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IndustryArena Forum > Mechanical Engineering > Epoxy Granite > Index to "Epoxy-Granite machine bases" thread
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Index to "Epoxy-Granite machine bases" thread


    Hello and Welcome!

    The aim in starting this Index is to make it easier for the public to follow the <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30155">main E/G thread</A> which currently stands at 124 pages.

    In <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30155">"Epoxy-Granite machine bases"</A> thread, we began investigating the possibility of using composite castings as bases for various machine tools.

    (Read <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showpost.php?p=273150&postcount=541">this</A> first).

    Pictured above: Mikron HSM 600 - Monoblock Epoxy Composite Frame, True High Speed Machining, Feed Rate 1575ipm & 1.0g of Acceleration, Spindle max 32 kW.

    What Is Epoxy Granite?

    Bases of polymer concrete or epoxy-granite as a substitute for cast iron are manufactured out of compact packed rocks in various sizes, fillers and a low percentage of epoxy binder. The extraordinary temperature stability and damping characteristics of polymer concrete are about 6 times higher than those of cast iron.

    Developed by Swiss machinery makers in the 1980s, composite bases have found limited use in standard machinery but are increasingly being used on special machine tools requiring high precision and on other special machinery uses. In High Speed Machining, polymer concrete has become state of the art for all non moving components of the machine structure, such like beds, bridges and columns.

    While original formulations of polymer composites came from concrete filling of machine tool bases and included concrete, more recent formulations consist mainly of quartz or granite materials in an epoxy composite. Thus, the name change from polymer concrete to epoxy-granite (E/G).

    What About Portland Cement?

    Portland cement-based concrete is not dimensionally stable enough, due to its own internal structural variations with time and its hygroscopic nature, to allow it to be used for the main structure of a precision machine tool. Properly cured reinforced concrete on a stable, dry subgrade can provide a reasonably stable foundation only for very large machines that are not self-supporting.

    This is what you will find in the <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30155"> main E/G thread</A>:

    While my own experiments have not been particularly successful, my findings tend to agree with general E/G idea. Once you try it, you will never go back. There is simply nothing like it!

    Epoxy also makes an excellent <A href=" http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showpost.php?p=282777&postcount=839">surface plate</A>. Great way to get an accurate table surface to measure and build your machine on.

    All this and more in our <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30155">main E/G thread</A>! So sit back and relax, and let us guide you through it.

    (Important: Do not post questions in this thread. It's for indexing purposes only).


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Great idea Walter, this is from now on a sticky!

    Lets help Walter keep this thread clean and informative, please contribute but try to stay on the topic: a summary thread about epoxy-granite designs.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Thank you for making it a sticky, I really appreciate it.
    __________________________________________________ _____

    Cameron finished indexing first 1300 posts and brought up the idea of separate "Index" thread. Something that is maintained and updated regularly and provides useful info/links to articles, proceedings and data that's buried in the main thread. Great idea BTW.

    Please feel free to add content that you think is missing or might be useful in navigating the main thread. It's your thread - have at it!

    __________________________________________________ ______

    Ok, here we go:

    Beamer Java applet (post 1060)- Engineering tool for calculating deflection in structural beams.
    Written by Cameron!

    Forum's very own Epoxy-Granite Formula CNCZ-1

    Commercial Epoxy-Granite Specs (NIST)

    MadVac's CNC Router Build (moglice)

    National Institute of Standards and Technology

    Here's the list of all the PDF's:

    Principles of Rapid Machine Design (Bamberg)

    Anocast Polymer Composite Brochure

    Zanite Polymer Composite Brochure

    Accures Polymer Castings Brochure

    Synthetic Granite Tool Bases Brochure

    Chockfast Grouts Brochure

    Review of Polyester Polymer Concrete Properties

    Replication Materials in New Machine Architecture

    Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites

    Procedures for Casting Resins (required reading)

    Composite of Aggregates used in Polymer Concretes (required reading)

    Effect of Binder Content and Coupling Agents on Mechanical Properties of Epoxy

    Concrete Synthetic Macro Fiber Reinforcement

    Breakthrough Polymer Finishing Technology

    Mechanical Properties of Granite Powder Composites

    Optimization of Polymer Concrete Composites

    Mechanical Characterization of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Concrete

    Understanding and Using Dynamic Stiffness

    NISS- Packings and Approximate Packings of Spheres

    Sphere Packing

    Material Hardness

    Structural Characteristics of Three-Dimensional Random Packing of Aggregates with Wide Size Distribution

    Empirical evaluation of fracture toughness: the toughness of quartz

    Three-dimensional shape analysis of coarse aggregates

    Flexural Properties Testing Facility

    Official Test for Compressive Modulus and Strength

    Concrete Consolidation and Vibration

    A Simple Vibratory Compaction Table

    Concrete Vibration Handbook

    Log Aggregate size vs. Percent Aggregate Volume

    Rule of Mixtures

    Assembly CNC Router

    Computing Beam Deflection in a 2 Material System

    Computing the Flexural Modulus with a Three Point Jig

    Creep Testing

    Gantry CNC Design

    Reichhold Epotuf 37-127 Epoxy Data sheet

    East System 9482 Epoxy Datasheet

    Silquest A-174NT silane MSDS

    Silica Fume User Manual

    Cobalt (III) acetylacetonate MSDS

    DOW CORNING Z-6040 Silane Coupling Agent

    Z-6040 MSDS

    Reichhold Epotuf 37-606 Epoxy Data Sheet

    DuPont STARBLAST abrasive

    Prestressed Concrete

    Huntsman GY 250 Epoxy Data Sheet

    Huntsman GY 6010 Epoxy Data Sheet

    BYK-A 525 De airing Agent Safety Data

    3M Ceramic Microspheres

    Nanoresins PDF in a zipped folder

    Larry's CNC Base Design

    FOAMGLAS (idea of casting-in rigid foeam panels)

    Getting material properties from sonic measurement

    Main thread posters

    TA Instruments Brochure

    The Spacecraft Robotics Lab Epoxy Surface Place

    Manual and Automatic Vacuum Potting Systems

    Huntsman Epoxy Formulations Using JEFFAMINE

    Degassing Epoxy and Polyurethane Compounds

    Oil-sealed, rotary vane vacuum pumps

    Removing Bubbles from Epoxy

    Coatings and Hardeners ZIRCAR ALUMINA COAT

    (Thanks Cameron!)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Great thread!!! I was wondering if there was a way to view all the picture at once, and here it is Would be nice if there would be button for each thread to view all attachments at once too...But you guys been doing some great experiments.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    List of Characteristics Known to affect the Recipe

    The original list was posted on the E/G thread as <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showpost.php?p=306963&postcount=1485">Post 1485</A>
    Please post on <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30155"> the Main E/G thread</A> and not here with additions, questions, prioritizations etc.

    <LI>Fracture Toughness of Aggregate Material Chosen: up to %1000
    <LI>Tensile, Compressive, flexural and Bulk Modulus of Aggregate
    <LI>Aggregate Size Distribution Relative to Largest Aggregate in mixture
    <LI>Size of Largest Aggregate in mixture
    <LI>Solid Phase pH of Aggregate surface
    <LI>High Surface Energy (Makes it easier for epoxy to wet it)

    <LI>Epoxide Equivalent Weight of Epoxy
    <LI>Hardener family (amine etc.)
    <LI>Reactive Dilutants: Improve viscosity, slightly lower strength
    <LI>Low surface energy (Lower implies better wetting)

    <B>Bonding Agents</B>
    <LI>Bonding Agent choice: Polysiloxane, Titanate, Zircoaluminate

    <LI>Surfactant choice: None, fluoro-surfactant, other (Improves FLow properties. Strength effect unknown)

    <B>Dispersion Hardeners: between 100% and 10,000% improvement strength improvement (at least for silica sol)</B>
    <LI>Dispersion hardener choice: Carbon Black, Silica fume, Epoxy Dispersed Colloidal Silica Sol
    <LI>Dispersion hardener weight fraction

    <B>Catalysts: 10% improvement in strength and better high temp performance</B>
    <LI>Choose catalyst: None, Cobalt Acetyl Acetonate, Mica dust, Chromium Oxide, Cobalt silicate

    <LI>BYK C8000: 50% improvement in strength
    <LI>Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
    <LI>Polycarbonate 10% improvement in strength
    <LI>PMMA 100% improvement in strength

    <B>Mechanical Qualities of Mixture</B>
    <LI>Rheology (flow characteristics) of the overall mixture
    <LI>Percentage and size of voids
    <LI>Void location: Entrapped in matrix or surrounding aggregate
    <LI>Voids smaller than Griffith flaw for part stress
    <LI>Vacuum deairing (Effect depends on void size)
    <LI>Effective compaction
    <LI>No material segregation
    <LI>Epoxy setting temperature: higher is better
    <LI>Avoidance of shear planes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003


    These tips were compiled from posts 1-365:

    EPOXY GRANITE - Tips & Tricks

    1. Epoxy/Granite vs Polymer Concrete

    It's imperative to keep clear in mind the difference between "polyester" resins (familiar as glass reinforced plastic materials), and "epoxy resins" more familiar as potting compounds. The first has large shrinkage in polymerization and contains lots of viscosity lowering solvents adding to the problem, and the later with next to zero shrinkage.


    - E/G has better properties for damping than solid granite.

    - Epoxy's are generally considered zero shrinkage if they are "NEET" eg no solvents or reactive dilutents. The aggregate fillers will result in zero shrinkage. E/G is more thermally stable than solid granite or cast iron.

    - Why epoxy over portland as a bonding agent? Simply put epoxy is a superior "glue" which does not shrink and is fully cured and stable in one week. Portland can take years to settle. Water+steel=IO2=rust

    - Disadvantage of regular portland cement is that it uses the water in the mix as the curing agent so voids are left within the cured mass. In addition portland concrete shrinks during curing and may continue to shrink for a long time such as many months.

    - Companies are filling weldments or machines made of steel tube to eliminate resonance. Since epoxy has 0 VOC or solvents, when filled it has ZERO shrinkage. If you poured raw epoxy on the floor it will self level to .005 or better. What a way to get an accurate table surface to measure and build your machine on.

    - Epoxy is only nontoxic after full cure, one week. People tend to think it is not toxic as it has no flammable solvents. Epoxy can pass through your skin. Wear nitrile rubber or nitrile butatoluene gloves and mask if sanding.

    - There is a lot of issues to be dealt with. For eg air entrapment, vibratory compaction, heat generation, viscosity , vacuum degassing.

    - You need to use a mix of aggregate sizes based on the part being built. The bigger the better, up to a fraction of the feature wall thickness. The German book recommended around 1/5 wall thickness for the largest aggregate, the Zanite site say 1/2. For a two inch thick feature, you are looking at rocks in the 1/2" to 1" range, and below.

    - The idea is to use different particle sizes to fill in the spaces between the larger sizes.

    - On the German site, http://5128.rapidforum.com/topic=110...8&search=beton there are a few test pieces guys have done, using various ratios of the different aggregate sizes and resin ratios. The guys are testing resin ratios from about 8% by weight, which is what the commercial outfits are using, up to about 12%.
    The vibrating table seems to have a very large effect on the final result. They are also having some issue with mold releasing agents. I believe the highest quality cast to tolerance molds also use vacuum degassing.

    - Epoxy is an extreme glue which seems to penetrate anything. That mold has to be waxed 4 or 5 times following the manufactures directions to the T. If you could imagine violently shaking a bunch of sand and rocks on a mold surface whats going to happen? It is called the sandpaper syndrome. the abrasion is going to take the mold release off and probably scratch the mold surface. Solution: Thoroughly wax and apply a gellcoat first.

    - Quartz sand is a good starting point for a fine filler as some of the machine castors are using quartz or granite. Interestingly high quality granite is 60%quartz and a very hard stable mineral.

    - Whatever size you choose for the biggest "pebble", make the next size 1/5 the size/diameter.
    If you consider the pebbles as perfect spheres, the smaller one will just fit in the gap in a tetrahedral packing.

    - The aggregates are a commodity product, you can get locally at building supply or landscaping places, cheap.

    - Aggregate mix could be play sand [appears to be clean and fine& smooth] or sharp sand and pea gravel. 3 grades mixed should be enough.

    - Builders sand is soaking wet. Not suitable for epoxy. The bags of play sand seem promising as they are very dry and clean. The Home Depot suggested sandblast sand as it is graded and dry. Bagged gravel it is not suitable as it is very dirty. Anything you use must be washed, to remove dust and clay. Crushed stone is not a good choice as it is jagged. Particles tend to "snag" on each other, making the mix thicker than necessary. Simply put smooth aggregates will roll over one another like ball bearings creating a smoother mix. (EDIT: Some commercial manufacturers use highly angular crushed granite, here's the actual sample:http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showpo...postcount=1369 I guess there's many ways to skin the cat)

    - If the aggregate is too large, 1" or larger it results in poor strength as the aggregate has different stiffness and properties compared to the binder (epoxy). (EDIT: My tests show that 1/2" aggregates can also reduce strength)

    - If large aggregates are used, when you vibrate for air release and compaction the matrix becomes very fluid at certain frequency and the large aggregate will drop to the bottom.

    - Raw epoxy is solvent free and ships non hazmat. Cheap reactive dilutents are used to thin the epoxy and thin the price. They also thin the properties. Ask your supplier if their epoxy contains Nonyl Phenol.
    If your supplier cannot ship non hazmat the epoxy has dangerous additives.
    Raw, 'neet' epoxy has low vapor pressure (smell is not bad)
    Reactive dilutents have very strong odor, might i add unbearable. Again if it ships non hazmat it is probably OK epoxy.To confirm request MSDS from the supplier.

