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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > Fanuc > Nakamura TMC-20 w/ FANUC 18T. Optional Stop Switch Responds to M5 Spindle Stop
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  1. #1

    Nakamura TMC-20 w/ FANUC 18T. Optional Stop Switch Responds to M5 Spindle Stop

    Hi All,

    Has anyone ever encountered a FANUC 18 program pause on an M5 spindle stop code as if the program encountered an M1? It only occurs when the OP-STOP switch is activated, and the OP-STOP LED even comes on with the M5 too. Pressing Cycle Start doesn't start the program running again from that point. You have to press RESET first.

    This seems like a parameter setting of some kind, but I don't know if this is going to be a ladder parameter (keep RLY?) or a FANUC system parameter. Anyway, just thought I'd through it out there and see if someone has encountered such weird things.

    Thanks for reading,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Re: Nakamura TMC-20 w/ FANUC 18T. Optional Stop Switch Responds to M5 Spindle Stop

    In all my years of squinting at Fanuc parameter lists and screens, I've never seen any parameter pertaining to this. I'll bet it's a keep relay, which I don't have any access to.

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