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View Poll Results: What would you do?

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  • Run it like there is nothing wrong?

    7 43.75%
  • Run it only roughing cheep parts?

    0 0%
  • Not run it and when haas says its normal sue them.

    4 25.00%
  • Let it sit and Wear www.HaasSucks.com shirts at IMTS?

    5 31.25%
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Results 1 to 20 of 41
  1. #1

    Haas spindle noise

    Should a brand new spindle with less then 30 hours make these noises and have the load go from 4-5% with no squeal up to 9-16% when it makes the squealing noise? Is that ok for it to do like haas is telling me that it is normal and to keep running the machine? What would you do? Would you risk a part that you have to machine that someone sends you that is worth $20k before you get it? If it only made the squeal that is one thing but the load going that high when it does it is what scares me.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbZaab84-Ak&list=UU_UUV-jSDUWlvuUxFe6D5uQ&index=7&feature=plcp]Haas Spindle Noise 5-13-12 - YouTube[/ame]

    Haas ended up taking care of our problems.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Why not pour your efforts into a more productive vein. It does no good to vent your hostility here or anywhere for that matter. Nothing constructive to be gained. Work with your dealer.

    No, I've never had delivery and or dealer problem.

    No, I have never had a spindle go bad.

    No, I've never had any of my machines dump spindle oil on the floor.

    No, I've never had the taping problem you had.

    No, I'm not stupid enough to climb into a machine under supposedly "Feed Hold." Reset the damn thing before doing any work on it! What does the tag say, "This Machine Automatically Controlled And May Start At Any Time?" My guess is you stalled the spindle and just tried to loosen it without hitting feed hold or anything else.

    And lastly, NO, I have not pissed everyone involved off so badly that they probably want to sabotage your machine.

    Take an anger management course and try working with your HFO. If not that, get rid of those machine and get others. Either way, you will live longer without the stress!

    P.S.: Consider this as replied to you other posts too!
    Two Haas VF-2's, Haas HA5C, Haas HRT-9, Hardinge CHNC 1, Bother HS-300 Wire EDM, BobCAD V23, BobCAD V28

  3. #3
    I am not venting my hostility, I am putting this stuff and my website out there for other people to read incase they are getting ready to buy a machine they should know something that has happened.

    If I would have read this before I bought this machine there is no way I would have even thought about buying it, so this stuff will let people know what can happen and then they can make there own decisions about what to buy.

    you say you have never had any problems with haas and that is great. I have told haas many times that I build things too and that sometimes things break and that is fine but this has gone way beyond that.

    you say to try to work with my HFO.
    We have done everything we can to try to get the situation resolved with them and they keep lying to us. Telling us one thing then doing another. When they say they will extend our warranty and that they will credit us for some materials and tools that were machined wrong from problems with there machine, then after a month they say they had a meeting about it and that they are not going to do anything for us and not even fix this spindle that is messed up again while the machine is still under warranty.

    We have called and done everything we can but now we are just sick of there lies and want our money back. This has cost us alot of money and time and we have ordered a new machine so we will be able to get on with our lives and not have to deal with this machine. So this one is for sale VM-3. They are in breach of contract and we have filed suit against them.
    Haas ended up taking care of our problems.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I'm guessing buying a domain and bashing them everywhere won't help your cause.

    Now that everyone knows the machine doesn't work may also be hard to sale. If you filed a suit they will probably want the machine back so don't sell it to soon.

    I'm sorry you haven't had any luck with support on your new machine. But I bet if you came to this site and post legitimate questions someone here would probably drop by your shop and help you get through it.
    Hurco KMB1 Build
    Wholesale Tool 3in1 conversion

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by FannBlade View Post
    I'm guessing buying a domain and bashing them everywhere won't help your cause.

    Now that everyone knows the machine doesn't work may also be hard to sale. If you filed a suit they will probably want the machine back so don't sell it to soon.

    I'm sorry you haven't had any luck with support on your new machine. But I bet if you came to this site and post legitimate questions someone here would probably drop by your shop and help you get through it.
    Buying the site is to let other people know what can happen when you deal with nymat and buy a haas machine. I did not know anything like this could happen or I would not have bought the machine.

