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IndustryArena Forum > CNC Electronics > Gecko Drives > G-REX > G100, Mach3 and Limit Switches wiring
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    G100, Mach3 and Limit Switches wiring

    I had purchased G100 Motion Control earlier and now I have purchased license of Mach3 CNC software. Shall I need license for G100 to use it with Mach3, I have downloaded “plug-in” from Mach3 web site but in the manual of Mach3 for setup with G100, there is mentioned to purchase licenses file to unlock the demo time limit.

    In Mach3 software, in “Ports and Pins”-->”Input Signals”, I have made configurations as described in the "manual of G100 for Mach3"

    X++ 17
    X- - 15
    X Home 17

    Y++ 17
    Y- - 15
    Y Home 17

    Z++ 17
    Z- - 15
    Z Home 17

    So if i have NC switches, shall I connect wire to “LIM” terminal then to NC switch and then to the GND available for each axis block on G100 terminals. I have also defined pin 15 in Mach3 software as X- -, so will I wire the pin 15 to the GND terminal labeled on G100 under “Digital Inputs”.
    I want to use five limit switches on my machine axes, for X axis and Y axis on both sides as . X++, X- -, Y++, Y- - and for Z axis only at Z+ side, I don’t want to use Z- -.

    Feed back will be highly appreciated as I am new to G100 and Mach3 setup.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by shah View Post
    X++ 17
    X- - 15
    X Home 17

    Y++ 17
    Y- - 15
    Y Home 17

    Z++ 17
    Z- - 15
    Z Home 17
    From what i can see on page 24 of the manual is this.
    X++ 17
    X- - 15
    X Home 17

    Y++ 15
    Y- - 18
    Y Home 18

    Z++ 19
    Z- - 15
    Z Home 19

    But its really up to you how you want to do it. Inputs 17,18,& 19 are designated as the limit input for axes X,Y and Z respectively. Whether you use it for the -- or ++ or both is up to you.
    If you don't want to use the Z-- then just disable it (click the tick in the Enable column to make it a cross)

    The inputs are kept high (5V) internally, so yes, connect the LIM or other inputs to GND via a NC switch. Make sure you have the inputs set to active low (green tick in active low column).

    Hope this makes sense

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008

    GRex and Mach3 Limit Switches

    Thansk Matty Zee.

    One thing more i want to ask, if i use these switches let say X++ and X--, so Mach3 will give message for every switch when it will be tripped e.g. messages like

    "X++ limit swithces has been tripped"
    "X-- limit switches has been tripped".

    One thing more that is when connecting drives to the G100 will i ground the power supply ground to G100 or not becasue i will use separate power supplies for drives and for G100.

    For pins to define for limit switches, there is also pin#15 which i have defined along with pin#17 and aslo for pins 18,19, so what is the role of pin15 to configure it with pin 17,18,19. As given on G100 there is also input pin15, is this relate to that inputs (Digital Inputs).

    What are your comments.

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