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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Mp7 Renishaw probe

    I was woundering if there is any books on the renishaw probe. I think that the software in the machines is older. None of the info i've found looks to be the same.

    I've looked at the macros but after awhile i get lost.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    renishaw update

    Ok I called renishaw and I guess the software in the Niigata is custom. So my next question is this, I've probe every thing did my math and want to update my WC G54.

    y = #621
    x = #622

    z = #623
    any insight would be great

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    If I recall the Niigata code,.......

    In probing you will have a line like: G65P9???

    Then on that line you'll have X, Y or Z for the axis. On that line, you should be able to put an "S" as well for the WPC to write to. For example:

    G65P9...X0.S1 ( where 1 = G54, 2 = G55, 3 = G56 etc.)

    Try the S code on the probe macro call line.
    It's just a part..... cutter still goes round and round....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I guess we are using fanuc macros to run the probe..
    your right

    G65p8017 w54.x1

    when it goes to the 8017 is where it sets the work coor.
    it does a little math but i don't ever see where it sets it.
    it pulls info from #5221 (work coord. var via parm not sure that is the correct var)
    but it doesn't set the #5221 to anything. but it updates the work coord.

    I guess i should complain it works but it makes no sence

    Iknow u can call g10p1x0.0y0.0z0.0
    but no var can be put in...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Without seeing the probe macros its tough to say what your inputs need to be. Niigata did change around the standard codes for this. Since you can't get support for this machine anymore, you may be able to contact Renishaw again and see if they can get you set up with new subroutines to use. If it works then you're on the right track.

    #5221 is " G54 X ". You should see a variable (probably a local variable) setting to #5221.

    In your G10 line, you're missing the "L". To write to G54, you need it like this: G10L2P1X...Y....Z...
    It's just a part..... cutter still goes round and round....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Yeah i'm still new to the marcos and ect. I'm just took this m.t. job about 1 week ago and i'm learning by the truck loads daily. Thanks man for the help. I wounder how much renishaw would charge for new sub.
    thanks again

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