    - You need thin epoxy to maximize filler loading. This would be called Laminating epoxy. Thinnest? Probably 600cps which would be the consistency of #1 Canadian maple syrup. Epoxy glue is 10,000cps or better. Similar to honey.

    - Why is epoxy such a great glue? Just before gell it thins out penetrating almost anything. I have in the past taped off mold edges only to discover the epoxy penetrated the tape. This is also why the German guys saw pooling.

    - All sand is not created equal. The better stuff is considered better because for one it isn't leacherous - chemicals don't leach out of it. This 'better sand' makes its way into markets like water filtration sand or aquarium sand/gravel - two examples that require the sand to be clean as well as non-leacherous. These sands are usually granite based vs limestone as the limestone will leach, however its still rare, a lot of granite leaches as well. For the lucky owners of such deposits, the price per ton is 10x as high and water filtration sand for example is trucked distances as its is not as common. Bottom line is water filtration sand should be clean and won't leach.

    - Avoid crushed stone, look in landscaping centers or architectural suppliers of stone. These markets want aesthetics and the crushed look won't do - like surface treatment of precast panels for example or ground covers. 'River rock' for example which comes from kame deposits and is nicely rounded. Construction uses don't care about leaching or ascetics so thats' the wrong supply chain to look in imo. I believe some pits even 'polish' crushed aggregates to remove the sharp edges/irregular shape.


    - Do not over-complicate the process. Many manufacturers optimize in areas such as strict aggregate sizing, specific aggregate mineral formulations, very high granite to epoxy ratios, complicated shake and vacuum arrangements, high precision molds, and many others. Many of these optimizations are only practical when the costs and efforts associated with such optimizations can be amortized over the the product's lifespan.

    - As a hobbyist or someone without a need to create many machines, you are free to use materials and processes that may not be practical to a manufacturer. For example, you can simply add additional internal reinforcement to counter effects of voids created by ungraded aggregate and less complicated compaction and deaerating techniques. Also, because you are adding reinforcement you can use a higher percentage of epoxy and smaller aggregate to ease mixing and pouring and still have equivalent rigidity. Since you are not running a production line, you don't have to be concerned about the small additional cost of extra epoxy.

    - Here are some important notes on granite, epoxy and molds to help ensure a good casting (some of these have already been mentioned):

    * Size: 3/8 to sand
    * Rounded edges ease mixing and compaction
    * Clean and dry aggregate well
    "Decomposed granite" from landscaping places usually has a good mix of sizes and relatively smooth edges. If you want to get kind of fancy, you could probably separate the granite by size using appropriately sized wire screens, and then combine in an optimized ratio. This really isn't necessary, but I know some of us are overachievers...

    * Low viscosity
    * Slow cure
    * Minimal amount of additives

    * Masonite or similar with a smooth surface and adequate thickness for noncritical mold sections
    * Aluminum or steal on areas to be precisely replicated
    * Take the time to produce your precision mold surfaces to a higher degree of accuracy than you want your final product
    * Don't place inserts closer than 3/4" from an edge
    * Use a wax based release that is brushed on. Apply a coat, let dry, buff with a soft rag, then repeat two to four more times
    * A gel coat may also be used.

    - Here are a few epoxy mix tips. Measure A&B in separate containers, pour into the mix bucket and scrape out every last drop.Use some kind of propeller mixer on a drill. Pause at intervals to scrape the sides of the mix bucket to the center as the epoxy near the walls tends not to mix in. I must add to use relatively low RPM as you will whip in tons of air. I have only experience with micron spherical fillers ie 200 micron and under. We would mix the largest spheres first then the fines.

    - If you are having trouble with mold release, never use silicone release agents. Silicone release agents will contaminate your shop forever and you will never be able to achieve secondary bonding such as painting or an epoxy pour. High end car paint shops will not let you in the door if you used Armoral on your tires.

    - Adding a small % of 1/32 milled glass fiber- this would greatly reduce the viscosity and result in lower aggregate/epoxy ratios. The benefit is micro fibers would reinforce the bond between the aggregates. I don't know if this is true today but epoxies 20 years ago would not stick to cured epoxy. Repairs were impossible. I think this problem has been resolved as suppliers say secondary bonding is not a problem. Our solution in the "old days" was to add a small % milled glass. When sanded the resin would sand away leaving micro fibers on the surface promoting secondary bonding on cured epoxy. If you are casting in many pours you have to pour within the WINDOW of your epoxy usually 24 hrs. In plain English layers should be within 24hrs or secondary bonding may be a problem. Calculate what Epoxy you need for the job. You do not to run short and wait a week for more epoxy. Make sure you have enough for the job.

    - For the milling and lathe guys filling hollows will enhance the machines performance. I have a lot of molding and epoxy experience and would not consider a totally composite structure. I don't care if anyone follows directions or not but if you fill a hollow with any ratio sand/ epoxy you will acheive better machine performance. I know you are aware of this better damping extends tool life. The grinding people claim 30% INCREASED tool life with E/G damping.

    - The largest castings use a combination of a shaking table and shaking motors bolted to the outside of the form.

    - For optimal bond, any steel inserts you bond into the part should be sand blasted. The practical method for prototypes and us homebuilders is wooden forms with steel sections molded in which are subsequently milled or ground to tolerance. The big guys are going more and more to cast to tolerance, but also do grinding of the mineral to tolerance. If you have a surface plate and an eye for detail, grinding and scraping alignment rails could be a garage job.

    - Tolerances to +- 0,5mm should be possible with wooden molds. Edge distance for inserts should be >3D. If you intend to reuse the form, it should taper about 5°. Round all internal edges.

    - You do not need to go to the complication of epoxy and fancy aggregate ratios.The thesis on rapid machine design, which was designing a big tool grinding machine, that Bob gave a link to goes into damping in great depth. (EDIT: Here's the link http://www.mech.utah.edu/~bamberg/re...e%20Design.pdf) They found that simple concrete inside tubular structures was very good and concrete with an additive to prevent shrinkage on curing inside rubber bags in tubular structures was excellent. It is not surprising that the bag technique worked best because they were effectively making a constrained layer damping system which is the most efficient possible. I have not found any detailed analysis but I am sure the reason the epoxy/aggregate mix damps so well is because the entire structure is in effect a constrained layer damper; it is comprised of to materials with radically different Young's moduli so vibration cannot effectively pass through in any direction.

    - Mixing epoxy generates tons of air entrapment. A 10% resin content is so stiff the vacuum will do a poor job. Why is air entrapment a huge problem? When the epoxy exotherm hits 150 C what happens? The entrapped air expands leaving huge voids, not a good thing. If one will accept say 20% resin content we can pour the material and have less air problems. At this ratio, true the epoxy will "puddle"on the surface. Just push in rocks
    and add sand to suck up the excess resin. This would probably bring us near the 10% level.


    - Removing entrapped air with a blow torch. You pour the epoxy in the middle and let it flow over the top and down the sides, then Lick the epoxy with a blowtorch possibly moving 100 to 200ipm or faster. You will be amazed seeing thousands of bubbles popping at the surface. This is because the entrapped air is expanding and being forced out. Although I have done it many times it does not feel right having a flame licking epoxy. A paint stripping gun also works. Just never hold either in one spot. Another plus it thins the epoxy and heats for faster cure. What use to us? I would recommend doing small 1/2" to 1" pours with sand at high epoxy ratios. The heating and air release will result in puddles of epoxy. Now you could sprinkle in the large aggregate and tamp it down with the end of a 2"X4". Any residual wet epoxy can be sucked up by sprinkling in sand.

    - The viscosity of epoxy significantly reduces with heat. If I have too stiff a mix I may put the mix pot in a tub of hot water and stir. Now it will flow and I make the decision to add more filler or pour. Remember any added heat will reduce pot life. How do I know when I may exceed pot life? Put your gloved hand on the side of the mix container. If its too hot to hold, ya gotta get it in the mold pronto!! (EDIT: Once again, nitrile rubber or nitrile butatoluene gloves are a must!)

    - Gast pumps are easy to find surplus and 26Hg is probably the max vacuum you would want to subject a resin to before vaporizing some of the chemicals. When you subject a mix to negative pressure the entrapped air expands or boils out the air. Suitable vessels are vacuum bell jars[very expensive] or what I came up with, I use a 10gal Binks pressure pot as the vacuum chamber. I mix 1 gallon of material in a plastic pail and put it in the "vacuum chamber" The mix will foam or expand 3X the volume as the air is released. It is only safe to degass 1 or 1.5 gallons at a time or it will overflow. Negative pressure is very powerful that is the reason for a pressure pot. Vacuum can be stored like an air compressor tank four reserve. An air compressor tank will collapse under vacuum. This is to illustrate why you must have a vacuum bell jar or paint pot as a degassing vessel. I did not really want to post about this as I figured it was beyond the hobbyist. If you get a Gast pump cheap it would also be useful as a vacuum clamp or hold down on a small router. My pump is a bosch capable of 28.8Hg. This gives a pressure[for clamping] of nearly 15PSI this translates to something like 2000lbs on a square foot. Very heavy clamping. On a larger note a 4'X8' vacuum table needs at least a 15Hp pump because of CFM required. A small gast pump would be a handy item in a small shop. (EDIT: Sears sells heavy duty 2.5gal pressure pots for $99, Harbor Freight has cheaper version at~ $70)

    - Other members have asked about pulling a vacuum and injecting the resin. It doesn't work. Rather than directly referring to our E/G, I will refer to RIM and you can figure it out yourself and why it has no use to our process.
    Resin injection molding a process whereby a two sided mold or 2 part mold is injected with resin. Fiber reinforcements are laid into the mold and it is closed. A tube is fitted to the injection port from the resin pumps. To ensure void free parts it is recommended to pull a vacuum to remove the air first before injection. A thought occurs: why bother injecting, let the vacuum suck in the resin. Another one of my great ideas bites the dust. It would take like 5 weeks for the resin to "suck in". The resin pumps inject at 1000psi or better. I hope you get the relationship. We are not going to suck epoxy through sand for wetting. (EDIT: Some manufacturers inject resin from the bottom of the mold- to avoid air bubbles. It's a special ultra low viscosity polyester resin, like water)

    - Epoxy exotherm can vary between 100 to 200 degrees. Generally slow epoxy is low exotherm fast is high exotherm. High volume of fillers decreases the temperature. I would first try 1" thick and if the cure time was very long, try 2" on the next pour. 4" all in one pour would need low exotherm epoxy. Since we are hobbyists we do not need rapid turn over times and can take our time with slower cures and thinner pours. Air release would be easier in thinner layers.

    - The larger the mass the harder it is for the heat to escape. E/G the thicker the mass the more rapid the cure and heat generation. The pot or mix container will harden rapidly because of mass or volume. Thick castings heavily filled should not have excessive exotherm while unfilled raw epoxy could "smoke" in the pot if left to long...

    5. www.shopmaninc.com - "Low viscosity epoxy like 30 bucks a gallon"

    6. Here's the link to pictures of the actual commercial E/G sample: http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showth...30155&page=115

    7. Please take the time to visit our poll!

    __________________________________________________ _____________

    Big thanks to Larry and the rest of the contributors. Much appreciated!
    __________________________________________________ _____________
    :wave: Walter

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    This is an updated eg thread index where the links work.

