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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Anyone have a OMAX waterjet table?

    Anyone out there own one of these or work on one? I am interested to hear from someone that can give me the scoop on these systems. Ease of use, reliability and so on.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    We have one on its way, it'll be here in November. will let you know then if you can wait. I think its like 12' by 8'

    If you try to make everything idiot proof, someone will just breed a better idiot!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Thanks Joe, that would be awesome! I have been looking hard at them and have seen some short video on the software. Looks pretty nice. Have not tried to arrange a demo yet. Been to busy.

    Look forward to hearing from you after you are up and running!

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    omax 55x110

    I have been running an omax for the past five years. If you have any questions please contact me.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    we have a 55x100 and we are to be getting the larg baby this week 12 by 5
    worked with Omax for about 9 years now.

    have any questions shoot them off and I will get you an answer


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    We have a 55x100 omax for about 3 months, somewhat of a learning curve, nothing terrible, found the local sales rep and the omax service to be satisfactory.
    We puchased the unit with the terrain follower which is a very new option to the machine, we have the first one installed on a tiltajet head which is not operating correctly yet. This will tell how good the company will be--I am sure there will be many changes to this unit.

    If you can run a CNC machining center, there would be no problem operating a waterjet. Basically it is running a machining center with 1 tool that never wears out (except for normal maintainence)


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    you just pulling dxf file sinto the omax software or have you used the omax software to draw your parts? the little bit I have seen of it, it looks easy to use.

    I assume that the terrain follower lifts the head to follow the material? Like if the steel you have on the table is warped the head would follow the warp without hitting the material?

    Thanks for the reply!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    we do both--download dxf,dwg files and also using the omax software. The omax software is very good. There hasn't been any parts that needed programing I couldn't use the omax sofware. Correct, the terrain follower keeps the nozzle at a constant standoff, used for material that is not flat.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Well we have our 12' x 5' OMAX installed, and we just finished training. A few things that kind of irk me. First is the absence of a pendant, try setting the z clearance on a nozzle by yourself when you cant reach the keyboard and tip at the same time! Their is a automatic standoff feature, which seems kind of cheezy. It basically has a small (nema 23 I think) stepper motor that crams the nozzle into the workpiece. When it hits the workpiece the stepper stalls (hate that sound), it then raises up a preset distance and zero's the counter. Their are issues with this method clogging the nozzle, so we won't be using this.
    Accuracy seems to be pretty good so far though, we'll see how it goes once we start running it more.

    If you try to make everything idiot proof, someone will just breed a better idiot!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    I have to admit that is one thing that would be nice to have on the machine is active controls on a pendent all my mills and lathes have it and it does drive me nuts (fat man) walking from one end to the other. we have tried remote keyboards but the did not like to go swimming so no good there.

    The stalling the stepper motor out is defently a strange system but hats off it works good so far.

    did you guys get the SRS system????


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Solids Recovery System? If that's correct then yes we did. What can we expect from it?

    We had issues with that auto stand off on the first day. It probably works ok on thicker materials, but on thin stuff it will deflect the material, then the clearance becomes less.
    the install guys said they have seen pendants that other customers rigged up somehow, I may look into this. Might be possible to make something like some of the Mach guys made.
    If you try to make everything idiot proof, someone will just breed a better idiot!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    When there are jobs away from the computer, to set the standoff we use a wireless keyboard.
    Hope this helps.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    the solids recovery/removal system is working but very slowly it need a filter system as the water runs through so fast that gravity does not get the complete job done. I have thought that one day I would try a shredded PVC type filter like fish pounds just have not got a round to it yet.

    Use a thicker peice of metal to set the tool hieght that has a known thickness.

    Please keep me posted if you come up with a pendent setup.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Anyone had much success etching thin (~.063) aluminum? I've tried low pressure, and adjusting some of the timers, but I can't keep it from blowing through at the corners and endpoints.
    Haven't tried water only yet though. I don't want a deep etch, just enough to be legible.
    If you try to make everything idiot proof, someone will just breed a better idiot!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Verfur View Post
    the solids recovery/removal system is working but very slowly it need a filter system as the water runs through so fast that gravity does not get the complete job done. I have thought that one day I would try a shredded PVC type filter like fish pounds just have not got a round to it yet.

    Use a thicker peice of metal to set the tool hieght that has a known thickness.

    Please keep me posted if you come up with a pendent setup.

    We have the SRS system and we made the mistake of keeping it off for 2-3 weeks--what a mistake!!! It took 3 men all day to manually clean out the tank to free up the screens on SRS. This will never happen again

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    is your wireless keyboard waterproof?
    Just wondering if anyone makes one. I haven't found a wireless waterproof keyboard yet.
    If you try to make everything idiot proof, someone will just breed a better idiot!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jderou View Post
    is your wireless keyboard waterproof?
    Just wondering if anyone makes one. I haven't found a wireless waterproof keyboard yet.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Hi Greg,
    Do you still run a Omax Waterjet?
    Im currently a Mitsubishi Waterjet owner/operator, but very unhappy with my machine!
    What can you tell me about the Omax with tilting head?
    Im looking at the 10x13' machine


  19. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Very happy with Omax and the tilt a jet, makes a big difference on thicker materials. Also have the terrain follower option. Customer service for the machine is excellent, they have technicians on the phone who know what they are talking about and know how to explain procedures. Hope this helps


  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    We have a 55100 with Tilt and it does make a big difference on thicker material. You can even notice taper on 1/8" material if you turn tilting off. We've cut 4" thick aluminum with less than 0.005 difference in size top to bottom. Excellent customer service.

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