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IndustryArena Forum > OpenSource CNC Design Center > Open Source Controller Boards > PIC/297/298 WEIRD MOVEMENT, It will jus take a minuit. THANKX.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    PIC/297/298 WEIRD MOVEMENT, It will jus take a minuit. THANKX.


    I'm having this problem maybe someone can give me some useful ideas.

    I have a PIC controlling two L297 - L298 (each L298 is connected to a stepper of course).

    This is how it basicaly works:

    1) a rabbit sends to the PIC, via serial port, the direction in which the steppers must move
    2) the PIC updates the ENABLE and CW/CCW of the 297
    3) the PIC then generates the CLK for the steppers to move

    The problem is that if I program the PIC to generate 20 CLK pulses for each time it recieves a new direction it works fine, BUT IF I PROGRAM IT TO GENERATE 1 OR EVEN 10 IT JUST MOVES ERRATICALLY.

    Am I being clear about the problem I'm having?
    Any ideas? Could it be mechanic or it looks more like a software issue?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Wiring or earthing problems introducing noise on input signals?

    Long wires, daisy chained power wires, shielded leads - only terminate one end of shield.

    Power supply ripple introduced to logic side of power through poor common wiring.

    Post some pictures of all of the wiring and setup.
    Super X3. 3600rpm. Sheridan 6"x24" Lathe + more. Three ways to fix things: The right way, the other way, and maybe your way, which is possibly a faster wrong way.

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