Hello guys.
I finished a MechMate table, used it for a while with excellent results and after few days I decided to install a new computer and a new Mach3 V2.48 . After that I have not been able to make my motors move and I think is a problem in my control box and need help, cause I don't have electronic experience. Before I change my computer, I remember that I close Mach program and the computer, but forgot to shut down the main electricity to the control box. When this happens the motors started vibrating and making a lot of noise just the time I need to react and shut the current. This happened a couple of times. I also remember that when I turned on Mach3 and then the control box I could listen the motors engaging. Now I know they engage because cant make them move but there is no sound. I even tried to do the same error that I made before (closing the computer and Mach) and now they will vibrate very slightly and I think that this is where the problem is around and I hope I dint ruin the break board. I am using 4 G230V, PMDX-122 card , PMDX-135-8020 preparation module an 4 PK296A1A-SG7.2 motor. Other point that can help is that I can control my router from the computer and if I run a G-code program it will start and close my router normally so I just want to know what type of values I have to start measuring to get my baby beast running again.
I hope you guys can help me see some light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks in advance and hope no to be in the (wrong)