I started my cnc project by buying the Hobbycnc board. I got the unassembled board and put it all together. Dave, from Hobbycnc was very helpful in getting it up and running. For the most part I have been very happy with it.

I had no experience in putting these boards together, and I learned a lot in doing it. I can now troubleshoot my board and usualy solve problems.

I think most of the problems I have had are due to my own inexperince and soldering techniques. Mostly loose connnections.

One reoccuring problem I have is that one of my UNC5804B IC chip burns out. Three times now. It is cheap to replace ($4.50), but I don’t know why it is happening. Dave, from Hobbycnc told me a loose heatsink on the IC can short the pins. That may have been the cause, but this last time I had it on tight.

Just wondering how if anyone else has put this board together and how it is doing.
