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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Question about Path Pilot

    G'day all,

    I'm about to load Path Pilot and I had a couple of questions.

    When you're running Mach 3, you can minimise the screen and you're (obviously) then back at the desk top.

    Can you do the same when you're running Path Pilot?

    The reason I ask is, I'd like to be able to use some sort of file manager to organise stuff.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    I think they did their best to remove easy access to the filesystem but you can try alt-f2, it might bring up a run program dialog, if it appears, try gnome-terminal or nautilus (not sure if it's on there or not)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    I think that would be a question you need to ask tormach about I would say they will have it set so the program runs from start up not going to home screen first, so I would say leave it unless you know your way around linux

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    You can't minimize. There's a small section of the filesystem available in the File window, but it's all icons, no detailed listings for management there.

    On the early beta, that same area was exposed as a Samba network share which made it nice to send code over and manage from another PC. I haven't seen if that made it into the release or not.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    Quote Originally Posted by RA-Bowtie View Post
    G'day all,

    I'm about to load Path Pilot and I had a couple of questions.

    When you're running Mach 3, you can minimise the screen and you're (obviously) then back at the desk top.

    Can you do the same when you're running Path Pilot?

    The reason I ask is, I'd like to be able to use some sort of file manager to organise stuff.

    On the file screen, in the left window there is a folder named "CNC files", double click the icon and it will show an empty folder, in the USB window highlight the file or files you want and click copy from USB.

    This will put the files you selected in the CNC folder for current and future use.

    I was clicking buttons and found this by accident........
    mike sr

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    G'day Mike,

    That all makes sense and I appreciate the info, but you wouldn't think that a basic file manager is/was that hard to have.

    What about simple things, like creating folders and being able to do some basic house keeping.

    Is there actually a desktop or a way out of Path Pilot, so that you could go to another program?


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    There is not a desktop, nor an easy way out of the program (in the early betas there was a way to get a Linux shell, but if you aren't used to that it's not much help). I think you can right-click on files to do simple management. They can be dragged into folders and so on.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    I know this question is of the topic of this thread . Does anybody know how to set the software limits in Path Pilot ?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    Quote Originally Posted by hall6ppc View Post
    I know this question is of the topic of this thread . Does anybody know how to set the software limits in Path Pilot ?

    I dont know how to change the original settings if you want to midify those.

    To set the soft limits, move the axes so that they arent on the hard limit switches, then reference the axes, they are set automatically.
    mike sr

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    Quote Originally Posted by popspipes View Post
    I dont know how to change the original settings if you want to midify those.

    To set the soft limits, move the axes so that they arent on the hard limit switches, then reference the axes, they are set automatically.
    Thanks could not find any info on this in the draft manual . Maybe I missed it though .

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    From the reading I have done, and looking at forum comments, it seems Tormach may have not installed any desktop gui. I believe that is a big mistake. 98% of mach users certainly were smart enough to understand when to be where when it came to machining stuff. I dont see any reason why they would have hidden it or not included it. It should not have had any impact on how the program works. It would have plenty easy for them to just not allow you to leave PP if it was cutting something, which 90% of the users would not have minded at all.

    These machines are not sold as replacements for a circle of Haas machines, these are sold as "personal" machines. A circle of Haas may not need any background operating system desktop, but "personal" usually does.

    Without any underlying gui, and especially in Linux, you would be missing out on a LOT of things I DEMAND on my control. I must have access to full file management. I demand full network access to any and all other computers or NAS storage devices, And, I must have the ability to install any 3rd party program I want to have. I use numerous OTHER programs on my various machines... I tend to like various code editors, feed/speed calculators etc. that I am already used to. Granted, my favorite programs are mostly windows programs, but I'm sure there are plenty of linux options or there will be now with an OE using LinuxCNC'

    For them to not have access to a gui is just a bad, bad move.

    Not to fret though.... LinuxCNC in general, when used in its traditional manner with Ubuntu underneath, is highly configurable. The desktop is certainly easy enough to get around for anyone with any windows experience. It's kind of a no brainer and often a desirable platform for many. SOMEONE who knows what to look for will very quickly install a gui on their machine and eventually will leak out the details to others. And others will want to have it, and finally, Tormach will see the error of their ways with this.

    Just a matter of time.
    Chris L

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    Quote Originally Posted by datac View Post
    From the reading I have done, and looking at forum comments, it seems Tormach may have not installed any desktop gui. I believe that is a big mistake. 98% of mach users certainly were smart enough to understand when to be where when it came to machining stuff. I dont see any reason why they would have hidden it or not included it. It should not have had any impact on how the program works. It would have plenty easy for them to just not allow you to leave PP if it was cutting something, which 90% of the users would not have minded at all.

    These machines are not sold as replacements for a circle of Haas machines, these are sold as "personal" machines. A circle of Haas may not need any background operating system desktop, but "personal" usually does.

    Without any underlying gui, and especially in Linux, you would be missing out on a LOT of things I DEMAND on my control. I must have access to full file management. I demand full network access to any and all other computers or NAS storage devices, And, I must have the ability to install any 3rd party program I want to have. I use numerous OTHER programs on my various machines... I tend to like various code editors, feed/speed calculators etc. that I am already used to. Granted, my favorite programs are mostly windows programs, but I'm sure there are plenty of linux options or there will be now with an OE using LinuxCNC'

    For them to not have access to a gui is just a bad, bad move.

    Not to fret though.... LinuxCNC in general, when used in its traditional manner with Ubuntu underneath, is highly configurable. The desktop is certainly easy enough to get around for anyone with any windows experience. It's kind of a no brainer and often a desirable platform for many. SOMEONE who knows what to look for will very quickly install a gui on their machine and eventually will leak out the details to others. And others will want to have it, and finally, Tormach will see the error of their ways with this.