    <P> Materials<BR>
    <P> water filtration sand<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245158?postnum=84"> Link to Post84</A> Blank Mcgyver
    <P> Us Composites EPOX-1505563 the #635 epoxy everyone is talking about<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=258035?postnum=267"> Link to Post267</A> Blank WilliamD
    <P> Cabosil from Cabot<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272987?postnum=537"> Link to Post537</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> alumina material<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272987?postnum=9999"> Link to Post9999</A> Blank jsage
    <P> Zeospheres<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=273508?postnum=551"> Link to Post551</A> Blank walter
    <P> quartz<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275124?postnum=593"> Link to Post593</A> Blank walter
    <P> pool filter sand<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275243?postnum=596"> Link to Post596</A> Blank brunog
    <P> East System Epoxy 9482<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=293909?postnum=1161"> Link to Post1161</A> Blank brunog
    <P> Dupont Starblast Ultra sand blasting material with decent size distribution<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=295348?postnum=1226"> Link to Post1226</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Aluminum honeycomb<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=297439?postnum=1299"> Link to Post1299</A> Blank groger
    <P> Granitek Precision Granite Castings http://www.granitek.co.uk/materials.html<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=304847?postnum=1421"> Link to Post1421</A> Blank walter
    <P> Reichhold 37-127 / 37-606 optimal epoxy from reichhold product line according to apps engineer Same as US Composites EPOX-1505563<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=313135?postnum=1657"> Link to Post1657</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Suppliers<BR>
    <P> Accures 3 cu ft casting kit 360$ 435 pounds <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241261?postnum=10"> Link to Post10</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=240447?postnum=5"> References Post5</A> Episs
    <P> www.sika.com epoxy grout<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241298?postnum=12"> Link to Post12</A> Blank Episs
    <P> www.shopmaninc.com a.k.a. www.uscomposites.com<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242058?postnum=44"> Link to Post44</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> http://www.reade.com/products/sand/granite-aggregates http://www.kafkagranite.com/<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242402?postnum=52"> Link to Post52</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> The Cary Company www.carycompany.com<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242402?postnum=551"> Link to Post551</A> Blank walter
    <P> www.u-s-silica.com quartz<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242402?postnum=593"> Link to Post593</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.r-g.de/ R&amp;G epoxy in Germay<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286845?postnum=949"> Link to Post949</A> Blank sposl
    <P> http://www.agsco.com U.S. custom aggregate supplier<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=295463?postnum=1230"> Link to Post1230</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> http://www.michaelengineering.com/ Vendor of epoxy dispensing equipment<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=301972?postnum=1376"> Link to Post1376</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> http://www.decomp.com/ Supplier of Composite Materials Stuff like carbon cloth, tools and mold releases.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=305212?postnum=1436"> Link to Post1436</A> Blank speed33317
    <P> Post with 4 links to vacuum pump suppliers<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=308546?postnum=1553"> Link to Post1553</A> Blank Eson
    <P> Techniques<BR>
    <P> degassing with a blowtorch<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=248674?postnum=163"> Link to Post163</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> vacuum degassing with paint pot foaming overflow and big vacuum pumps.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=248746?postnum=167"> Link to Post167</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Poly vinyl alcohol with water soluable tendancies as a mold release, paste rather than sprayed<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=250931?postnum=212"> Link to Post212</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Chopped Kevlar makes the viscosity go up very quicly therefore not suitable.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272177?postnum=497"> Link to Post497</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Kevlar absorbs moisture in raw form and deterioates under UV exposure<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272202?postnum=503"> Link to Post503</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Epoxy spraying is dangerous without body suit and air supplied respirator<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272667?postnum=527"> Link to Post527</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Carbon Black will make a black cloud when you open it and a little goes a long way.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=273998?postnum=558"> Link to Post558</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> IN-Situ Vacuum compaction of the mixture (This post is worth reviewing). <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281580?postnum=794"> Link to Post794</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281435?postnum=791"> References Post791</A> StepperMonkey
    <P> R794 DOesn't this need perforated release film and bleeder material?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281587?postnum=795"> Link to Post795</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Watch out for amine blush and sand off before repouring on that part<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=283185?postnum=855"> Link to Post855</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Rules of thumb for deflection<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=293843?postnum=1159"> Link to Post1159</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Fuller's Rule for particle size distribution (Suboptimal by about 8%)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=294569?postnum=1198"> Link to Post1198</A> Blank brunog
    <P> De-gas with a vacuum pump using a paint pot as the vacuum chamber<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=301469?postnum=1359"> Link to Post1359</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Make sure to let the epoxy cure fully. This can take either days or high temperatures<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=305392?postnum=1445"> Link to Post1445</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Secondary bonding aka bonding to a layer of epoxy long after it has set is a problem<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=306021?postnum=1466"> Link to Post1466</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Comments on mold Release and mold draft.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=317701?postnum=1760"> Link to Post1760</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Comments describing the de Larrard optimal formula for aggregate mixture design.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=320419?postnum=1824"> Link to Post1824</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Observations<BR>
    <P> epoxy granite <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=240100?postnum=4"> Link to Post4</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=239862?postnum=1"> References Post1</A> lgalla
    <P> Expensive damping properties 10 times cast iron <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=240674?postnum=6"> Link to Post6</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=239862?postnum=5"> References Post5</A> lgalla
    <P> Polyester shrinkage and brittleness make it unsuitable<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241214?postnum=8"> Link to Post8</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Establish Terminology E/G to avoid confusion with polyester<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241222?postnum=9"> Link to Post9</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Fill rate between 80% and 85% aggregate, aggregate bears weight, mix of aggregate sizes<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241262?postnum=11"> Link to Post11</A> Blank RotarySMP
    <P> Forklift accident problem is a concern<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241833?postnum=26"> Link to Post26</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Zanite up to 6 mm aggregate size<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241768?postnum=20"> Link to Post20</A> Blank dansutula
    <P> E/G strength may be too low to replace steel in machines<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241806?postnum=21"> Link to Post21</A> Blank Mcgyver
    <P> accrues casting claims .0005 tolerance on parts and better damping<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241815?postnum=22"> Link to Post22</A> Blank Geof
    <P> Metalworking vs. woodworking rigid metal frame with e/g damping<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241942?postnum=36"> Link to Post36</A> Blank Mcgyver
    <P> epoxy steel fiber anyone?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242068?postnum=45"> Link to Post45</A> Blank the4thseal
    <P> A mix of aggregate sizes is needed<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242117?postnum=46."> Link to Post46.</A> Blank RotarySMP
    <P> skepticism about the larger aggregates. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242178?postnum=47"> Link to Post47</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242117?postnum=46"> References Post46</A> lgalla
    <P> 8% epoxy, all grades of aggregate, vibratory table, vacuum degassing<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242252?postnum=49"> Link to Post49</A> Blank RotarySMP
    <P> spherical packing ratio mixtures and difficult 3 part system<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242264?postnum=51"> Link to Post51</A> Blank greybeard
    <P> spherical packing 1: .2 :x ratio for tetrahedral packing<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=242771?postnum=61"> Link to Post61</A> Blank greaybeard
    <P> aggregates are generally a local product<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=244515?postnum=62"> Link to Post62</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> is making a commerical mill out of E/G composite<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=244545?postnum=63"> Link to Post63</A> Blank nMotion
    <P> 12% epoxy had epoxy pooling in german machine <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=244587?postnum=66"> Link to Post66</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241885?postnum=30"> References Post30</A> RotarySMP
    <P> Steel structure filled with E/G will likely be easier DIY. Fewer problems pertaining to voids. No steel frame requires special attention to aggregate ratios.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=244728?postnum=72"> Link to Post72</A> Blank Geof
    <P> aggregate ratio 10 mm :5mm : 3mm<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=244812?postnum=78"> Link to Post78</A> Blank Chris-Jennings
    <P> need thin epoxy 600cps, reactive dilutents smell bad. Makre sure it ships non-hazmat<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=244983?postnum=82"> Link to Post82</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> 3/8 to sand aggregate, low viscosity slow cure epoxy, accurate steel or aluminum molds for accurate parts. (Post is worth referring back to.) <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245339?postnum=85"> Link to Post85</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=63"> References Post63</A> nMotion
    <P> milled glass fiber to keep epoxy aggregate ratio down and lower viscosity<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245484?postnum=89"> Link to Post89</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Problems have to jig all inserts and bolt holes to be cast into the epoxy <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245500?postnum=92"> Link to Post92</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245485?postnum=90"> References Post90</A> lgalla
    <P> aggregate from .1 to 16 mm. resin 7%-10%; 70Hz 2.5g shaker. make parts same size as cast iron but solied instead of cored (post is worth referring back to).<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245588?postnum=94"> Link to Post94</A> Blank RotarySMP
    <P> Anything will work if you are just trying to damp conventional machines.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245597?postnum=95"> Link to Post95</A> Blank Geof
    <P> list of E/G properties that is useful (Post is worth referring back to)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245604?postnum=96"> Link to Post96</A> Blank RotarySMP
    <P> Doesn't believe that E/G is practical for DIY machine frames.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245612?postnum=97"> Link to Post97</A> Blank Geof
    <P> The german site shows that something quite workable can be done well with improvised equipment <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245701?postnum=102"> Link to Post102</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=30"> References Post30</A> RotarySMP
    <P> Bury an 80/20 frame in E/G leaving the top exposed.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=246274?postnum=103"> Link to Post103</A> Blank digits
    <P> E/G and aluminum match well thermal expansion wise and good for embedment of 80/20 etc.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=246652?postnum=113"> Link to Post113</A> Blank Geof
    <P> Solid frames must be aligned accurately as they will not deflect to cover imperfections.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=247176?postnum=125"> Link to Post125</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> steel tubing is expensive and also has to be normalized which is also expensive<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=247525?postnum=145"> Link to Post145</A> Blank walter
    <P> E/G may need reinforcement with steel and will need inserts for bolts etc.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=250072?postnum=188"> Link to Post188</A> Blank brunog
    <P> post-tensioning<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=252677?postnum=230"> Link to Post230</A> Blank the4thseal
    <P> post tensioing may cause the vibration damping properties to be decreased. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=252681?postnum=231"> Link to Post231</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=230"> References Post230</A> Geof
    <P> points out bottom is in compression, top is in tension.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=252868?postnum=240"> Link to Post240</A> Blank skippy
    <P> entrapped air expands when the epoxy goes exothermic<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=253106?postnum=244"> Link to Post244</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Moglice ways and rails repair compund is expensive and bad value.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=254197?postnum=257"> Link to Post257</A> Blank JerryFlyGuy
    <P> aggregate size and mixing is the critical point fill density is better when the ratio is right <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=265690?postnum=349"> Link to Post349</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=265669?postnum=347"> References Post347</A> brunog
    <P> Calculation for the 1/5 by volume ratios for E/G aggregate.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=268470?postnum=369"> Link to Post369</A> Blank brunog
    <P> theoretical packing density for quaternary structure is 1:7:38:316 for 95%<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=268913?postnum=380"> Link to Post380</A> Blank martinw
    <P> Area moment of inertia of square beam<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=269145?postnum=383"> Link to Post383</A> Blank zumba
    <P> What is stiffer 4" of E/G or 1/2" of cast iron?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=269293?postnum=387"> Link to Post387</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Use a truss to make a 16 foot unsupported beam<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270423?postnum=407"> Link to Post407</A> Blank ger21
    <P> Hollow core slabs<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270481?postnum=408"> Link to Post408</A> Blank martinw
    <P> West System Epoxy publishes magazine epoxyworks so beware of bias<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270575?postnum=416"> Link to Post416</A> Blank ger21
    <P> Hollow E/G beam thin steel on the outside E/G filled but empty center around neutral axis (Worther referencing)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270615?postnum=418"> Link to Post418</A> Blank Zumba
    <P> Crystallize approach to rebar<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270721?postnum=420"> Link to Post420</A> Blank jsage
    <P> Analysis of beams by lever arm method<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270764?postnum=425"> Link to Post425</A> Blank martinw
    <P> Use of foam filled tubes to minimize deflection.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271184?postnum=443"> Link to Post443</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Foam filled beam Helps in preventing slenderness ratio column collapse.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271201?postnum=444"> Link to Post444</A> Blank martinw
    <P> Single part foam is useless at filling voids unifoemly in closed parts.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271201?postnum=444"> Link to Post444</A> Blank martinw
    <P> Create foam core E/G<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271218?postnum=447"> Link to Post447</A> Blank brunog
    <P> Foamed epoxy filled aluminum<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271245?postnum=453"> Link to Post453</A> Blank brunog
    <P> Foamed epoxy outrageously expensive.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271276?postnum=456"> Link to Post456</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Mold a vacuum grid into the table.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271434?postnum=467"> Link to Post467</A> Blank Zumba
    <P> IF overall engineering is good perfection of the fabrication becomes less critical<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271610?postnum=472"> Link to Post472</A> Blank jsage
    <P> Use of Glass Microspheres.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271612?postnum=473"> Link to Post473</A> Blank greybeard
    <P> Kevlar shortage and dupont.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271983?postnum=489"> Link to Post489</A> Blank brunog
    <P> Chopped kevlar strands<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272043?postnum=492"> Link to Post492</A> Blank jsage
    <P> use of chopped glass fiber or other fiber to resist microcracks<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272043?postnum=497"> Link to Post497</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> questions using E/G on beams based on imagesetter design<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272189?postnum=499"> Link to Post499</A> Blank mhasting2004
    <P> 509 description of Anocast process for imagesetter<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272189?postnum=2004"> Link to Post2004</A> Blank mhasting
    <P> add graphite<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272593?postnum=514"> Link to Post514</A> Blank ger21
    <P> add CarbonBlack, Not graphite. (Actually they can be quite similar according to cabot CK) <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272599?postnum=515"> Link to Post515</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=514"> References Post514</A> Geof
    <P> Sportiness reference<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272621?postnum=521"> Link to Post521</A> Blank walter
    <P> Thixotropic epoxy and Cabosil<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272621?postnum=537"> Link to Post537</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> comment about nobody doing anything<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=273835?postnum=552"> Link to Post552</A> Blank BobWarfield
    <P> filling in castings on an R45 Mill.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274048?postnum=561"> Link to Post561</A> Blank davo727
    <P> note problems with 90 degree angle cuts. Want v Grooves to avoid stress concentration.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274330?postnum=567"> Link to Post567</A> Blank jsage
    <P> commercial countertop 95% granite 5% epoxy<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274513?postnum=583"> Link to Post583</A> Blank walter
    <P> fillet right angles at 3/4 inch radius<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274862?postnum=585"> Link to Post585</A> Blank brunog
    <P> clept Epoxy Quartz E/Q<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274973?postnum=588"> Link to Post588</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Announces his experimentation start with E/Q<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275082?postnum=592"> Link to Post592</A> Blank sposl
    <P> Epoxy might vaporize at low vacuum and hose pump<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275319?postnum=599"> Link to Post599</A> Blank martinw
    <P> describes results filling machine base and parts with epoxy.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275463?postnum=606"> Link to Post606</A> Blank davo727
    <P> problems with air bubbles with small sand. West105 resin and 206 hardener had low exotherm.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275463?postnum=606"> Link to Post606</A> Blank davo727
    <P> quartz lamps to heat the epoxy for cure<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275485?postnum=610"> Link to Post610</A> Blank jsage
