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Thread: Spindles

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  1. #1
    eitanwaks Guest


    The way I see that there are three things to deal with when building the new CNC machine. These three things are:
    1. The electronics (everything from software to the motors)
    2. The static hardware and framing (this includes all framing, linear rails, ballscrews, etc.)
    3. The active hardware (steppers/servo motors, spindle, etc.)

    From the topic of this subject you can guess what my question is about. I pretty much understand what goes into the first two subjects that I mentioned. Of course I have a lot to learn however, I feel that I have some base to stand on. The last subject totally eludes me. I have already bought my stepper motors and gecko drives. I'm not trying to understand which spindle would best suit my needs. I plan on cuts in wood as well as metal.

    Could someone please explain to me what the spindle is? What is a comprised of? What parameters do I need to look at and how will they effect the spindle's performance?

    Eitan Waks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    This thread and this one will get you started.

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