Hello. I am working on my first project with stepper motors. It is about the design of a robotic arm.

I am using the two stepper motors with the links mentioned below.

Item # PK244-04AA, Stepping Motor on Oriental Motor U.S.A. Corp.

Akcesoria CNC - silniki krokowe, serwo, przek³adnie - czyli wszystko co ci potrzebne

My question is, would it be possible for any of these two motors to pick up a load of around 1 Kg?

I tried to drive these motors and pick the load using gears but the problems does not seem to work out. Is there any gearbox that I can use to pick up this 1Kg load with any of these motors?

I have to make this robotic arm work with these motors, please help, what can I do to make it work right?

If anyone wants, I can send a jpg image of the gears that I am using right now. Please try to reply as soon as possible.