    <P> Vibration at the correct frequency will cause the material (which is thiotropic) to liquify<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275509?postnum=614"> Link to Post614</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Cast self leveling epoxy tiles as load bearing portion. Fill center with E/G and cast final surface<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275531?postnum=619"> Link to Post619</A> Blank greybear
    <P> Moldmaking for inserts anchors plates and replicaton <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275603?postnum=621"> Link to Post621</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=619"> References Post619</A> brunog
    <P> Playsand plus epoxy?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276108?postnum=627"> Link to Post627</A> Blank Zumba
    <P> 1 part epoxy one part playsand and 3 parts rock work better than just sand.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276169?postnum=629"> Link to Post629</A> Blank davo727
    <P> Epoxy natural sand tests pictures.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276206?postnum=631"> Link to Post631</A> Blank Zumba
    <P> concern on high freq vibration<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276227?postnum=633"> Link to Post633</A> Blank jsage
    <P> Calorific absorption in epoxy causing it to draw into spaces.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276343?postnum=641"> Link to Post641</A> Blank jsage
    <P> sledge hammering paper cup cast samples.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276476?postnum=648"> Link to Post648</A> Blank Zumba
    <P> higher frequencies are less likely to disrupt the aggregate mix. Better Air bubble release.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276610?postnum=653"> Link to Post653</A> Blank Geof
    <P> We've probably reached the end of the possibilites <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276706?postnum=663"> Link to Post663</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276697?postnum=660"> References Post660</A> jsage
    <P> Non-Polymer Concrete/Mild Steel probably the way to go. (Concrete designer)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276806?postnum=664"> Link to Post664</A> Blank ahlbebuck
    <P> Concrete takes a long time to cear and be stable along with iron castings. E/G if done well is fastlgalla 678 Thermal expansion issues with concrete.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276962?postnum=667"> Link to Post667</A> Blank Zumba
    <P> Structureal Civil engineer speaking about aggregate sizes 6mm 13mm 19mm 25mm 32mm sand 250 micron to 3mm<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=277210?postnum=688"> Link to Post688</A> Blank ahlbebuck
    <P> post-tensioing of frame.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=277210?postnum=688"> Link to Post688</A> Blank ahlbebuck
    <P> Bigger aggregate is natually desnse. Must use graded aggregate to fill gaps.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=277228?postnum=692"> Link to Post692</A> Blank ahlbebuck
    <P> quartz is good: fines from 6mm to about 25 - 32 mm.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=277305?postnum=695"> Link to Post695</A> Blank ahlbebuck
    <P> Hermle Machine makes mills with E/G bases .00003 precision if properly cared for<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=279606?postnum=717"> Link to Post717</A> Blank MikeMattera
    <P> an excellent post describing making a mixture which is likely to be the right stuff.(Worth referring to again)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=279995?postnum=719"> Link to Post719</A> Blank sposl
    <P> Many remarks about vibrating concrete<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=280448?postnum=729"> Link to Post729</A> Blank pupa
    <P> Approximately 30% of his samples appears to be air.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=280587?postnum=732"> Link to Post732</A> Blank sposl
    <P> using a press for compaction<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=280593?postnum=733"> Link to Post733</A> Blank walter
    <P> Muchh less than 29 inches of vacuum is not enough to deair the mixture.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=280745?postnum=739."> Link to Post739.</A> Blank wjfiles
    <P> Applying impulses may be the best means of agitating.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=280761?postnum=741"> Link to Post741</A> Blank StepperMonkey
    <P> Epoxy with viscosities as low as water<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=280970?postnum=759"> Link to Post759</A> Blank StepperMonkey
    <P> Vibration apparently has to be in the up and down direction. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281073?postnum=767"> Link to Post767</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=30"> References Post30</A> brunog
    <P> Sacrifice strength for practicality. Use more liquid mix and more reinforcements.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281141?postnum=777"> Link to Post777</A> Blank walter
    <P> Talk to manufacturer app engineers as they know more about this stuff than we ever will.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281150?postnum=779"> Link to Post779</A> Blank pupa
    <P> Reference to the rebar cage idea <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281231?postnum=785"> Link to Post785</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270337?postnum=404"> References Post404</A> walter
    <P> Use thermally safe bag material. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281588?postnum=796"> Link to Post796</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270337?postnum=794"> References Post794</A> LeeWay
    <P> Thinking about practical solutions with bucket mixing degassing, pouring and the lack of thermal probs.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281988?postnum=812"> Link to Post812</A> Blank Zumba
    <P> Epxoy Surface Plates<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=282451?postnum=822"> Link to Post822</A> Blank walter
    <P> Ultra low viscosity epoxies for resin injection using vacuum bagging/vacuum infusion.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=283099?postnum=847"> Link to Post847</A> Blank gt3073b
    <P> pictures of some plates with carbon black<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=283178?postnum=853"> Link to Post853</A> Blank walter
    <P> formula used that was working was 60% large quartz/ 25% zeospheres/15% fine quartz<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=283615?postnum=859"> Link to Post859</A> Blank walter
    <P> picture of fabulous surface plate type.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=283618?postnum=861"> Link to Post861</A> Blank walter
    <P> Pictures of polymer concrete samples.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=283914?postnum=879"> Link to Post879</A> Blank speed33317
    <P> pictures of E/G samples 12% epoxy .18mm 15.85% .49mm 26.06% 1.52mm 46.09%<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=284450?postnum=889"> Link to Post889</A> Blank sposl
    <P> Forklift Theory is out. Sample is gummy.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286119?postnum=907"> Link to Post907</A> Blank walter
    <P> incredible results with zeospheres and 3 micron quartz<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286218?postnum=919"> Link to Post919</A> Blank walter
    <P> need to get external lab involvement.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286222?postnum=920"> Link to Post920</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Deflection is far more important than Ultimate Strength in E/G because if we are ever near ultimate load it's bad. E/G mixes for this designed to deflect none at all .<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286580?postnum=937"> Link to Post937</A> Blank martinw
    <P> Importance of understanding load on parts to be made. Bottom is in tension, top in compressions<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286643?postnum=944"> Link to Post944</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Heat parts for cure with IR lamps.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286735?postnum=945"> Link to Post945</A> Blank LeeWay
    <P> McMaster Carr pneumatic rotary ball vibrator<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=282359?postnum=818"> Link to Post818</A> Blank Zumba
    <P> Qualitative Results<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=282359?postnum=33317"> Link to Post33317</A> Blank Speed
    <P> Epoxy Suface plate good to .003 in 16x14 ft!<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=282729?postnum=833"> Link to Post833</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Perhaps reinforcement not used in order to keep parts from warping due to differential thermal expansion<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286931?postnum=956"> Link to Post956</A> Blank sposl
    <P> An excellent calculation of strength (Should be referred to again)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287648?postnum=976"> Link to Post976</A> Blank fyffe555
    <P> An excellent explanation of shear.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287779?postnum=979"> Link to Post979</A> Blank fyffe555
    <P> compressive and tensile moduli are substantially different and flexural is also different<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287801?postnum=981"> Link to Post981</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> E/G effect on torsion in small cross section member isn't very high<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287890?postnum=986"> Link to Post986</A> Blank fyffe555
    <P> Strengthen the mixture by the effects of dispersion hardening using Carbon Black<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=289044?postnum=997"> Link to Post997</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Silica Fume for dispersion hardening<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=289164?postnum=1000"> Link to Post1000</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> .1 micron limit of small paricles Tensile strength limits unreinforced beam<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=289864?postnum=1019"> Link to Post1019</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> $175 for a test of modulus or compressive strength<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=290106?postnum=1031"> Link to Post1031</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Shop Press and a pressure guage easiest way to apply known force.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=290256?postnum=1035"> Link to Post1035</A> Blank yugami
    <P> Walter is testing with improvised screw press and torque wrench<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=292565?postnum=1107"> Link to Post1107</A> Blank walter
    <P> Pictures of Walter's testing setup<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=294135?postnum=1165"> Link to Post1165</A> Blank walter
    <P> Technical Report from National Institute for Statistical Studies Virtual packing density of round sand is 71 percent http://www.niss.org/technicalreports/tr104.pdf<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=294378?postnum=1185"> Link to Post1185</A> Blank greybeard
    <P> Commerical concrete sample mixture picture (think Kitchenaid Mixer)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=294521?postnum=1195"> Link to Post1195</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Bamberg and Slocum concrete filled steel tube machines<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=294622?postnum=1200"> Link to Post1200</A> Blank uhrgerat
    <P> Comparisons between Reichhold polymer countertop agregate distribution and Fuller's formula aggregate distribution<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=294887?postnum=1210"> Link to Post1210</A> Blank brunog
    <P> Check of ckelloug calculation of moment for multiple materials. Also points out unreliability of ckelloug method for getting quantitative numbers from Walter's test Jig<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=295052?postnum=1216"> Link to Post1216</A> Blank fyffe555
    <P> Spinning the mold.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=296083?postnum=1248"> Link to Post1248</A> Blank greybeard
    <P> Vacuum levels reccomended by a vacuum deiaring equipment company. (Highly disputed on this thread)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=296129?postnum=1249"> Link to Post1249</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Comments on Huntsman Epoxy and Proceedings of the First International Congress on Polymer Concretes 5th to 7th of May, 1975. Published in 1976 by the Construction Press Limited in London.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=296324?postnum=1256"> Link to Post1256</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> CNCZ-1 Formula using Reichhold aggergate design Dow Z6040 coupling agent, BYK A525 deairing agent, Cabot Monarch 120 carbon black<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=297063?postnum=1280"> Link to Post1280</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Large quantities of Carbon black affect the epoxy cure either slowing of impeding it.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=297552?postnum=1309"> Link to Post1309</A> Blank walter
    <P> What is the effect of Shore Hardness of the Cured epoxy on strength<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=298023?postnum=1316"> Link to Post1316</A> Blank brunog
    <P> Vacuum deairing is common in industry for epoxy<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=299633?postnum=1330"> Link to Post1330</A> Blank harryn
    <P> an excellent description of Fuller's Formula (Fullers formula has been shown by De Larrard to be Suboptimal by 8%)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=299855?postnum=1334"> Link to Post1334</A> Blank brunog
    <P> Use of a surplus refrigerator compressor to get partial vacuum<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=299857?postnum=1335"> Link to Post1335</A> Blank brunog
    <P> Hydrocal B11 Plaster of Paris for filling parts<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=300037?postnum=1337"> Link to Post1337</A> Blank Servo_Wizard
    <P> pictures of Akvacnc's E/G sample from France<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=301786?postnum=1370"> Link to Post1370</A> Blank walter
    <P> Suggestion of Using static mixers to mix and dispense the epoxy to avoid gas entrapment from mixing the epoxy itself<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=301904?postnum=1374"> Link to Post1374</A> Blank fyffe555
    <P> Correlation between SHore Hardness and Epoxy strength is sketchy<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=302138?postnum=1384"> Link to Post1384</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Comments on polymer concrete used to make signs. (Not E/G)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=302283?postnum=1387"> Link to Post1387</A> Blank Joe_Crumley
    <P> Squaring a mchine with bolted parts and Epoxy grout. Epoxy without a thixotrope will just flow out of the joints.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=302531?postnum=1394"> Link to Post1394</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Test results from SAnd and epoxy tested on an arbor press 4:1 sand to epoxy. Worse results as epoxy fraction goes up.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=304910?postnum=1426"> Link to Post1426</A> Blank Zumba
    <P> Strength and rigidity come from the aggregate. Critique of Zumba's recipe as too much epoxy. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=305037?postnum=1427"> Link to Post1427</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=1426"> References Post1426</A> RotarySMP
    <P> Excellent discussion of vacuum bagging and strength of epoxy fiberglass. Also important comments about home shoppers building weak gantry supports.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=305177?postnum=1435"> Link to Post1435</A> Blank PlasticWorker
    <P> Comments about alcohol causing stress crazing of stressed acrylic. O/T but interesting. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=305464?postnum=1449"> Link to Post1449</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=305433?postnum=1447"> References Post1447</A> greybeard
    <P> Links to some pictures from the German rapidforum about E/G machines.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=305932?postnum=1461"> Link to Post1461</A> Blank Eson
    <P> Use of a decomissioned oxygen cyllinder as a vacuum chamber<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=306255?postnum=1469"> Link to Post1469</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Use of E/G doesn't necessarily get you away from difficult machining as ways etc. are still difficult. Embed 80/20 extrusions.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=306381?postnum=1475"> Link to Post1475</A> Blank Geof
    <P> Random Collection of info gleaned from a day at Slamon Library at UAH. Aggreagte properties and choices, carbon black, titanates, silyoxanes , mica, wollasanite . . . (worth referring back to)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=306963?postnum=1485"> Link to Post1485</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Importance of Fracture toughness rather than hardness as an aggregate selection criteria<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=307225?postnum=1491"> Link to Post1491</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Use of surfactants to improve epoxy wetting.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=307683?postnum=1504"> Link to Post1504</A> Blank rancherbill
    <P> Use a concrete mixer. If a metal one, you can heat it with a tigertorch.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=307755?postnum=1510"> Link to Post1510</A> Blank Geof
    <P> Surface Energy and Surfactants<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=307983?postnum=1520"> Link to Post1520</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Spin casting of parts using a lathe.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=308476?postnum=1549"> Link to Post1549</A> Blank greybeard
    <P> Thinning epoxy<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=309044?postnum=1571"> Link to Post1571</A> Blank fyffe555
    <P> Reactive Dilutants<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=309061?postnum=1574"> Link to Post1574</A> Blank fyffe555
    <P> Epoxy Toughening Agents ABS and PMMA<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=309666?postnum=1593"> Link to Post1593</A> Blank walter
    <P> Walter's sample reaches over 1ksi tensile in a flexural strength test! <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=309733?postnum=1598"> Link to Post1598</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=309716?postnum=1597"> References Post1597</A> ckelloug
    <P> Introduction to De Larrard's theory of aggreate mixture design<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=311757?postnum=1624"> Link to Post1624</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> 10% strength improvement with using Isopropyl alcohol to dry the aggreate mixture<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=312197?postnum=1635"> Link to Post1635</A> Blank walter
    <P> Warnings about deairing agents and Novec Fluorosurfactant as being things where only a tiny bit is good.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=314883?postnum=1687"> Link to Post1687</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Pictures of spincasting experiments on the lathe<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=315085?postnum=1698"> Link to Post1698</A> Blank greybeard
    <P> Pictures of zeospheres and their flow characteristics.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=316521?postnum=1719"> Link to Post1719</A> Blank walter
    <P> Samples with 5-15 mm quartz are weaker.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=316566?postnum=1723"> Link to Post1723</A> Blank walter
    <P> Greybeard's particle sperator for home sieving of aggregate.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=316868?postnum=1742"> Link to Post1742</A> Blank greybeard
    <P> A nice summary of the general principles<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=316981?postnum=1748"> Link to Post1748</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Purpose<BR>
    <P> 90% of the people here don't build metal working cnc's or metal parts. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241838?postnum=28"> Link to Post28</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=21"> References Post21</A> walter
    <P> build a solid 1ft to 12 ft CNC frame table or gantry with leveled precision surface for linear rails. No metal saw milling machine welding or drill pressing.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=247490?postnum=141"> Link to Post141</A> Blank walter
    <P> E/G is brilliantly simple to use- can be done in your garage, requires no tools can be used by virtually anyone. Try that with mild steel anocast or granite.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=265567?postnum=334"> Link to Post334</A> Blank walter
    <P> Heavy E/G Gantry<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271237?postnum=450"> Link to Post450</A> Blank walter
    <P> Picture of router we'd like to be able to build<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286622?postnum=942"> Link to Post942</A> Blank walter
    <P> References on what he wants to build<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287058?postnum=963"> Link to Post963</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> CNC mini Mill 300mm by 500mm x 500mm<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287084?postnum=965"> Link to Post965</A> Blank sposl
    <P> 36 inch bridge mill and dampening of steel structures.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287124?postnum=966"> Link to Post966</A> Blank leeway
    <P> E/G based CNC table<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287172?postnum=967"> Link to Post967</A> Blank BobWarfield
    <P> E/Q gantry mill with 12 inch Z axis<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287172?postnum=16x32"> Link to Post16x32</A> Blank brunog
    <P> lb gantry 4ft long 50 lb Z axis most interest here.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=245684?postnum=100"> Link to Post100</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> My current project is 36" x 36" fixed gantry hybrid (E/Q with aluminum guts). The beam will probably be in the 4"x6" area, carrying 50lbs max.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=291880?postnum=1088"> Link to Post1088</A> Blank walter
