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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Sharp CNC > Sharp SV2412 "battery low fanuc side (replace battery with power on)" - HELP!
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Sharp SV2412 "battery low fanuc side (replace battery with power on)" - HELP!

    I have had my machine in storage for almost a year and when i powered it up today i got the following msg "battery low fanuc side (replace battery with power on)". I get a flashing *BAT* msg as well.

    Can someone please confirm that this is the battery on the control unit (front panel) that needs to be replaced? (A02B-0200-K102)

    The manual refers to this battery as a backup battery for the CMOS. If this is the case, where is the main battery and does it ever need to be replaced?

    I could also really use some clarification on the proper procedure for installing a new battery. The Fanuc maintenance manual seems to contradict itself. It says to replace the battery with the control on (which is what i have always read), but in the detailed procedure it tells you to turn on the power for about 30 seconds and then to turn it off before replacing the battery! Does this mean fire up the controller (power on the front panel) for 30 seconds and then turn off the front panel but leave power on to the drives?

    The manual says that once i get this warning i should have approx 2-3 weeks of battery life left but since i haven't had this machine turned on for so long i'm wondering if its best to leave it running until i can get another battery this week.

    Hate to keep asking questions but it would be great to know the best way to back up your entire machine. I mean not only parameters, but everything you would need to start from scratch (ladder, screw pitch compensation, programs, macros, etc). I believe i have everything backed up but i'm not 100% sure.

    Really appreciate the help...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    That would be the battery for all CNC memory. LEAVE THE MACHINE ON! Don't turn it off to replace the battery. Fanuc procedure only works if the battery is still good, all the traffic lights are green, you win the Lotto, and your mail order bride is a 10.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Thanks for the reply underthetire. I left the machine on last night for fear of not being able to restart it and today I got a newish battery (CR17450SE-R) and made the replacement on the control unit (front panel) with the machine on. Measured the voltage of the newish battery (it has been sitting around for an indeterminate amount of time) and it measured 3.24V vs the old one what measured 3.05V. I was surprised that the supposedly dead battery still measured above 3V but i imagine the replacement should hold me over until i can get a brand new battery delivered.

    Best procedure i could find for backing up was from the following link:

    This backs up SRAM however im not sure exactly what this includes or doesn't include.

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