (;-) TP

  10. #10


    thats why i asked , so far I believe that I'm the only one within the forum who has had an argument about what I believe to be a something that is lacking .
    Don't take me wrong , I can and will argue against an invalid point , but it's not my intention to argue here . Ego has nothing to do with it , and I stand firm on the belief that the basic g codes are a necessity to have a proper running machine . I understand that I may never make a difference to influence to how someone wants to develop their product . I also understand that a lot of new guys won't know the first thing about some of the missing codes , but that doesn't mean that they are less important . What it does mean is that there are going to be guys posting questions as to why they have strange circle on the screen or why they've crashed when doing some surfacing on a part .
    I really don't want to rehash that stuff . If my one time arguing my point against his was enough for him to never want to support his software here then I'm sorry , but at the same time it shows little backbone
    The thing is that if no one speaks up then no one hears
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Well I hate to let you know but a HUGE sector of CNC users NEVER use G18/19. IN CNC Plasma or laser it NEVER appears anywhere. In Most CNC mills it is never used EXCEPT for 3d work with HSM and some straight 2.5d work with HSM.

    Router very rarely use it It depends on the CAM that is used. HECK most do not even use Tool Comp in any fashion.

    Does that make you wrong NOPE just different. AND the ego is still pouring out by referering to him as weak with little backbone.

    ""The thing is that if no one speaks up then no one hears"" THAT is just plumb silly . OF course he heard you. He responded back did he not. You COULD have just stated your case gave a simple rebuttal then leave it be. BUT your ego won't let you do that. WHO would have been teh bigger man ? The one that did not continue to argue after the points had been made. AND it is ALL about ego. (;-) Been there done that myself far too many times. So I know mister EGO VERY well.

    Unfortunately it is people that cannot seem to put that ego away that messes it up for everyone else that can.

    Have a good one, (;-) TP

  12. #12


    if one simple small argument is enough to drive a company rep from a forum then ya it's spineless and nothing less . clearly he's just as bull headed as I am so I'd be genuinely surprised if I single handedly drove him away
    There are loads of guys who want to jump off the mach train , nows the time for him to make his software shine , but thats all up to him

    why would anyone use xz or yz arcs on a laser or plasma table . if its a plasma software call it that , if it's a milling software then make it that .
    tell me this , in your 40 years in the cnc world , have you ever thought that d comp was a thing of the past and no longer necessary because cam can do this for you . Do you run back to your office to reprogram in order to adjust a bore size by .001 , or do you use d comp and lose a few seconds of time
    He made suggestions that those things were no longer necessary which is absolute bs and I would expect that anyone who has worked in the industry for 40 years would understand that . What mill controls have you worked on that lack these codes within the past 30 years , I'll bet none
    These forums are loaded with guys who own mills and do surfacing ,so your way of base informing me that most users don't use g18-19 . these forums arent all about diy routers and lasers , though some of the router work that I've seen done in these forums is incredible , and with loads of surfacing

    Theres a reason for the title to your thread and I had already suggested why that may be , I did that in a civil and polite manner as were the few words that Derek and I had shared
    you keep throwing ego at me , but at this point it's in your court with your finger pointing . I said before that I wasn't here to rehash or argue , but words like trolls ego and s%# like that can turn this thread into an argument if thats what your looking for . You were here talking to yourself , now your talking with others , how do you want to talk
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    wrong post sorry.
    It's rumoured that everytime someone buys a TB6560 based board, an engineer cries!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    this is silly so what if some one use`s G18 or G19 I use G17 all the time I don't have a machine that can use G18 or G19 if someone does they needed it. d comp or cut comp most people don't know how to use it, cam does it for them so who is right no one. you use what you use and that`s that if someone does not wont to use the all new fancy cutting stuff leave them to it, it`s there time not yours

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  15. #15


    i didn't mention the codes in this thread until it was brought up to me . I did state that it won't work for me and thats all that i wanted to say . I really had no intention of discussing it , and I see no point in discussing it further .
    A poet knows no boundary yet he is bound to the boundaries of ones own mind !! ........

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    it`s all silly just do it the way you wont to

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    why would anyone use xz or yz arcs on a laser or plasma table . if its a plasma software call it that , if it's a milling software then make it that .
    Do you know what CNC stands for? It is Computer Numeric Control. Being it plasma or mill or waterjet or EDM or an automatic loom machine or whatever machine if it is automaticaly controlled, axis positioned by a computer then it is a CNC.

    He made suggestions that those things were no longer necessary which is absolute bs and I would expect that anyone who has worked in the industry for 40 years would understand that . What mill controls have you worked on that lack these codes within the past 30 years , I'll bet none
    I read this whole thread now and I think you'r in the wrong, dubble answered your question in regards g18/g19 several times. he even gave you a workaround which not equals to saying it is not important, but he wanted to help you, but got rudeness back from you in response.

    And sorry, but I agree with vmax549 that by definition you are trolling here. I think that if you can't use or don't want to use this software then just ignore this thread and allow others to discuss about it without you ranting into every topics of this thread.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    when a person puts a point across (reasons why) and say`s they are leaving it at that that`s that no need to say any more is there then it kicked of from post 7 when post 6 said I will leave it there.

    so stop before this post get`s wiped out move on the sun`s shining and there`s fish to catch

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    He said he will leave it there and then he continued arguing. this is what ego does with some people who can't handle it.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003


    I don't have a machine that can use G18 or G19
    If you use Mach3, then yes you do. I've used them on my router.

    so stop before this post get`s wiped out
    He would have stopped, but you brought it back up....

    UCCNC 2017 Screenset

    Mach3 2010 Screenset

    JointCAM - CNC Dovetails & Box Joints

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

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