    <P> Purpose statement gleaned form all the conversations<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=292891?postnum=1129"> Link to Post1129</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> BYK Apps engineer says BYK C-8000 does not work in Epoxy!<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=318409?postnum=1780"> Link to Post1780</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Walter's E/G samples substantially stronger than natural granite countertop<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=318824?postnum=1786"> Link to Post1786</A> Blank walter
    <P> All of the aggregate has broken in Walter's sample including the #6 AlO2<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=319237?postnum=1809"> Link to Post1809</A> Blank walter
    <P> Comments about using BYK A525 deairing agent in the mixture<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=319908?postnum=1822"> Link to Post1822</A> Blank walter
    <P> Pictures of Harbor Freight Concrete Vibrators used for vibrating the mold.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=321932?postnum=1834"> Link to Post1834</A> Blank walter
    <P> Drilling a cast E/G piece is probably a bad idea as is the use of expanding concrete anchors.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=324229?postnum=1854"> Link to Post1854</A> Blank Geof
    <P> Use of steall wool and Graphite as a mechanism for embedding threaded parts and making wear surfaces<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=325919?postnum=1871"> Link to Post1871</A> Blank Bob_B
    <P> Q&amp;A<BR>
    <P> Anyone built anything form polymer Concrete.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=325919?postnum=1"> Link to Post1</A> Blank walter
    <P> Dewayne Harelow cnncbridges.com <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=325919?postnum=1"> Link to Post1</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=1"> References Post1</A> walter
    <P> Hardinge and precision optical equipment but no diy <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=239871?postnum=2"> Link to Post2</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=1"> References Post1</A> Mcgyver
    <P> What is the effect of aggregate size on strength, what aggregates for other applications, techniques for dealing with mixtures of aggregates.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=244695?postnum=70"> Link to Post70</A> Blank Mcgyver
    <P> Do we know how much more E/G than granite is needed to make a 12 foot router have comparable deflection in bith materials? Do we know the cost differential if we don't know the materials required?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=247899?postnum=159"> Link to Post159</A> Blank Mcgyver
    <P> What aggregates, aquarium sand, glass beads, glass fiber? Molding: vibration? Antifoamin additives?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=251916?postnum=220"> Link to Post220</A> Blank brunog
    <P> why are some of the calculations by weight and others by volume?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=266556?postnum=360"> Link to Post360</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> 4x4x1/4 tube with and without e/g which will be stiffer of will added weight cause more deflection?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270233?postnum=403"> Link to Post403</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> description of deflections in beams at 4 feet. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270382?postnum=406"> Link to Post406</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270199?postnum=399"> References Post399</A> Zumba
    <P> How do different modulus materials in a beam's construction effect it?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270824?postnum=434"> Link to Post434</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Example of composite boat building. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=271149?postnum=442"> Link to Post442</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=434"> References Post434</A> jsage
    <P> What degree of precision does everybody need.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274475?postnum=578"> Link to Post578</A> Blank jsage
    <P> 1/16 inch <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274475?postnum=578"> Link to Post578</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=578"> References Post578</A> jsage
    <P> light duty vs. heavy duty light duty is 1/16th. E/G unnecessary at 1/16. Reproducibility and vibration damping. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274482?postnum=580"> Link to Post580</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=578"> References Post578</A> lgalla
    <P> Liquids and solids aren't compressible so why the press?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281038?postnum=761"> Link to Post761</A> Blank Zumba
    <P> What's better a low ratio pice full of bubbles or a high ratio pice that's deaired.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281363?postnum=787"> Link to Post787</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> Why is a cast iron tabletop 1 inch thick while the same part in E/G is 4 inches thick.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286844?postnum=948"> Link to Post948</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> will hoolow E/G improve the deflection issues<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286844?postnum=948"> Link to Post948</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> What is the largest member to be considered in the machines being built?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286890?postnum=954"> Link to Post954</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> 4ft usupported 20 ft supported. <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286917?postnum=955"> Link to Post955</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=954"> References Post954</A> walter
    <P> What ratio of carbon black and does it affect viscosity?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=289160?postnum=999"> Link to Post999</A> Blank brunog
    <P> Cabot sends Carbon Black, should stiffen the material <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=289667?postnum=1010"> Link to Post1010</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=999"> References Post999</A> ckelloug
    <P> Has anyone considered using Garnet?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=289795?postnum=1016"> Link to Post1016</A> Blank jkeyser
    <P> dispersion hardening with nanoparticles<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=290601?postnum=1051"> Link to Post1051</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> What is the right stuff in epoxy?<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=290613?postnum=1052"> Link to Post1052</A> Blank walter
    <P> Critical length for fiber reinforcement<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=291360?postnum=1072"> Link to Post1072</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Rule of mixtures determines strength by ratio of parts in composite materials<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=291506?postnum=1082"> Link to Post1082</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> DAK (Materials chemist) reccomends ignoring silating agents (worth referring back to) Also mentions the purposes of microreinforcement.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=293674?postnum=1156"> Link to Post1156</A> Blank DAK3333
    <P> References<BR>
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/modules.php?n...threadid=24879 cncbridges thread<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=293674?postnum=1"> Link to Post1</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.itwpolymercastings.com/ E/G machine parts <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=293674?postnum=5"> Link to Post5</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=1"> References Post1</A> Episs
    <P> http://www.accurescasting.com/index.html E/G machine parts <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=293674?postnum=5"> Link to Post5</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=1"> References Post1</A> Episs
    <P> www.moglice.com moldable bearing holder<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=293674?postnum=8"> Link to Post8</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> http://www.accurescasting.com/polymer.html on properaties of accres material<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=293674?postnum=22"> Link to Post22</A> Blank Geof
    <P> Zanite www.itwpolymercastings.com/faqzanite<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241827?postnum=25"> Link to Post25</A> Blank Geof
    <P> http://www.machinedesign.com/ASP/vie...te&amp;catId=0 link to machine design magazine on all polymer machines<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241827?postnum=23/37"> Link to Post23/37</A> Blank turmite
    <P> http://5128.rapidforum.com/topic=110...p;search=beton German CNC machine site<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=241827?postnum=30"> Link to Post30</A> Blank schrupphobel72
    <P> http://www.mech.utah.edu/~bamberg/re...e%20Design.pdf Bamberg's theis on principles of rapid machine desing with concrete damping of metal machines<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=244755?postnum=73"> Link to Post73</A> Blank BobWarfield
    <P> http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=datron datron router with E/G frame<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=244764?postnum=74"> Link to Post74</A> Blank Xerxes
    <P> http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=h...esult&amp;cd=1 <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=244813?postnum=79"> Link to Post79</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=78"> References Post78</A> Chris-Jennings
    <P> http://www.epucret.de/files/EPU_News_NR_26.pdf epucret is a french copany that makes e/g machines<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=247376?postnum=134"> Link to Post134</A> Blank Aramon
    <P> http://www.moldmakingtechnology.com/...es/040401.html moldmaking technology magazine hard milling<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=247795?postnum=157"> Link to Post157</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.epucret.de/maschinenbau_anwendungen.html more epucret stuff.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=247819?postnum=158"> Link to Post158</A> Blank Aramon
    <P> http://www.joewoodworker.com/ making a venturi vacuum system<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=247819?postnum=0"> Link to Post0</A> Blank ger21
    <P> a whole bunch of machine frame pictures attached to article for reference<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=249781?postnum=174"> Link to Post174</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.microplan-group.com/pagin.../celith_gb.htm celith french epoxy granite company<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=250431?postnum=198"> Link to Post198</A> Blank brunog
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1170207942 lgalla's table design<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=250658?postnum=203"> Link to Post203</A> Blank JerryFlyGuy
    <P> http://www.diamond-drill-bit-and-too...Drill/MAIN.htm diamond drills for granite <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=251114?postnum=215"> Link to Post215</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=212"> References Post212</A> vger
    <P> summary to post 240 www.precisionepoxy.com - Awesome Epoxy Surface Plate! - DIY Instructions<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=252884?postnum=241"> Link to Post241</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.ktm-reiseenduro.de/tz/mg2.htm http://5128.rapidforum.com/topic=110...p;search=beton german machine designs in german<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=252988?postnum=242"> Link to Post242</A> Blank brunog
    <P> http://diamant.ph/en/produkte/dwh/ an E/G manufacturer link<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=253833?postnum=254"> Link to Post254</A> Blank JerryFlyGuy
    <P> http://www.nist.gov/ nistir 6361 The NIST fire science report on polymer concrete optimizationmartinw 351 http://www.adhesivestoolkit.com/Docs...%20Testing.xtp explanation of epoxy creep<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=253833?postnum=258/259"> Link to Post258/259</A> Blank brunog
    <P> summary posting. (Good to refer to again)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=267628?postnum=364"> Link to Post364</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi...1961.tb13716.x (Good to refer to again)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=267628?postnum=380"> Link to Post380</A> Blank martinw
    <P> Drawing of potential way of doing hollow core rebar tube (Worth referring to agin).<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270885?postnum=436"> Link to Post436</A> Blank jsage
    <P> http://www.sae.org/technical/papers/960435 sae paper on column collapse<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270885?postnum=444"> Link to Post444</A> Blank martinw
    <P> http://www.rockwellautomation.com/an...o/anocast.html Anocast imagesetter info<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=270885?postnum=0"> Link to Post0</A> Blank mhasting2004
    <P> http://www.rockwellautomation.com/an...df/Anocast.pdf Further anocast information<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272649?postnum=525"> Link to Post525</A> Blank jsage
    <P> http://www.velocityseriesinsider.com...11%20November/ http://www.velocityseriesinsider.com...12%20December/ http://www.4spe.org/pub/journals/index.php http://www.vitroco.com/discovery/polymer.pdf http://www.skk-banjaluckapivara.com/invent/support_camera/moldable_sound_control_composite.html<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=272958?postnum=536"> Link to Post536</A> Blank jsage
    <P> http://www.vitroco.com/discovery/polymer.pdf aluminosilicate<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=273482?postnum=548"> Link to Post548</A> Blank jsage
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1174281201 micosphere selction guide<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=273482?postnum=551"> Link to Post551</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33434 WilliamD's thread on his tests<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=273854?postnum=553"> Link to Post553</A> Blank walter
    <P> machine design in post http://www.thewarfields.com/cnccookbook/CCEGGantry.html<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274005?postnum=560"> Link to Post560</A> Blank BobWarfield
    <P> Google FU-TUNG CHENG lifestyle countertops for interesting materials<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274892?postnum=587"> Link to Post587</A> Blank martinw
    <P> pictures prepping mill for filling base with E/G<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=274975?postnum=589"> Link to Post589</A> Blank davo727
    <P> http://www.colouredaggregates.com/<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=275378?postnum=600"> Link to Post600</A> Blank brunog
    <P> Brenton (Breton?) Stone and how they make it. AkA manufactured quartz countertops 4.5 inch slab is vibrocompacted down to 3/4 inch<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276225?postnum=632"> Link to Post632</A> Blank walter
    <P> Terastone Technology 2000 to 4800 Hz vibration between 720 and 680 mm of vacuum<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276237?postnum=634"> Link to Post634</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.chockfastgrout.com/indextwo.html<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276335?postnum=640"> Link to Post640</A> Blank RogerH
    <P> Pictures of German machine without E/G in it yet.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276501?postnum=649"> Link to Post649</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.freepatentsonline.com/20060283136.html Breton Stone Patent info<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276684?postnum=658"> Link to Post658</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.surfacefabrication.com/Si...ant%20Tour.htm Bretonstone fabrication (Worth referencing again)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=276684?postnum=660"> Link to Post660</A> Blank walter
    <P> pictures of carbon black<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=278638?postnum=705"> Link to Post705</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1175483284 research paper on polymer concrete properties<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=278638?postnum=0"> Link to Post0</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1175565278 aggregate size calculator<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=280339?postnum=726"> Link to Post726</A> Blank brunog
    <P> http://www.sullair.com/corp/details/...TI5905,00.html concrete vibrator labelled for 18,0000 hz (however careful reading of the datasheet shows its 18000VPM!!!!!!)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=280339?postnum=0"> Link to Post0</A> Blank pupa
    <P> E/G aggregate contents and silane treatment papers http://jrp.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/1/4/370 http://jrp.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/1/4/370<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=280684?postnum=737"> Link to Post737</A> Blank pupa
    <P> Quote form Cincinata Milicron about 95% quartz and 6x damping ratio.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=281128?postnum=775"> Link to Post775</A> Blank pupa
    <P> http://www.precisionepoxy.com/NPS%20plate.htm Naval postgraduate school epoxy surface plate<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=282777?postnum=839"> Link to Post839</A> Blank walter
    <P> Pictures of 400-700 micron quartz, 200 micron zerospheres, 3 micron fine quartz, carbonblack<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=283087?postnum=846"> Link to Post846</A> Blank walter
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1176348307 Vibratory table for glass recycling<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=284586?postnum=891"> Link to Post891</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> http://www.canadacool.com/COOLFACTS/...ftCarrier.html An aircraft carrier made from ice and wood pulp designed during the second world war.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286499?postnum=930"> Link to Post930</A> Blank ger21
    <P> Paper by walker showing larger aggregate does not improve concrete strength<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286554?postnum=934"> Link to Post934</A> Blank lgalla
    <P> http://www.fire.nist.gov/bfrlpubs/build99/art032.html nist lab report on optimizing E/G E/Q but does not address aggregate sizing.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=286564?postnum=935"> Link to Post935</A> Blank brunog
    <P> http://www.mech.utah.edu/~bamberg/people/bamberg.html Link to Principles of Rapid Machine design PHD thesis by Bamberg<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287388?postnum=974"> Link to Post974</A> Blank BobWarfield
    <P> http://www.michaelengineering.com/index.htm Epoxy metering equipment<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287388?postnum=1010"> Link to Post1010</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> http://www.nanoresins.com Also bilbiography of texts and materials used.<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=287388?postnum=1051"> Link to Post1051</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Hardener data sheet for epotuf 37-606 Us composites 635 hardener <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=290652?postnum=1053"> Link to Post1053</A> <A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=0?postnum=1052"> References Post1052</A> ckelloug
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1177647171 Beamer java applet for deflections<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=290798?postnum=1060"> Link to Post1060</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1177701256 datasheet for epotuf 37-127 the epoxy used in us composites 635<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=291056?postnum=1064"> Link to Post1064</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1178124508 DOWz6040 coupling agent data sheet<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=291056?postnum=1129"> Link to Post1129</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...0&d=1178543309 Reichhold aggreagte forumlation for polyester concrete countertop<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=294625?postnum=1201"> Link to Post1201</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> http://www.crosslinktech.com/degassing_materials.htm Crosslink Technologis FAQ on degassing epoxy<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=301738?postnum=1368"> Link to Post1368</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Links to 3 Epoxy Manufacturer FAQ's about vacuum Degassing<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=301798?postnum=1373"> Link to Post1373</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> American Mineralogical Society on Fracture Toughness of various forms of Quartz http://www.minsocam.org/ammin/AM67/AM67_1065.pdf also coorstech alumina http://www.coorstek.com/products/grindingmedia.asp<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=302181?postnum=1386"> Link to Post1386</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Paper on a national lab laser scanning and building computer models of aggregate. http://ciks.cbt.nist.gov/~garbocz/paper144/index.html<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=306294?postnum=1471"> Link to Post1471</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Paper found by Walter which is the Paper by de Larrard who wrote the expensive book on concrete mixture proportioning. (Worth a read)<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=308411?postnum=1547"> Link to Post1547</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> Datasheet for Reichold Glycidyl Ether Reactive Dilutent http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=39042&d=1181880265<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=308804?postnum=1557"> Link to Post1557</A> Blank ckelloug
    <P> References to de Larrard's aggreagte simulation software at the french burau of roads and bridges<A href="http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?p=314158?postnum=1669"> Link to Post1669</A> Blank ckelloug

