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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    A word about CNC Pro

    Hi All

    I have had my homebuilt finished for about 8 months now and have been experimenting with the different controll software. dont waste your time on any windows based controlls all are rough and jumpy except for master5 or the mach familly but they require a pretty healthy putter to run on. now onto the DOS systems they are all pretty good, I ve mostly used desknc and like it because of the graphics output turbocnc is also good as well as cnczeus with each of those my machine output and speeds where pretty much identical. I had not tried CNC Pro because of cost and figured the resulfts would be simular but recently decided I would install the demo and try it. Well the results are in and just by installing cncpro I went from a reliable 300 rpm usign any of the others. To a healthy 450 rpms and it is smoother than it has ever been including mach1. so that was about an 18 ipm minute gain just from installing cncpro I havent seen much input on this software here. I assume because of the additional cost over the others. but wanted to let you guys know that there claims of superior performance are based if facts. and the fact it will run like this on my p133 mhz offsets the extra cost I will be register my copy soon. Just my 2 cents

    Regards Ray
    Learn from the mistakes of others you can't afford to make them all yourself!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Just a query on your generalisation of Windows programs.
    Did you try Flashcut or DeskCNC.
    The reason I ask this is that both reply on a seperate signal generator and not windows timing.

    One thing that strike me about CNC Pro from reading the user group on Yahoo is that it doesn't seem to be supported anymore.
    Nothing is being added and calls for simple things like tool offsets are ignored.
    I don't have an axe to grind as I don't use any of the low end programs but I find that reading the user lists of people who are actually using the programs is a far better guide.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I have to disagree with you about cncpro. I have had it on my CNC drill mill for about 2 years now. It is fine for doing 2-1/2 D work, but not for 3D work. The constant contouring is a joke. Don't spend the extra for this. Myself and many others from the Yahoo cncpro group have all said the same thing.

    Mach 2 has out performed cncpro in every way that I have seen. Also the support from cncpro is the worst I have seen as well.

    Jeff Davis (HomeCNC)

    (Note: The opinions expressed in this post are my own and are not necessarily those of CNCzone and its management)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Hi John

    I didnt wanna name names in a negative light, but no I have not tried flashcut or deskcnc as they both have to require propriotary
    hardware to operate. all the ones I used where software ment to output through parallel port with any special hardware or pulse generator.


    Really was not trying to compare to mach 1 or 2 as I have not tried either because I dont have a PC in my shop capable of running win 2000 or XP. I have tested master 5 but my main reason for being so pleased with cncpro was the significate speed increase which when using master5 there was no noteable increase although if I could afford another faster PC
    and Mach2 software Im sure what you say is true

    Learn from the mistakes of others you can't afford to make them all yourself!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    hi all im ne wto the cnc world im going t o
    do build in wood for mymodel trains
    and noting knowing a dam thing about
    cnc well just alittle i seen turbocnc
    looks ok but something ez er would help me alot please e-mail off list if you
    can help

    tom cataldo

    [email protected]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    I too am a cncpro user (about 2-3 years now) and it has worked well for my applications. However, I am very disappointed in the lack of or should I say no support for the program. The price however went up to its current $199.00. What really ticked me off a long time ago was there is no manual for the program and if you want one, its another $25 or $30 bucks.

    I am going to try Mach 2 and so far it looks very intersting and it's $50 cheaper then cncpro. The manual is outstanding!!!!

    For DOS I would look into turbocnc or cnczeus.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Not to mention that the manual for Mach2/3 is also Free!

    Quote Originally Posted by tauscnc
    no manual for the program and if you want one, its another $25 or $30 bucks.

    I am going to try Mach 2 and so far it looks very intersting and it's $50 cheaper then cncpro. The manual is outstanding!!!!

    For DOS I would look into turbocnc or cnczeus.


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