I didn't know where else to post this so.. I'll post it here:
I have been developing an app for some time now and Finally have it on the market. Simple easy no BS shop wide license. Put it on ALL your Computers in your building.. or at home. I'm not asking much.. just be fair and DO THE RIGHT THING. I have worked very hard on this for close to a year. Id like to make some money off my work. If you like it.. buy it for your shop... Add it to your tool box of useful apps. Spread the word! I could use a new car.. mine stinks! kidding! (well.. that my car stinks.. its really just a rust bucket ; )

CodeChop... Didnt know what else to call it so.. there ya go

How it happened.... Be cause I needed it for work and nothing seem to fit so..
I created it. Now you can get your hands on it for cheap.
Comes with a RS232 Com tool. It looks up your ports. It not stuck on com1 to com4!
Path Stepping... Forward and backwards.
STL Import.. Binary and ASCII.
OpenGL Lighting.
SuperFast path selection.. The main reason I wrote it.
Zoom Window.. Undockable editor.. Great for multi-monitor setups.
Based on OpenGL Graphics... Buffered so it Zoooms... Pans.. Rotates... All in real time!
Click! .. you can get a demo version from there! Just join the forums.. Post what you think.

Thanks for reading
--Mike O