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    this is god like in terms of the work it took to compile this list

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    sounds very cool buddy..
    smith langer

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    is there any one who can provide the whole list of crane models...
    smith langer

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Precision Polymer Casting

    If anyone would like real information on polymer concrete castings or material, please feel free to contact me. I started the polymer casting industry in the US in 1988 with my own formulations and have made high precision castings since. Everyone in the US, that I know of, uses the techniques and formualtions I developed. The Studer licensed technology did not work and used granite. I converted everyone to quartz.

    We can cast parts to .0005"/ft flatness and hole locations to .001", eliminating machining. You can use precision grouts to assemble parts or ways to very precise tolerances at a fraction of the cost of grinding.

    Feel free to conact me with questions. [email protected]

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    water filtration sand Link to Post 84 Blank Mcgyver
    Us Composites EPOX-1505563 the #635 epoxy everyone is talking about Link to Post 267 Blank WilliamD
    Cabosil from Cabot Link to Post 537 Blank lgalla
    alumina material Link to Post 9999 Blank jsage
    Zeospheres Link to Post 551 Blank walter
    quartz Link to Post 593 Blank walter
    pool filter sand Link to Post 596 Blank brunog
    East System Epoxy 9482 Link to Post 1161 Blank brunog
    Dupont Starblast Ultra sand blasting material with decent size distribution Link to Post 1226 Blank ckelloug
    Aluminum honeycomb Link to Post 1299 Blank groger
    Granitek Precision Granite Castings http://www.granitek.co.uk/materials.html Link to Post 1421 Blank walter
    Reichhold 37-127 / 37-606 optimal epoxy from reichhold product line according to apps engineer Same as US Composites EPOX-1505563 Link to Post 1657 Blank ckelloug


    Accures 3 cu ft casting kit 360$ 435 pounds Link to Post 10 References Post 5 Episs
    www.sika.com epoxy grout Link to Post 12 Blank Episs
    www.shopmaninc.com a.k.a. www.uscomposites.com Link to Post 44 Blank lgalla
    http://www.reade.com/products/sand/granite-aggregates http://www.kafkagranite.com/ Link to Post 52 Blank lgalla
    The Cary Company www.carycompany.com Link to Post 551 Blank walter
    www.u-s-silica.com quartz Link to Post 593 Blank walter
    http://www.r-g.de/ R&amp;G epoxy in Germay Link to Post 949 Blank sposl
    http://www.agsco.com U.S. custom aggregate supplier Link to Post 1230 Blank ckelloug
    http://www.michaelengineering.com/ Vendor of epoxy dispensing equipment Link to Post 1376 Blank ckelloug
    http://www.decomp.com/ Supplier of Composite Materials Stuff like carbon cloth, tools and mold releases. Link to Post 1436 Blank speed33317
    Post with 4 links to vacuum pump suppliers Link to Post 1553 Blank Eson


    degassing with a blowtorch Link to Post 163 Blank lgalla
    vacuum degassing with paint pot foaming overflow and big vacuum pumps. Link to Post 167 Blank lgalla
    Poly vinyl alcohol with water soluable tendancies as a mold release, paste rather than sprayed Link to Post 212 Blank lgalla
    Chopped Kevlar makes the viscosity go up very quicly therefore not suitable. Link to Post 497 Blank lgalla
    Kevlar absorbs moisture in raw form and deterioates under UV exposure Link to Post 503 Blank lgalla
    Epoxy spraying is dangerous without body suit and air supplied respirator Link to Post 527 Blank lgalla
    Carbon Black will make a black cloud when you open it and a little goes a long way. Link to Post 558 Blank lgalla
    IN-Situ Vacuum compaction of the mixture (This post is worth reviewing). Link to Post 794 References Post 791 StepperMonkey
    R794 DOesn't this need perforated release film and bleeder material? Link to Post 795 Blank lgalla
    Watch out for amine blush and sand off before repouring on that part Link to Post 855 Blank lgalla
    Rules of thumb for deflection Link to Post 1159 Blank ckelloug
    Fuller's Rule for particle size distribution (Suboptimal by about 8%) Link to Post 1198 Blank brunog
    De-gas with a vacuum pump using a paint pot as the vacuum chamber Link to Post 1359 Blank lgalla
    Make sure to let the epoxy cure fully. This can take either days or high temperatures Link to Post 1445 Blank lgalla
    Secondary bonding aka bonding to a layer of epoxy long after it has set is a problem Link to Post 1466 Blank lgalla
    Comments on mold Release and mold draft. Link to Post 1760 Blank lgalla
    Comments describing the de Larrard optimal formula for aggregate mixture design. Link to Post 1824 Blank ckelloug


