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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Milltronics > Milltronics electronics buyer beware
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  1. #1

    Exclamation Milltronics electronics buyer beware

    I am an experienced CNC control service Technician. I have serviced hundreds of CNC controls. But I have not seen anything as bad as this in a new CNC machine:

    The spindle drive in an ML-20 (2001) was mounted horizontally, mounted with less than 1" clearance on two sides for cooling, and less than 3" on a third side! And on a lesser note, the spindle motor wiring junction box is inaccessible - one MUST entirely remove the spindle motor to get to the spindle motor wiring junction box.

    Just thought that potential buyers might want to beware. I have found their equipment to be cheap and fragile in general as well.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You already posted this issue in another thread. We do not want to read your exact same post twice.

    I recommend you acquaint yourself with the forum rules.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by single phase View Post
    You already posted this issue in another thread. We do not want to read your exact same post twice.

    I recommend you acquaint yourself with the forum rules.
    I beg you pardon, but I think you are mistaken. I did not post this in another forum, but I did post it in the Photo Gallery, that is not a forum, that post needed a caption to explain the reason for posting, and I included a full explanation for those who do not search everywhere for more information on it. Not everyone researching Milltronics is going to check the photo gallery. However, a portion of this post is also included in response about my complaint with problems with a specific machine - a different subject of posting that many prospective Milltronics buyers may ignore. What's more, that post is certainly not the exact same post. I apologize if you ("single-phase") were taxed with reading 7 extra sentences; but one would think that you would have noticed by the identical picture, that you would be looking at (nearly) identical copy.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by M_Controls View Post
    I beg you pardon, but I think you are mistaken. I did not post this in another forum, but I did post it in the Photo Gallery, that is not a forum, that post needed a caption to explain the reason for posting, and I included a full explanation for those who do not search everywhere for more information on it.
    How about here? http://www.cnczone.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27504 (post #3)

    Doesn't look like the photo gallery to me, but hey, who's keeping score? Not stirring the pot, but thought it was fair to point out. I'm sure you're just trying to help out.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Have you had any problems with the spindle drive and/or mtr?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    What Machine was this found on? Which model?

  7. #7
    Milltronics Partner ML-20 flatbed CNC/manual lathe built in 2001 with Centurion 6 control. And yes, having possible spindle drive problems. But I did not post this for troubleshooting purposes, or as a point to be debated. You see it, that is all I am saying about this point. I will probably not post any more responses on this thread. I have stated all I care to comment on this thread (have better things to do, like make a living).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    I have the same machine, a 2001 ML20, and the drive is mounted the same way. We've been running it very hard, I'd say harder than the builder intended, and we've had zero trouble with the drive.

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