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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    A Little Basic VB Help, please?

    Zmove = 1.5 'amount the tool will move down to hit the probe
    Zpos = GetDRO(2)
    Tool = GetDRO (24)
    ZOffset = .5 'enter height of probe here

    I'm trying to set up the Auto Tool Zero button in my Mach 3. I got the VB Script from the Auto Tool Zero thread and use the "Edit Button" from the operator drop down menu just liek the thread says, but get a "Driver Watchdog Triggered" message as soon as I'm done entering the script lines. Dumb question, but once I get all the lines entered, what do I do next; save the file, save the file as something specific, run it, HELP??? I've never used scripts before so I'm a NEWBIE at it!!!!
    OldZpos = Zpos
    ZPos = Zpos - ZMove
    Code "G31 Z" & ZPos & " F20.0"
    While IsMoving()
    Zpos = GetVar (2002)
    If Zpos = OldZpos - ZMove Then
    responce = MsgBox ("ERROR! The tool did not hit the probe and DRO was not set" , 4 , "Probe ERROR!" )
    SetDRO (2,ZOffset)
    End If

    Code "G00 G53 Z-.1"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    I figured it out! Had a few punctuation and syntax errors and found out that simply closing the window and saving the changes is the way to do it. It's too cool! I'm using a TP100 probe with the "tool set platform" on it and setting the VB probe height to 2.040. PERFECT!!

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