    epoxy granite Link to Post 4 References Post 1 lgalla
    Expensive damping properties 10 times cast iron Link to Post 6 References Post 5 lgalla
    Polyester shrinkage and brittleness make it unsuitable Link to Post 8 Blank lgalla
    Establish Terminology E/G to avoid confusion with polyester Link to Post 9 Blank lgalla
    Fill rate between 80% and 85% aggregate, aggregate bears weight, mix of aggregate sizes Link to Post 11 Blank RotarySMP
    Forklift accident problem is a concern Link to Post 26 Blank lgalla
    Zanite up to 6 mm aggregate size Link to Post 20 Blank dansutula
    E/G strength may be too low to replace steel in machines Link to Post 21 Blank Mcgyver
    accrues casting claims .0005 tolerance on parts and better damping Link to Post 22 Blank Geof
    Metalworking vs. woodworking rigid metal frame with e/g damping Link to Post 36 Blank Mcgyver
    epoxy steel fiber anyone? Link to Post 45 Blank the4thseal
    A mix of aggregate sizes is needed Link to Post 46. Blank RotarySMP
    skepticism about the larger aggregates. Link to Post 47 References Post 46 lgalla
    8% epoxy, all grades of aggregate, vibratory table, vacuum degassing Link to Post 49 Blank RotarySMP
    spherical packing ratio mixtures and difficult 3 part system Link to Post 51 Blank greybeard
    spherical packing 1: .2 :x ratio for tetrahedral packing Link to Post 61 Blank greaybeard
    aggregates are generally a local product Link to Post 62 Blank lgalla
    is making a commerical mill out of E/G composite Link to Post 63 Blank nMotion
    12% epoxy had epoxy pooling in german machine Link to Post 66 References Post 30 RotarySMP
    Steel structure filled with E/G will likely be easier DIY. Fewer problems pertaining to voids. No steel frame requires special attention to aggregate ratios. Link to Post 72 Blank Geof
    aggregate ratio 10 mm :5mm : 3mm Link to Post 78 Blank Chris-Jennings
    need thin epoxy 600cps, reactive dilutents smell bad. Makre sure it ships non-hazmat Link to Post 82 Blank lgalla
    3/8 to sand aggregate, low viscosity slow cure epoxy, accurate steel or aluminum molds for accurate parts. (Post is worth referring back to.) Link to Post 85 References Post 63 nMotion
    milled glass fiber to keep epoxy aggregate ratio down and lower viscosity Link to Post 89 Blank lgalla
    Problems have to jig all inserts and bolt holes to be cast into the epoxy Link to Post 92 References Post 90 lgalla
    aggregate from .1 to 16 mm. resin 7%-10%; 70Hz 2.5g shaker. make parts same size as cast iron but solied instead of cored (post is worth referring back to). Link to Post 94 Blank RotarySMP
    Anything will work if you are just trying to damp conventional machines. Link to Post 95 Blank Geof
    list of E/G properties that is useful (Post is worth referring back to) Link to Post 96 Blank RotarySMP
    Doesn't believe that E/G is practical for DIY machine frames. Link to Post 97 Blank Geof
    The german site shows that something quite workable can be done well with improvised equipment Link to Post 102 References Post 30 RotarySMP
    Bury an 80/20 frame in E/G leaving the top exposed. Link to Post 103 Blank digits
    E/G and aluminum match well thermal expansion wise and good for embedment of 80/20 etc. Link to Post 113 Blank Geof
    Solid frames must be aligned accurately as they will not deflect to cover imperfections. Link to Post 125 Blank lgalla
    steel tubing is expensive and also has to be normalized which is also expensive Link to Post 145 Blank walter
    E/G may need reinforcement with steel and will need inserts for bolts etc. Link to Post 188 Blank brunog
    post-tensioning Link to Post 230 Blank the4thseal
    post tensioing may cause the vibration damping properties to be decreased. Link to Post 231 References Post 230 Geof
    points out bottom is in compression, top is in tension. Link to Post 240 Blank skippy
    entrapped air expands when the epoxy goes exothermic Link to Post 244 Blank lgalla
    Moglice ways and rails repair compund is expensive and bad value. Link to Post 257 Blank JerryFlyGuy
    aggregate size and mixing is the critical point fill density is better when the ratio is right Link to Post 349 References Post 347 brunog
    Calculation for the 1/5 by volume ratios for E/G aggregate. Link to Post 369 Blank brunog
    theoretical packing density for quaternary structure is 1:7:38:316 for 95% Link to Post 380 Blank martinw
    Area moment of inertia of square beam Link to Post 383 Blank zumba
    What is stiffer 4" of E/G or 1/2" of cast iron? Link to Post 387 Blank lgalla
    Use a truss to make a 16 foot unsupported beam Link to Post 407 Blank ger21
    Hollow core slabs Link to Post 408 Blank martinw
    West System Epoxy publishes magazine epoxyworks so beware of bias Link to Post 416 Blank ger21
    Hollow E/G beam thin steel on the outside E/G filled but empty center around neutral axis (Worther referencing) Link to Post 418 Blank Zumba
    Crystallize approach to rebar Link to Post 420 Blank jsage
    Analysis of beams by lever arm method Link to Post 425 Blank martinw
    Use of foam filled tubes to minimize deflection. Link to Post 443 Blank lgalla
    Foam filled beam Helps in preventing slenderness ratio column collapse. Link to Post 444 Blank martinw
    Single part foam is useless at filling voids unifoemly in closed parts. Link to Post 444 Blank martinw
    Create foam core E/G Link to Post 447 Blank brunog
    Foamed epoxy filled aluminum Link to Post 453 Blank brunog
    Foamed epoxy outrageously expensive. Link to Post 456 Blank lgalla
    Mold a vacuum grid into the table. Link to Post 467 Blank Zumba
    IF overall engineering is good perfection of the fabrication becomes less critical Link to Post 472 Blank jsage
    Use of Glass Microspheres. Link to Post 473 Blank greybeard
    Kevlar shortage and dupont. Link to Post 489 Blank brunog
    Chopped kevlar strands Link to Post 492 Blank jsage
    use of chopped glass fiber or other fiber to resist microcracks Link to Post 497 Blank lgalla
    questions using E/G on beams based on imagesetter design Link to Post 499 Blank mhasting2004
    509 description of Anocast process for imagesetter Link to Post 2004 Blank mhasting
    add graphite Link to Post 514 Blank ger21
    add CarbonBlack, Not graphite. (Actually they can be quite similar according to cabot CK) Link to Post 515 References Post 514 Geof
    Sportiness reference Link to Post 521 Blank walter
    Thixotropic epoxy and Cabosil Link to Post 537 Blank lgalla
    comment about nobody doing anything Link to Post 552 Blank BobWarfield
    filling in castings on an R45 Mill. Link to Post 561 Blank davo727
    note problems with 90 degree angle cuts. Want v Grooves to avoid stress concentration. Link to Post 567 Blank jsage
    commercial countertop 95% granite 5% epoxy Link to Post 583 Blank walter
    fillet right angles at 3/4 inch radius Link to Post 585 Blank brunog
    clept Epoxy Quartz E/Q Link to Post 588 Blank lgalla
    Announces his experimentation start with E/Q Link to Post 592 Blank sposl
    Epoxy might vaporize at low vacuum and hose pump Link to Post 599 Blank martinw
    describes results filling machine base and parts with epoxy. Link to Post 606 Blank davo727
    problems with air bubbles with small sand. West105 resin and 206 hardener had low exotherm. Link to Post 606 Blank davo727
    quartz lamps to heat the epoxy for cure Link to Post 610 Blank jsage
    Vibration at the correct frequency will cause the material (which is thiotropic) to liquify Link to Post 614 Blank lgalla
    Cast self leveling epoxy tiles as load bearing portion. Fill center with E/G and cast final surface Link to Post 619 Blank greybear
    Moldmaking for inserts anchors plates and replicaton Link to Post 621 References Post 619 brunog
    Playsand plus epoxy? Link to Post 627 Blank Zumba
    1 part epoxy one part playsand and 3 parts rock work better than just sand. Link to Post 629 Blank davo727
    Epoxy natural sand tests pictures. Link to Post 631 Blank Zumba
    concern on high freq vibration Link to Post 633 Blank jsage
    Calorific absorption in epoxy causing it to draw into spaces. Link to Post 641 Blank jsage
    sledge hammering paper cup cast samples. Link to Post 648 Blank Zumba
    higher frequencies are less likely to disrupt the aggregate mix. Better Air bubble release. Link to Post 653 Blank Geof
    We've probably reached the end of the possibilites Link to Post 663 References Post 660 jsage
    Non-Polymer Concrete/Mild Steel probably the way to go. (Concrete designer) Link to Post 664 Blank ahlbebuck
    Concrete takes a long time to cear and be stable along with iron castings. E/G if done well is fastlgalla 678 Thermal expansion issues with concrete. Link to Post 667 Blank Zumba
    Structureal Civil engineer speaking about aggregate sizes 6mm 13mm 19mm 25mm 32mm sand 250 micron to 3mm Link to Post 688 Blank ahlbebuck
    post-tensioing of frame. Link to Post 688 Blank ahlbebuck
    Bigger aggregate is natually desnse. Must use graded aggregate to fill gaps. Link to Post 692 Blank ahlbebuck
    quartz is good: fines from 6mm to about 25 - 32 mm. Link to Post 695 Blank ahlbebuck
    Hermle Machine makes mills with E/G bases .00003 precision if properly cared for Link to Post 717 Blank MikeMattera
    an excellent post describing making a mixture which is likely to be the right stuff.(Worth referring to again) Link to Post 719 Blank sposl
    Many remarks about vibrating concrete Link to Post 729 Blank pupa
    Approximately 30% of his samples appears to be air. Link to Post 732 Blank sposl
    using a press for compaction Link to Post 733 Blank walter
    Muchh less than 29 inches of vacuum is not enough to deair the mixture. Link to Post 739. Blank wjfiles
    Applying impulses may be the best means of agitating. Link to Post 741 Blank StepperMonkey
    Epoxy with viscosities as low as water Link to Post 759 Blank StepperMonkey
    Vibration apparently has to be in the up and down direction. Link to Post 767 References Post 30 brunog
    Sacrifice strength for practicality. Use more liquid mix and more reinforcements. Link to Post 777 Blank walter
    Talk to manufacturer app engineers as they know more about this stuff than we ever will. Link to Post 779 Blank pupa
    Reference to the rebar cage idea Link to Post 785 References Post 404 walter
    Use thermally safe bag material. Link to Post 796 References Post 794 LeeWay
    Thinking about practical solutions with bucket mixing degassing, pouring and the lack of thermal probs. Link to Post 812 Blank Zumba
    Epxoy Surface Plates Link to Post 822 Blank walter
    Ultra low viscosity epoxies for resin injection using vacuum bagging/vacuum infusion. Link to Post 847 Blank gt3073b
    pictures of some plates with carbon black Link to Post 853 Blank walter
    formula used that was working was 60% large quartz/ 25% zeospheres/15% fine quartz Link to Post 859 Blank walter
    picture of fabulous surface plate type. Link to Post 861 Blank walter
    Pictures of polymer concrete samples. Link to Post 879 Blank speed33317
    pictures of E/G samples 12% epoxy .18mm 15.85% .49mm 26.06% 1.52mm 46.09% Link to Post 889 Blank sposl
    Forklift Theory is out. Sample is gummy. Link to Post 907 Blank walter
    incredible results with zeospheres and 3 micron quartz Link to Post 919 Blank walter
    need to get external lab involvement. Link to Post 920 Blank lgalla
    Deflection is far more important than Ultimate Strength in E/G because if we are ever near ultimate load it's bad. E/G mixes for this designed to deflect none at all . Link to Post 937 Blank martinw
    Importance of understanding load on parts to be made. Bottom is in tension, top in compressions Link to Post 944 Blank ckelloug
    Heat parts for cure with IR lamps. Link to Post 945 Blank LeeWay
    McMaster Carr pneumatic rotary ball vibrator Link to Post 818 Blank Zumba
    Qualitative Results Link to Post 33317 Blank Speed
    Epoxy Suface plate good to .003 in 16x14 ft! Link to Post 833 Blank lgalla
    Perhaps reinforcement not used in order to keep parts from warping due to differential thermal expansion Link to Post 956 Blank sposl
    An excellent calculation of strength (Should be referred to again) Link to Post 976 Blank fyffe555
    An excellent explanation of shear. Link to Post 979 Blank fyffe555
    compressive and tensile moduli are substantially different and flexural is also different Link to Post 981 Blank ckelloug
    E/G effect on torsion in small cross section member isn't very high Link to Post 986 Blank fyffe555
    Strengthen the mixture by the effects of dispersion hardening using Carbon Black Link to Post 997 Blank ckelloug
    Silica Fume for dispersion hardening Link to Post 1000 Blank ckelloug
    .1 micron limit of small paricles Tensile strength limits unreinforced beam Link to Post 1019 Blank ckelloug
    $175 for a test of modulus or compressive strength Link to Post 1031 Blank ckelloug
    Shop Press and a pressure guage easiest way to apply known force. Link to Post 1035 Blank yugami
    Walter is testing with improvised screw press and torque wrench Link to Post 1107 Blank walter
    Pictures of Walter's testing setup Link to Post 1165 Blank walter
    Technical Report from National Institute for Statistical Studies Virtual packing density of round sand is 71 percent http://www.niss.org/technicalreports/tr104.pdf Link to Post 1185 Blank greybeard
    Commerical concrete sample mixture picture (think Kitchenaid Mixer) Link to Post 1195 Blank ckelloug
    Bamberg and Slocum concrete filled steel tube machines Link to Post 1200 Blank uhrgerat
    Comparisons between Reichhold polymer countertop agregate distribution and Fuller's formula aggregate distribution Link to Post 1210 Blank brunog
    Check of ckelloug calculation of moment for multiple materials. Also points out unreliability of ckelloug method for getting quantitative numbers from Walter's test Jig Link to Post 1216 Blank fyffe555
    Spinning the mold. Link to Post 1248 Blank greybeard
    Vacuum levels reccomended by a vacuum deiaring equipment company. (Highly disputed on this thread) Link to Post 1249 Blank ckelloug
    Comments on Huntsman Epoxy and Proceedings of the First International Congress on Polymer Concretes 5th to 7th of May, 1975. Published in 1976 by the Construction Press Limited in London. Link to Post 1256 Blank ckelloug
    CNCZ-1 Formula using Reichhold aggergate design Dow Z6040 coupling agent, BYK A525 deairing agent, Cabot Monarch 120 carbon black Link to Post 1280 Blank ckelloug
    Large quantities of Carbon black affect the epoxy cure either slowing of impeding it. Link to Post 1309 Blank walter
    What is the effect of Shore Hardness of the Cured epoxy on strength Link to Post 1316 Blank brunog
    Vacuum deairing is common in industry for epoxy Link to Post 1330 Blank harryn
    an excellent description of Fuller's Formula (Fullers formula has been shown by De Larrard to be Suboptimal by 8%) Link to Post 1334 Blank brunog
    Use of a surplus refrigerator compressor to get partial vacuum Link to Post 1335 Blank brunog
    Hydrocal B11 Plaster of Paris for filling parts Link to Post 1337 Blank Servo_Wizard
    pictures of Akvacnc's E/G sample from France Link to Post 1370 Blank walter
    Suggestion of Using static mixers to mix and dispense the epoxy to avoid gas entrapment from mixing the epoxy itself Link to Post 1374 Blank fyffe555
    Correlation between SHore Hardness and Epoxy strength is sketchy Link to Post 1384 Blank ckelloug
    Comments on polymer concrete used to make signs. (Not E/G) Link to Post 1387 Blank Joe_Crumley
    Squaring a mchine with bolted parts and Epoxy grout. Epoxy without a thixotrope will just flow out of the joints. Link to Post 1394 Blank lgalla
    Test results from SAnd and epoxy tested on an arbor press 4:1 sand to epoxy. Worse results as epoxy fraction goes up. Link to Post 1426 Blank Zumba
    Strength and rigidity come from the aggregate. Critique of Zumba's recipe as too much epoxy. Link to Post 1427 References Post 1426 RotarySMP
    Excellent discussion of vacuum bagging and strength of epoxy fiberglass. Also important comments about home shoppers building weak gantry supports. Link to Post 1435 Blank PlasticWorker
    Comments about alcohol causing stress crazing of stressed acrylic. O/T but interesting. Link to Post 1449 References Post 1447 greybeard
    Links to some pictures from the German rapidforum about E/G machines. Link to Post 1461 Blank Eson
    Use of a decomissioned oxygen cyllinder as a vacuum chamber Link to Post 1469 Blank ckelloug
    Use of E/G doesn't necessarily get you away from difficult machining as ways etc. are still difficult. Embed 80/20 extrusions. Link to Post 1475 Blank Geof
    Random Collection of info gleaned from a day at Slamon Library at UAH. Aggreagte properties and choices, carbon black, titanates, silyoxanes , mica, wollasanite . . . (worth referring back to) Link to Post 1485 Blank ckelloug
    Importance of Fracture toughness rather than hardness as an aggregate selection criteria Link to Post 1491 Blank ckelloug
    Use of surfactants to improve epoxy wetting. Link to Post 1504 Blank rancherbill
    Use a concrete mixer. If a metal one, you can heat it with a tigertorch. Link to Post 1510 Blank Geof
    Surface Energy and Surfactants Link to Post 1520 Blank ckelloug
    Spin casting of parts using a lathe. Link to Post 1549 Blank greybeard
    Thinning epoxy Link to Post 1571 Blank fyffe555
    Reactive Dilutants Link to Post 1574 Blank fyffe555
    Epoxy Toughening Agents ABS and PMMA Link to Post 1593 Blank walter
    Walter's sample reaches over 1ksi tensile in a flexural strength test! Link to Post 1598 References Post 1597 ckelloug
    Introduction to De Larrard's theory of aggreate mixture design Link to Post 1624 Blank ckelloug
    10% strength improvement with using Isopropyl alcohol to dry the aggreate mixture Link to Post 1635 Blank walter
    Warnings about deairing agents and Novec Fluorosurfactant as being things where only a tiny bit is good. Link to Post 1687 Blank ckelloug
    Pictures of spincasting experiments on the lathe Link to Post 1698 Blank greybeard
    Pictures of zeospheres and their flow characteristics. Link to Post 1719 Blank walter
    Samples with 5-15 mm quartz are weaker. Link to Post 1723 Blank walter
    Greybeard's particle sperator for home sieving of aggregate. Link to Post 1742 Blank greybeard
    A nice summary of the general principles Link to Post 1748 Blank ckelloug


