I have been having some issues with our 8055i fagor controller. I am using Bob-Cam softwareV3 for solidworks2013.

any time I try and run my 3D toolpath for my part it herks and jerks the whole way through no matter how high i have my feed set. I spoke to someone at fagor and they mentioned enabling G51 he said he would e-mail me some info on how to do that but he must of forgot :/

My other issue is going to a second tool in my program. on the controller i'll set up my T1 D1, the T2 D2 X and Y and the same the only difference is Z I'll go through by hand and make sure it all lines up but when I run in auto T2 seems to take the Z value from T1 still. for some history I found That I have to set my work offset the same as my origin other wise I get an over travel error. last night I found if i give T2 is own work offset even though the numbers are exactly the same on the screen for some reason, it seemed to work. but there must be a better way.

and lastly if any one out there has some sample working G code for a fagor 8055i with and manual tool change they'd be willing to send me, the folks at Bob-cad won't help me with there post program unless i can give them some :[.

Thank you for any and all of your help i'm still pretty green when it come to this stuff but i'm getting there