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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Passive probe and offset work.

    So I am using the passive probe to find the corner of my stock and it seemed to be working very well.

    Once I find the corner I zero the machine and begin my program. The program is machining text (digits) into an aluminum plate. Right in the center of the stock. Once the part is produced we noticed an unusual problem, the digits are shifted up and to the left about 1.3mm.

    I checked my CAM and my origin is where it should be, I tried finding the x and y edges with the probe, zeroed, put a jober drillbit in the machine and brought it down right above the workpiece to verify that the probe had indeed put my 0,0 right at the corner, and it had.

    I checked that the diameter of the probe in the tool list was correct, it was set to 0.155" which seems to be the default setting tormach included, and seems like that is within the 1.3mm error, so I do't think it's that, also the fact that it seems to be correctly finding the edges makes me think that that's not the issue.

    I have not gone trough the probe calibration (I know I should have, but after the probe worked the first time, I was afraid to deviate from a working system so I didn't do it), but the probe doesn't seem to be putting the 0,0 point the 1.3mm of error off the corner when zeroing off the edges with the probe.

    I'm not sure where the issue is but it has halted my work, so I'm anxious to figure out where the issue lies. The fact that the probe is finding the corner accurately made us think that it might be the gcode but we've gone over it and it all seemed sane, and the origin is placed correctly in the CAM, and the simulation seems correct. We are using HSMxpress to generate our code.

    Any help would be very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Have you read the thread "Tormach passive probe setup" lower down in this forum?

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