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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Haas Machines > Haas Mills > Talking to my Haas via Windows 7 and Ubuntu
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Talking to my Haas via Windows 7 and Ubuntu

    Okay, I've got my VF-4 on a network and everything was hunky dory when I was using Windows XP on all the computers. We upgraded from XP to 7 on a couple of the machines, and Ubuntu on one machine. Now none of the machines can talk to the Haas! I can ping its network address and it's definitely being "seen" on the network...I just can't find it with either operating system and certainly can't exchange files, etc. Has anyone managed to talk to their Haas with a computer running Windows 7 or Ubuntu? Would love to solve this mystery!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2004
    I had something similar to this problem at one employer's shop a few months ago. The Haas will probably never be able to access the other network resources. The Windows 7 might can find the Haas if you map the Haas as a network drive. It will not automatically find it. Ever. Microsoft wants it this way. Microsoft thinks it will make more money this way.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    1. Click Start at the Win7 PC.
    2. Type secpol.msc in the search box and press Enter.
    3. Windows 7 will display a warning message; click Continue.
    4. Windows 7 Local Security Policy console will appear. Highlight Local Policies.
    5. Double-click Security Options.
    6. Scroll down to the Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level policy entry and double-click it.
    7. Change the value from the default setting of Send MTLMv2 Response Only to Send LM & NTLM -- Use NTLMv2 Session Security If Negotiated, then click OK.
    8. Reboot the Haas & the computer.
    Ken Foulks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Wow....I don't think even 1,000 monkeys typing randomly would ever have come up with that! And it worked on my Windows 7 machines, thanks! Still having issues with the Ubuntu computer, but at least I'm not having to run up and down stairs anymore...

    Quote Originally Posted by KenFoulks View Post
    1. Click Start at the Win7 PC.
    2. Type secpol.msc in the search box and press Enter.
    3. Windows 7 will display a warning message; click Continue.
    4. Windows 7 Local Security Policy console will appear. Highlight Local Policies.
    5. Double-click Security Options.
    6. Scroll down to the Network Security: LAN Manager Authentication Level policy entry and double-click it.
    7. Change the value from the default setting of Send MTLMv2 Response Only to Send LM & NTLM -- Use NTLMv2 Session Security If Negotiated, then click OK.
    8. Reboot the Haas & the computer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

    try this also

    Remember to turn off the windows firewall also.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Couple things you can do in Ubuntu. Not sure if you're running Gnome or KDE or another, but helpful programs are available. First be sure that all parts of Samba are installed, they are needed. Be sure your setop file has all the required info in it to talk to your LAN and machines on the LAN. Second, download and instal SMB4K ( Smb4K / Home / Home ). It will give you a 'network neighborhood' on your Linux machine and you can then create mappings, etc to your windows / Haas machines so they are available each time you restart Ubuntu. Hope this helps

    Edit: Good grief, I just noticed the old date of this thread

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Still relevant. I'm working on getting a Ubuntu box setup as a file server. I have zero experience with Linux so this should be interesting.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Hey there, usually see you in Bobcad forum Working with Linux can be fun. (notice my avatar ) Ubuntu is 'ok' for some things, but I run Debian mostly. (Ubuntu is based on Debian) Debian is known as the most rock-solid linux flavor out there, and the majority of servers both on LANs and on internet run it. They fully test all their packages before releasing them. Might want to look into it. Let me know how it goes, I might be able to help out a little

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Debain is also my favorite distro and runs everything from desktops to servers. I have one w7p-64 machine for running the cam software. I have a debian file server that I use to transfer files to and from the VF-2SS. I don't have to worry about security so the share directory is setup to be accessible to everyone on the network without needing username or password.

    From my w7p box, I can also access the VF-2SS harddrive directly by connect to it's IP address but I usually use the file server so I can have access to the gcode files when the mill is turned off.

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