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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > EdingCNC > Not allowed in state HW-V, referring to M6 commands
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Not allowed in state HW-V, referring to M6 commands


    I have prepared an M6 compatible ATC macro for a test, it shows the error message "not allowed in state HW-V" What is the meaning?


    Some of the M6 macro is below, it did not let me attach it, it is simply a test for now w/2 tools.

    ;This example shows how to make your own tool_changer work.
    ;It is made for 6 tools
    ;First current tool is dropped, then the new tool is picked
    ;There is a check whether selected tool is already in the spindle
    ;Also a check that the tool is within 1-6
    ;There is a picktool subroutine for each tool and a droptool subroutine for each tool.
    ;These routines need to be modified to fit your machine and tool changer

    sub change_tool
    ;Switch off guard for tool change area collision
    TCAGuard off

    ;Check ZHeight comp and switch off when on, remember the state in #5019
    ;#5151 indicates that ZHeight comp is on
    #5019 = #5151
    if [#5019 == 1]
    ZHC off

    ;Switch off spindle

    ;Use #5015 to indicate succesfull toolchange
    #5015 = 0 ; Tool change not performed

    ; check tool in spindle and exit sub
    If [ [#5011] <> [#5008] ]
    if [[#5011] > 2 ]
    errmsg "Please select a tool from 1 to 2."
    ;Drop current tool
    If [[#5008] == 0]
    GoSub DropTool0
    If [[#5008] == 1]
    GoSub DropTool1
    If [[#5008] == 2]
    GoSub DropTool2

    ;Pick new tool
    if [[#5011] == 0]
    GoSub PickTool0
    if [[#5011] == 1]
    GoSub PickTool1
    if [[#5011] == 2]
    GoSub PickTool2

    msg "Tool already in spindle"
    #5015 = 1 ;indicate tool change performed

    If [[#5015] == 1]
    msg "Tool "#5008" Replaced by tool "#5011" G43 switched on"

    if [#5011 <> 0]
    G43 ;we use tool-length compensation.
    G49 ;tool length compensation off for tool 0.
    errmsg "tool change failed"

    ;Set default motion type to G1

    ;Switch on guard for tool change area collision
    TCAGuard on

    ;Check if ZHeight comp was on before and switch ON again if it was.
    if [#5019 == 1]
    ZHC on


    ;Drop tool subroutines
    Sub DropTool0
    ;Tool 0 is nothing, we could open the tool
    ;magazine here if needed for the following PickTool
    msg "Dropping tool 0"
    ;Tool 0 is no tool, so we just open yhe tool station here for PickTool which comes next
    M54P3 ;Open toolstation OUTPUT AUX3
    G4P1 ;Wait 1 seconds

    Sub DropTool1
    msg "Dropping tool 1"
    G53G0Z-2 ;Z up 110 is and machinebed is zero
    G53G0X400Y120 ;Move just before drop place
    M54P3 ;Open toolstation
    G4P01 ;Wait 1 seconds
    G53G1X400Y121F220 ;Move into drop place
    g53G0Z-3 ;Move down fast but not fully to the endposition
    g53G01Z-4F120 ;Move down the last mm slower
    M54P1 ;AUX1 ON air pressure toolchange
    G4P1 ;Wait 1 second
    G53G01Z-2f100 ;Move up slowly to move free from toolstation
    M55P1 ;AUX1 off, tool dropped
    G53G0Z-1 ;Further up and done with dropping tool

    Sub DropTool2
    msg "Dropping tool 2"
    G53G0Z-2 ;Z up 110 is and machinebed is zero
    G53G0X400Y120 ;Move just before drop place
    M54P3 ;Open toolstation
    G4P01 ;Wait 1 seconds
    G53G1X400Y121F220 ;Move into drop place
    g53G0Z-3 ;Move down fast but not fully to the endposition
    g53G01Z-4F120 ;Move down the last mm slower
    M54P1 ;AUX1 ON air pressure toolchange
    G4P1 ;Wait 1 second
    G53G01Z-2f100 ;Move up slowly to move free from toolstation
    M55P1 ;AUX1 off, tool dropped
    G53G0Z-1 ;Further up and done with dropping tool

    ;Pick tool subroutines
    Sub PickTool0
    msg "Picking tool 0" ;Tool 0 is nothing, just close the tool station
    M55P3 ;OUT3 off, closes toolstation
    #5015 = 1 ;toolchange succes

    Sub PickTool1
    msg "Picking tool 1"
    M5 ;Be sure that spindle is off
    G53G0Z-1 ;Z up where zero is machinebed and 110 is top
    G53G0X400Y125.00 ;Move before pick place
    M54P3 ;Open toolstation
    G4P01 ;Wait 1 second
    G53G1X400Y125F220 ;Move into pick place
    G53G0Z-2 ;Move down fast but not fully to the end
    M54P1 ;AUX1 ON for opening collet clamp
    G4P01 ;wait 1 second
    G53G01Z-3F120 ;Move down last mm down slower to pick up toolholder
    G4P0.5 ;Wait 1 second
    M55P1 ;AUX1 off, tool picked
    G53G01Z-2F120 ;Move slowly up to pick up tool and move free
    G53G0X400Z-1 ;Further up and done with dropping
    M55P3 ;OUT3 off, closes toolstation
    #5015 = 1 ;toolchange succes

    Sub PickTool2
    msg "Picking tool 2"
    M5 ;Be sure that spindle is off
    G53G0Z-1 ;Z up where zero is machinebed and 110 is top
    G53G0X400Y125.00 ;Move before pick place
    M54P3 ;Open toolstation
    G4P01 ;Wait 1 second
    G53G1X400Y125F220 ;Move into pick place
    G53G0Z-2 ;Move down fast but not fully to the end
    M54P1 ;AUX1 ON for opening collet clamp
    G4P01 ;wait 1 second
    G53G01Z-3F120 ;Move down last mm down slower to pick up toolholder
    G4P0.5 ;Wait 1 second
    M55P1 ;AUX1 off, tool picked
    G53G01Z-2F120 ;Move slowly up to pick up tool and move free
    G53G0X400Z-1 ;Further up and done with dropping
    M55P3 ;OUT3 off, closes toolstation
    #5015 = 1 ;toolchange succes
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails not allowed.jpg  

  2. #2

    Re: Not allowed in state HW-V, referring to M6 commands

    i suspect HW means HandWheel aka pendant

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Re: Not allowed in state HW-V, referring to M6 commands

    I think you were right.

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