    The support was fine on the machine. Haas even sends a service guy out to our location and the machine is running fine, for a couple days. A few hours after he leaves the spindle starts making a squealing noise. I call haas and talk to main guy there, he says its wierd that it was running fine while there guy was here but that the minuite he leaves it magically starts making a squealing noise. I have the video to prove it. I did not sabatoge the machine, I wanted the machine to work so I could finish parts that needed to be done the next day. But instead I had to take them over and have another shop finish them. Haas acts like I made it start squealing or just made it up and that it did not happen. Haas also tells me that is normal for it to squeal like it does in the video.
    Haas ended up taking care of our problems.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    What do the real Haas people at the corporate offices, not your local HFO, tell you when you talk to them about this problem? Do you have an documentation that you have actually talked to anyone? Recorded phone calls? Copies of certified letters? Or, is this a broken love affair with a lot of "he said she said" going on?

  7. #7
    we have everything documented. lots of emails, texts, recorded conversations, videos, pictures, phone records, ect.

    took us a week just to organize all of it for our lawyer

    I had not talked to haas corporate till I finally was at the point that I bought the website and was having a lawyer file suit against them. At that point I figured I would call and try to talk to someone that might care at corporate. They sent out a service guy that was here for a few days but then they basically just referred me back to nymat.
    Haas ended up taking care of our problems.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Looks like Haas corporate dropped the ball on this one.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by txcncman View Post
    Looks like Haas corporate dropped the ball on this one.
    We gave them every chance we could to make this right. They say, " we are a big enough company to drag this out in court till you are out of money to defend yourself". I will take that challenge, I wonder what they make on the machines they sell, and I wonder how many will not be sold because of me showing what they did. I definately would not have risk buying this one if I had read HaasSucks.com before I made the purchase. So I wonder how many people out there are like me and would not buy a machine from reading about someone else's bad experience? Most of our problem is with nymat and they are the ones we are going to file suit against. We may never get any of the money that thier lies have cost us but they will know were here. Can I get a shout out for Tom Halter the CFO of nymat.... Hi buddy how are you doing? Maybe back when I called between 10 and 40 times a day, every day for a week trying to get ahold of Tom Halter to find out what we are going to do he should have answered or called back and it would not have made it to this point.
    Haas ended up taking care of our problems.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Haassucks.com View Post
    We gave them every chance we could to make this right. They say there a big enough company that they will take us to court and drag it out till we are out of money to defend ourselves. I will take that challenge, I wonder what they make on the machines they sell and I wonder how many will not be sold because of me showing what they did. I definately would not have risk buying this one if I had read HaasSucks.com before I made the purchase. So I wonder how many people out there are like me and would not buy a machine from reading about someone else's bad experience? Most of our problem is with nymat and they are the ones we are going to file suit against. We may never get any of the money that there lies have cost us but they will know were here.

    Um, I know you're pissed. We've all been there before, but I don't see how you are helping your case with your posts and website. It sucks to have problem with a new machine, but I think you are more interested in revengage than in solving the problem, otherwise you won't be spamming the forum with your personal vendetta.

    Did you read what you wrote? I'm sorry to say this, but base what've I've read I kind of have to wonder if you contributed to the problems you are having.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnJW View Post
    Um, I know you're pissed. We've all been there before, but I don't see how you are helping your case with your posts and website. It sucks to have problem with a new machine, but I think you are more interested in revengage than in solving the problem, otherwise you won't be spamming the forum with your personal vendetta.

    Did you read what you wrote? I'm sorry to say this, but base what've I've read I kind of have to wonder if you contributed to the problems you are having.
    What did I do that contributed to my problems? When the first thing you machine is a circle and the machine makes it an oval from the spindle being messed up, how did I cause that problem? I build engines, someone starting an engine is the worst thing you can do to the engine since you are making an explosion inside the engine. You still need to be able to run it or there would be no reason to buy it. I did not buy this machine to let it sit here and look pretty. I did plan on running it, but we run it very easy and tried to take as good of care of it as we could. We needed it to work so we would be able to do jobs we had sold. There is not a single scratch on it or in it from us trying to take good care of it. I never ran big tools or high spindle loads (usually below 20%) to make sure we did not hurt the machine, we also bought all brand new tool holders so we would not put a holder in that had nicks or rust on them in the machine. So what did we do wrong with the machine?