    Just a matter of time.
    Wow, so much hate =) Gnome is in fact installed and configured. I posted it in another thread, but I'll put it here too: shift+alt on boot will drop you to Gnome instead of the PathPilot application (I found this by reading through their launcher script, which is actually pretty well written for Tormach not being a software company).

    Samba is installed and even configured already, although it is set for a password login with a forceuser to operator (auto-login account). Again use common sense if you are going to mess with this.

    DISCLAIMER: If you aren't a Linux "expert" (or even if you are), please be careful and have your restore CD handy, I'm 100% sure any changes you make to the underlying Ubuntu 10.4 OS will invalidate any support you could have received from Tormach. Just because you can launch Firefox with the Firefox icon and copy/paste from Google doesn't necessarily make it a good idea to try to mess around in /etc. Also, unless you know exactly what you are doing, please stay off the root account. I think this is enough disclaimer that I won't feel bad if anyone trashes their machine =)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    Quote Originally Posted by wtopace View Post
    unless you know exactly what you are doing, please stay off the root account.
    Good advice!

    Hey thanks for posting your comments on install and setup in the other thread!
    I found the information very insightful and it answers all questions I had at this point.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    Quote Originally Posted by mountaindew View Post
    Good advice!

    Hey thanks for posting your comments on install and setup in the other thread!
    I found the information very insightful and it answers all questions I had at this point.
    Great! I'm glad it helped. I have been mooching off you guys since I got my Tormach back in December (especially your Sprutcam posts about the little idiosyncrasies), so I think it's finally time I contribute back where I can.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    These are sold as machine controllers only, not general-purpose PCs. That is Tormach's mentality-- if they are treated as black boxes, then support and upgrades and bug fixes are easy-- They send a CD that wipes everything and installs a whole new OS if they want and users wouldn't notice as long as the G-code and offset tables are preserved. IMO Tormach wants to be more like HAAS and this is how they get there (BTW HAAS controls run on Windows Embedded)

    With some work it's possible to install software on the PathPilot (I had to do that for my touch screen), but at that point it's on you if it fails to work properly or gets wiped at the next update, so I doubt there will be a 'pop into the GUI for a minute' button.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    Quote Originally Posted by wtopace View Post
    Wow, so much hate =) Gnome is in fact installed and configured.
    Well that's GREAT then !

    No "hate" here.... you must have read me wrong. In that Tormach DOES have access to a desktop, they are once again "Smart" in my book. No "Hate" for Linux here either. Numerous Linux servers at work and a few Linux PC's including MythTV at home.

    It will be real interesting though watching the hows and whys of the proprietary aspects of PP, the constant changes of LinuxCNC, and the modifications that are to follow by those who will obviously fiddle and diddle the "control" into what they want.
    Chris L

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    tormach are just making sure people who don't know there way around Linux cant stuff up there machine.

    people who do will know there way in and out it wont be a problem for them they will be the ones to make it better faster than tormach can on there own

    so if you don't know your way around Linux leave it alone

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    >>>>so if you don't know your way around Linux leave it alone

    But I want all you newbies to understand that Linux is NOT that scary, especially in this case. Look, all you need to do is store your machine configuration on a usb drive or elsewhere in your network so you have that if you do mess things up.

    The fact is, that unlike MS windows that takes hours and hours to install these days, your typical Linux install is practically effortless and take but minutes to completely install. I don't know exactly what Tormach is sending you as "Path Pilot" install, but for example, if you would screw up a control running LinuxCNC which always has Ubuntu underneath, we are talking perhaps 20 minutes and you have EVERYTHING you need installed fresh, your connected to the internet (if you have a lan plugged in), including a full office program, an internet browser and a lot of other programs.

    All you need to do is load your machine configs and your back to brand new. Tormach using LCnc is an awesome move and it will be interesting to see those dividing lines defined as to what is open source and what is not.

    Regards "Root" account. There is nothing scary there... blah, blah, blah.... certainly not in this application. I'd purposely run in root on a CNC machine to avoid all the constant password requests you get when your running in an account. Of course as released, I'm not sure what limits that they have put on a Path Pilot user currently. It's just an elevated level of security not much unlike windows running in user or administrator. I run ALL my PC's as an administrator. If you were serving a web page or had it connected to the internet with public access, sure, then run it as a user and not root. Easy peasy.

    No matter what, Tormach has given you guys something to really get your teeth into compared to where you were with Mach. Once Linux newbies get a little time under their belt, they might just be looking for more and more linux based software options regards Cad and Cam.

    Tormach could do very well to create or buy into Cad and Cam for Linux in the near future. LOTS of people in this market would love to move completely to Linux after they find their windows world has collapsed regards older software that fails to run on any of Microsofts newer releases no matter what you try with "compatibility mode".
    Chris L

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Question about Path Pilot

    if you can show how to do it in a way anyone can do it fine yes linuxCNC is easier than it was.

    it may pay to check with tormach about doing changes to pathpilot they may void any guaranty if you mess with it.

    it would not be hard for them to find out if you have.

    there are more things that can be added to pathpilot right now if someone wonted to

    being disabled is not a hindrance it gives you attitude

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: Question about Path Pilot


    You are absolutely right about how fast it is to install. I ordered a new machine controller from Tormach when PP was announced. The imaging from DVD took about 5 minutes. So as long as you keep the important data on a stick, you can repair a bunged installation in the time it takes to go get a fresh cup of programmer's lubricant.


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