    90% of the people here don't build metal working cnc's or metal parts. Link to Post 28 References Post 21 walter
    build a solid 1ft to 12 ft CNC frame table or gantry with leveled precision surface for linear rails. No metal saw milling machine welding or drill pressing. Link to Post 141 Blank walter
    E/G is brilliantly simple to use- can be done in your garage, requires no tools can be used by virtually anyone. Try that with mild steel anocast or granite. Link to Post 334 Blank walter
    Heavy E/G Gantry Link to Post 450 Blank walter
    Picture of router we'd like to be able to build Link to Post 942 Blank walter
    References on what he wants to build Link to Post 963 Blank lgalla
    CNC mini Mill 300mm by 500mm x 500mm Link to Post 965 Blank sposl
    36 inch bridge mill and dampening of steel structures. Link to Post 966 Blank leeway
    E/G based CNC table Link to Post 967 Blank BobWarfield
    E/Q gantry mill with 12 inch Z axis Link to Post 16x32 Blank brunog
    lb gantry 4ft long 50 lb Z axis most interest here. Link to Post 100 Blank lgalla
    My current project is 36" x 36" fixed gantry hybrid (E/Q with aluminum guts). The beam will probably be in the 4"x6" area, carrying 50lbs max. Link to Post 1088 Blank walter
    Purpose statement gleaned form all the conversations Link to Post 1129 Blank ckelloug
    BYK Apps engineer says BYK C-8000 does not work in Epoxy! Link to Post 1780 Blank ckelloug
    Walter's E/G samples substantially stronger than natural granite countertop Link to Post 1786 Blank walter
    All of the aggregate has broken in Walter's sample including the #6 AlO2 Link to Post 1809 Blank walter
    Comments about using BYK A525 deairing agent in the mixture Link to Post 1822 Blank walter
    Pictures of Harbor Freight Concrete Vibrators used for vibrating the mold. Link to Post 1834 Blank walter
    Drilling a cast E/G piece is probably a bad idea as is the use of expanding concrete anchors. Link to Post 1854 Blank Geof
    Use of steall wool and Graphite as a mechanism for embedding threaded parts and making wear surfaces Link to Post 1871 Blank Bob_B


    Anyone built anything form polymer Concrete. Link to Post 1 Blank walter
    Dewayne Harelow cnncbridges.com Link to Post 1 References Post 1 walter
    Hardinge and precision optical equipment but no diy Link to Post 2 References Post 1 Mcgyver
    What is the effect of aggregate size on strength, what aggregates for other applications, techniques for dealing with mixtures of aggregates. Link to Post 70 Blank Mcgyver
    Do we know how much more E/G than granite is needed to make a 12 foot router have comparable deflection in bith materials? Do we know the cost differential if we don't know the materials required? Link to Post 159 Blank Mcgyver
    What aggregates, aquarium sand, glass beads, glass fiber? Molding: vibration? Antifoamin additives? Link to Post 220 Blank brunog
    why are some of the calculations by weight and others by volume? Link to Post 360 Blank lgalla
    4x4x1/4 tube with and without e/g which will be stiffer of will added weight cause more deflection? Link to Post 403 Blank lgalla
    description of deflections in beams at 4 feet. Link to Post 406 References Post 399 Zumba
    How do different modulus materials in a beam's construction effect it? Link to Post 434 Blank lgalla
    Example of composite boat building. Link to Post 442 References Post 434 jsage
    What degree of precision does everybody need. Link to Post 578 Blank jsage
    1/16 inch Link to Post 578 References Post 578 jsage
    light duty vs. heavy duty light duty is 1/16th. E/G unnecessary at 1/16. Reproducibility and vibration damping. Link to Post 580 References Post 578 lgalla
    Liquids and solids aren't compressible so why the press? Link to Post 761 Blank Zumba
    What's better a low ratio pice full of bubbles or a high ratio pice that's deaired. Link to Post 787 Blank lgalla
    Why is a cast iron tabletop 1 inch thick while the same part in E/G is 4 inches thick. Link to Post 948 Blank lgalla
    will hoolow E/G improve the deflection issues Link to Post 948 Blank lgalla
    What is the largest member to be considered in the machines being built? Link to Post 954 Blank ckelloug
    4ft usupported 20 ft supported. Link to Post 955 References Post 954 walter
    What ratio of carbon black and does it affect viscosity? Link to Post 999 Blank brunog
    Cabot sends Carbon Black, should stiffen the material Link to Post 1010 References Post 999 ckelloug
    Has anyone considered using Garnet? Link to Post 1016 Blank jkeyser
    dispersion hardening with nanoparticles Link to Post 1051 Blank ckelloug
    What is the right stuff in epoxy? Link to Post 1052 Blank walter
    Critical length for fiber reinforcement Link to Post 1072 Blank ckelloug
    Rule of mixtures determines strength by ratio of parts in composite materials Link to Post 1082 Blank ckelloug
    DAK (Materials chemist) reccomends ignoring silating agents (worth referring back to) Also mentions the purposes of microreinforcement. Link to Post 1156 Blank DAK3333


    http://www.cnczone.com/modules.php?n...threadid=24879 cncbridges thread Link to Post 1 Blank walter
    http://www.itwpolymercastings.com/ E/G machine parts Link to Post 5 References Post 1 Episs
    http://www.accurescasting.com/index.html E/G machine parts Link to Post 5 References Post 1 Episs
    www.moglice.com moldable bearing holder Link to Post 8 Blank lgalla
    http://www.accurescasting.com/polymer.html on properaties of accres material Link to Post 22 Blank Geof
    Zanite www.itwpolymercastings.com/faqzanite Link to Post 25 Blank Geof
    http://www.machinedesign.com/ASP/vie...te&amp;catId=0 link to machine design magazine on all polymer machines Link to Post 23/37 Blank turmite
    http://5128.rapidforum.com/topic=110...p;search=beton German CNC machine site Link to Post 30 Blank schrupphobel72
    http://www.mech.utah.edu/~bamberg/re...e%20Design.pdf Bamberg's theis on principles of rapid machine desing with concrete damping of metal machines Link to Post 73 Blank BobWarfield
    http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=datron datron router with E/G frame Link to Post 74 Blank Xerxes
    http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=h...esult&amp;cd=1 Link to Post 79 References Post 78 Chris-Jennings
    http://www.epucret.de/files/EPU_News_NR_26.pdf epucret is a french copany that makes e/g machines Link to Post 134 Blank Aramon
    http://www.moldmakingtechnology.com/...es/040401.html moldmaking technology magazine hard milling Link to Post 157 Blank walter
    http://www.epucret.de/maschinenbau_anwendungen.html more epucret stuff. Link to Post 158 Blank Aramon
    http://www.joewoodworker.com/ making a venturi vacuum system Link to Post 0 Blank ger21
    a whole bunch of machine frame pictures attached to article for reference Link to Post 174 Blank walter
    http://www.microplan-group.com/pagin.../celith_gb.htm celith french epoxy granite company Link to Post 198 Blank brunog
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1170207942 lgalla's table design Link to Post 203 Blank JerryFlyGuy
    http://www.diamond-drill-bit-and-too...Drill/MAIN.htm diamond drills for granite Link to Post 215 References Post 212 vger
    summary to post 240 www.precisionepoxy.com - Awesome Epoxy Surface Plate! - DIY Instructions Link to Post 241 Blank walter
    http://www.ktm-reiseenduro.de/tz/mg2.htm http://5128.rapidforum.com/topic=110...p;search=beton german machine designs in german Link to Post 242 Blank brunog
    http://diamant.ph/en/produkte/dwh/ an E/G manufacturer link Link to Post 254 Blank JerryFlyGuy
    http://www.nist.gov/ nistir 6361 The NIST fire science report on polymer concrete optimizationmartinw 351 http://www.adhesivestoolkit.com/Docs...%20Testing.xtp explanation of epoxy creep Link to Post 258/259 Blank brunog
    summary posting. (Good to refer to again) Link to Post 364 Blank walter
    http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi...1961.tb13716.x (Good to refer to again) Link to Post 380 Blank martinw
    Drawing of potential way of doing hollow core rebar tube (Worth referring to agin). Link to Post 436 Blank jsage
    http://www.sae.org/technical/papers/960435 sae paper on column collapse Link to Post 444 Blank martinw
    http://www.rockwellautomation.com/an...o/anocast.html Anocast imagesetter info Link to Post 0 Blank mhasting2004
    http://www.rockwellautomation.com/an...df/Anocast.pdf Further anocast information Link to Post 525 Blank jsage
    http://www.velocityseriesinsider.com...11%20November/ http://www.velocityseriesinsider.com...12%20December/ http://www.4spe.org/pub/journals/index.php http://www.vitroco.com/discovery/polymer.pdf http://www.skk-banjaluckapivara.com/...composite.html Link to Post 536 Blank jsage
    http://www.vitroco.com/discovery/polymer.pdf aluminosilicate Link to Post 548 Blank jsage
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1174281201 micosphere selction guide Link to Post 551 Blank walter
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=33434 WilliamD's thread on his tests Link to Post 553 Blank walter
    machine design in post http://www.thewarfields.com/cnccookbook/CCEGGantry.html Link to Post 560 Blank BobWarfield
    Google FU-TUNG CHENG lifestyle countertops for interesting materials Link to Post 587 Blank martinw
    pictures prepping mill for filling base with E/G Link to Post 589 Blank davo727
    http://www.colouredaggregates.com/ Link to Post 600 Blank brunog
    Brenton (Breton?) Stone and how they make it. AkA manufactured quartz countertops 4.5 inch slab is vibrocompacted down to 3/4 inch Link to Post 632 Blank walter
    Terastone Technology 2000 to 4800 Hz vibration between 720 and 680 mm of vacuum Link to Post 634 Blank walter
    http://www.chockfastgrout.com/indextwo.html Link to Post 640 Blank RogerH
    Pictures of German machine without E/G in it yet. Link to Post 649 Blank walter
    http://www.freepatentsonline.com/20060283136.html Breton Stone Patent info Link to Post 658 Blank walter
    http://www.surfacefabrication.com/Si...ant%20Tour.htm Bretonstone fabrication (Worth referencing again) Link to Post 660 Blank walter
    pictures of carbon black Link to Post 705 Blank walter
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1175483284 research paper on polymer concrete properties Link to Post 0 Blank lgalla
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1175565278 aggregate size calculator Link to Post 726 Blank brunog
    http://www.sullair.com/corp/details/...TI5905,00.html concrete vibrator labelled for 18,0000 hz (however careful reading of the datasheet shows its 18000VPM!!!!!!) Link to Post 0 Blank pupa
    E/G aggregate contents and silane treatment papers http://jrp.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/1/4/370 http://jrp.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/1/4/370 Link to Post 737 Blank pupa
    Quote form Cincinata Milicron about 95% quartz and 6x damping ratio. Link to Post 775 Blank pupa
    http://www.precisionepoxy.com/NPS%20plate.htm Naval postgraduate school epoxy surface plate Link to Post 839 Blank walter
    Pictures of 400-700 micron quartz, 200 micron zerospheres, 3 micron fine quartz, carbonblack Link to Post 846 Blank walter
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1176348307 Vibratory table for glass recycling Link to Post 891 Blank lgalla
    http://www.canadacool.com/COOLFACTS/...ftCarrier.html An aircraft carrier made from ice and wood pulp designed during the second world war. Link to Post 930 Blank ger21
    Paper by walker showing larger aggregate does not improve concrete strength Link to Post 934 Blank lgalla
    http://www.fire.nist.gov/bfrlpubs/build99/art032.html nist lab report on optimizing E/G E/Q but does not address aggregate sizing. Link to Post 935 Blank brunog
    http://www.mech.utah.edu/~bamberg/people/bamberg.html Link to Principles of Rapid Machine design PHD thesis by Bamberg Link to Post 974 Blank BobWarfield
    http://www.michaelengineering.com/index.htm Epoxy metering equipment Link to Post 1010 Blank ckelloug
    http://www.nanoresins.com Also bilbiography of texts and materials used. Link to Post 1051 Blank ckelloug
    Hardener data sheet for epotuf 37-606 Us composites 635 hardener Link to Post 1053 References Post 1052 ckelloug
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1177647171 Beamer java applet for deflections Link to Post 1060 Blank ckelloug
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1177701256 datasheet for epotuf 37-127 the epoxy used in us composites 635 Link to Post 1064 Blank ckelloug
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...p;d=1178124508 DOWz6040 coupling agent data sheet Link to Post 1129 Blank ckelloug
    http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...0&d=1178543309 Reichhold aggreagte forumlation for polyester concrete countertop Link to Post 1201 Blank ckelloug
    http://www.crosslinktech.com/degassing_materials.htm Crosslink Technologis FAQ on degassing epoxy Link to Post 1368 Blank ckelloug
    Links to 3 Epoxy Manufacturer FAQ's about vacuum Degassing Link to Post 1373 Blank ckelloug
    American Mineralogical Society on Fracture Toughness of various forms of Quartz http://www.minsocam.org/ammin/AM67/AM67_1065.pdf also coorstech alumina http://www.coorstek.com/products/grindingmedia.asp Link to Post 1386 Blank ckelloug
    Paper on a national lab laser scanning and building computer models of aggregate. http://ciks.cbt.nist.gov/~garbocz/paper144/index.html Link to Post 1471 Blank ckelloug
    Paper found by Walter which is the Paper by de Larrard who wrote the expensive book on concrete mixture proportioning. (Worth a read) Link to Post 1547 Blank ckelloug
    Datasheet for Reichold Glycidyl Ether Reactive Dilutent http://www.cnczone.com/forums/attach...2&d=1181880265 Link to Post 1557 Blank ckelloug
    References to de Larrard's aggreagte simulation software at the french burau of roads and bridges Link to Post 1669 Blank ckelloug

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Nice Post! cool thread! keep it up. I enjoy the info you present here

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