    We have tried to solve the problem for 9 months now. This is not for revenge but for other people to have the ability to know what has happened so they will be able to make an informed decision if they want to deal with nymat or haas.

    the revenge will be the people walking around IMTS with the www.HaasSucks.com shirts on. And maybe I will feel better if they loose as much money as I have because of them lying.
    Haas ended up taking care of our problems.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Wow. You are like the king of run-on sentences, poor grammar, misused words, and bad spelling. This is copied and pasted from your post below:

    the support was fine on the machine for awhile but when things like there service guy is here and the machine is running fine for a couple days then he leaves and four hours later the spindle starts squealing and you call haas and talk to main guy there and he says its wierd that it was running fine while there guy was here but that the minuite he leaves it magically starts making a squealing noise.. I have the video to prove it and I wanted the machine to work so I could finish parts that needed to be done the next day but instead I had to take them and have another shop finish them and haas acts like I made it start squealing or just made it up and that it did not happen. and haas tells me that is normal for it to do that.

    Wow, I don't even write like that, and I dropped out of high school in 10th grade to pursue a career in recreational drug use. It's hard to even read that, let alone take the person who composed it seriously.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by double a-ron View Post
    Wow. You are like the king of run-on sentences, poor grammar, misused words, and bad spelling. This is copied and pasted from your post below:

    the support was fine on the machine for awhile but when things like there service guy is here and the machine is running fine for a couple days then he leaves and four hours later the spindle starts squealing and you call haas and talk to main guy there and he says its wierd that it was running fine while there guy was here but that the minuite he leaves it magically starts making a squealing noise.. I have the video to prove it and I wanted the machine to work so I could finish parts that needed to be done the next day but instead I had to take them and have another shop finish them and haas acts like I made it start squealing or just made it up and that it did not happen. and haas tells me that is normal for it to do that.

    Wow, I don't even write like that, and I dropped out of high school in 10th grade to pursue a career in recreational drug use. It's hard to even read that, let alone take the person who composed it seriously.
    Sorry, alot of this was wrote on the iphone while I was driving. I will go through and try to fix my grammar later today.
    Haas ended up taking care of our problems.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Haassucks.com View Post
    iphone while I was driving.
    That about sums it up! :drowning:
    Hurco KMB1 Build
    Wholesale Tool 3in1 conversion

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    ...was wrote on the iphone while I was driving.

    As someone who has a motorcycle as their sole source of transportation, it's statements like that that disturb me. It's also why I keep a pocket full of change to huck at drivers who cut me off because they've been distracted by their cell phone. I bet I "spend" a couple hundred dollars a year on distracted drivers. Just kidding, but seriously.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Haassucks.com View Post
    Sorry, alot of this was wrote on the iphone while I was driving. I will go through and try to fix my grammar later today.
    Warning for anyone in the Joplin area: Stay off the roads!

  17. #17
    I figured I would get alot of those, and I'm sure you dont talk on the phone while driving either. I did pull over to write since it was going to be more then a word or two, but that little screen is hard to see and type on. So sorry for misspelling and grammar.
    Haas ended up taking care of our problems.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by double a-ron View Post
    ...was wrote on the iphone while I was driving.

    As someone who has a motorcycle as their sole source of transportation, it's statements like that that disturb me. It's also why I keep a pocket full of change to huck at drivers who cut me off because they've been distracted by their cell phone. I bet I "spend" a couple hundred dollars a year on distracted drivers. Just kidding, but seriously.
    I just hope that while your riding your motorbike that you aren't also performing your "career in recreational drug use"! Unless of course it's one of those awesome air brushed fibre-glass models, popular in shopping centres, that maintain a circular path of travel?

    It's rumoured that everytime someone buys a TB6560 based board, an engineer cries!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    That was so long ago. I don't even know who that person is anymore. I bet I wouldn't even recognize him if he was in front of me in line at the grocery store. If I did, I tell him those tatoos he wants to get are going to cost more than he could possibly imagine to have removed. In pain and money.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    you know this guy does have a goood point.
    I do however find it hard to believe that your having so many problems iwth one machine.
    if was having these problems I would have put it on a truck and sent it directly to the haas factory with specifc instructions to set in on the front door.

    I just find it hard to belive one machine has a ton of different issues, hard to believe the main factory has done nothing let alone replace it.
    something just doesnt add up.

    one question when you say oval give use some real numbers is it like .0001 .001 .010 .1 out of round?

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