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IndustryArena Forum > WoodWorking Machines > DIY CNC Router Table Machines > Serial CNC controller/software? Bungard CCD
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Serial CNC controller/software? Bungard CCD

    Hi All,

    I've had a Bungard CCD PCB router that uses proprietary software called Routepro that runs in DOS which is limiting it's usage. Newer versions of this software do not seem to work with this (older) model and I would like to use the machine for things other than PCB routing... so I would like to take steps to make it compatible with various other CNC softwares.

    The system connects to the host PC over RS232. Last night I made a start on reverse engineering the protocol used. It appears quite simple, it sends a byte of data corresponding to the direction required. Each byte = 1 thou in desired direction. ie to achieve a feed rate of 500thou/sec you would send the designated byte 500 times in one seconds. Using a simple terminal application I tried this out on a Windows XP machine, and indeed it does work, but the timing is way off, I assume this is due to buffers, multitasking etc.

    What are my options to make this system compatible with more convenient software? I can remove the entire RS232 front end and drive the driver chips directly from the parallel port from Mach3. Or I could implement my own GCode interpreter on a PIC or such like. Or there may already be an application out there compatible with this form of serial link?

    Any ideas will be gratefully received.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Sorry, just realized I've put this in the wrong section, can a mod delete it please, I'll post it in the correct location!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Been there and done that too. I ripped the entire PC out and replaced it with a new laptop with Mach3, added the stepper drivers and a breakout board and you're ready to go. You can use all the switches etc that are there, just need to rewire the entire machine into the breakout board. Took me about a day and got it up and running again.

    I assume you have the funny drivers in the system as I did, just replace them with Gecko's or your favourite driver and you have a very nice system.

    What spindle do you have in your router?

    Good luck!,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Well it looks to me that it should be possible to understand what the RS232 line is doing and then use an AVR or similar to act as a decoder/encoder to convert the output of a conventional routing software. If it is a simple as you suggest, one byte for each direction as well as im guessing a byte to set speed of the spindal (followed by the speed required) or something like that then it should be no problem to write some code that converts the machine to a proper CNC. I too have this problem, am currently finishing my degree but will require the machine in future for purposes other than drilling PCBs so can help. If you like, try and submit any information you want about this. If you require I have full schematics for the machine but no time ATM due to coursework.

    I really hope between us we can convert these machines into the proper standard, I hate 2.5D when 3D is no harder!

    Cheers Rob

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maybe a little too late, but anyway i just finished rebuild my Bungard router.
    Easy work New parallel card replaced the serial card. That was easy to build the new card, optoisolated breakout board and a few componets to take care of vref. On X-axis board i had to replace the 10k trimpot with a 20k.
    Everything works perfect and its fast, and 0.0254mm in res. is good enough.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by bob123 View Post
    Well it looks to me that it should be possible to understand what the RS232 line is doing and then use an AVR or similar to act as a decoder/encoder to convert the output of a conventional routing software. If it is a simple as you suggest, one byte for each direction as well as im guessing a byte to set speed of the spindal (followed by the speed required) or something like that then it should be no problem to write some code that converts the machine to a proper CNC. I too have this problem, am currently finishing my degree but will require the machine in future for purposes other than drilling PCBs so can help. If you like, try and submit any information you want about this. If you require I have full schematics for the machine but no time ATM due to coursework.

    I really hope between us we can convert these machines into the proper standard, I hate 2.5D when 3D is no harder!

    Cheers Rob
    Hi Rob,
    This refers to your old Post here.
    I am trying to restore an old vintage Bungard CCD.
    Would you still have the schematics for this machine?
    I would appreciate having these to restore the machine.

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