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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Okuma > Older Okuma's, controllers, and backup
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Older Okuma's, controllers, and backup


    I've been asked to manage the maintenance of two older Okuma's (LT200 and LB3000 EX). Both have controllers running Windows XP.

    Question one: how would I go about backing up the programs and CNC parameters? Is there a canned procedure that would use to do so? Or would I back it up as I would any other computer? ie. Windows backups or drag and drop to a network drive / USB drive?

    Question two: the controller hardware is very long in the tooth and the operators have mentioned issues they assume are impending memory or other hardware problems. Are there off-the-shelf controller replacements that can be purchased or can the hardware be upgraded? I realize that the OS is running some proprietary software between it and the CNC itself through serial or other I/O.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2024

    Re: Older Okuma's, controllers, and backup

    Regarding Backup,

    When you restart machine, and when windows XP logo appears you can hold SHIFT key down, then OSP software will not start up, and you have normal Windows Desktop, here you find maintenance tool for backup.

    Here you choose System backup, and redirect to your USB drive.

    After this, you make a USER backup, and also redirect to usb drive..

    Incase of newer software, and shift is not working, you can tap screen when coutdown of OSP OKUAM starting, then tap "ESC key" on numerical keyboard ( 3 linies), and hit cancel on screen..

    Regarding slow controller, you are not able to update either Hardware or software..

    In case you need new Panel computer, you can ask local dealer to offer upgrade.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Older Okuma's, controllers, and backup

    Thank you Martin. I appreciate the help.

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